In my off time due to injury, I’ve been on a kick lately of spending hours on Thunder’s, discovering little buried gems here and there that really stand out in my mind as superb. I’m a firm believer in thread revival if it is appropriate (looks like no one’s touched this one since 2010). Just three pages of this have really proven a phenomenal read, granting me insight as well as access to several members who I’d never read posts from before (from an older Thunder’s generation). From there I can view this person’s profile, find all the thread and posts they’ve ever written, and follow their history through the time on these forums - going so deep as to find moments that gave them inspiration, or beliefs that were completely changed over the course of their posting here, such as PEforreal’s view on pumping practice and permanence in 2002 as compared to now in 2013). Thus from one old thread my search for knowledge can web out into a series of clicks that bring me to somewhere even more inspiring or helpful. It’s one of the most helpful ways I’ve found to explore Thunder’s. And I hope that by bumping this thread, someone else can be granted the insight that it granted me as I was looking into LongVehicle’s history since he is the creator of the awesome “Are Pumping Gains Permanent? — Wrong Question!” thread. On a sidenote, the great part about Thunder’s place is, I’ve been here almost a year and still each day I’m finding more and better ways to utilize this forum. Among the many PE and non PE forums I’ve ever been a part of, this forum easily stands out as the most well organized and searchable of them all.
Enough of that though…if I could go back to day one:
-I would cancel my workout session and not let myself begin PE until at least 3 months more of dedicated reading and searching around Thunder’s (this means literally hours per day of reading. Not hard for me, this place is great).
-I would know that LESS IS MORE (for me)
- I would either A). jelq with WAY less reps than newbie routine (starting at 20 max) and try jelqing at 50 % or LESS erection level (that’s right…I said ‘or less’ lol), or B). ditch the jelq completely (jelqing as I applied it seems to be just not for me - causes pain that lasts a LONG time).
- Would use warm water submersion or infra red lamp as warmup rather than a stinky old rice sock (DEF not as effective as the first two methods listed).