Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Microtears Result in Plastic Deformation


Originally Posted by E man
Any vet want to cut a part of his dick and send it to a lab? :p

Realistically, for an accurate judgement pre-PE and post-PE samples would be required. A comparison would need to be made between the two, how much change has occured between the two periods.

I wouldn’t be too keen on having a penis biopsy done and I’m sure something like that would produce scar tissue.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Bump. Very interesting read

Goal 7 NBP X 5.5 MEG - the perfect penis size in my opinion.

Originally Posted by Kojack10
This thread has turned out to be more of a PE theory thread than I expected. I guess that I always draw things out and get into detail.

Generally, I would attempt to avoid posting back to back, but since I’m providing more information, I’m going to post again.

Here’s more information from a different website.

This is the best article/link that I’ve found yet. I’ve saved the information to notepad on my computer, and will likely copy it to a disk.

To take the information one step further, I’ll tell you that we have to enter the plastic range in order to create permanent elongation. In order to enter the plastic range connective tissues must be stretched to about a strain of 3%. In other test, the yield point has been established to be at 5.14% which I covered on another thread. Here’s the information about that 3% strain.

Also, it is important to distinguish stretching in the plastic range from stretching in the elastic range. The amount of force will determine which range you are in, or the amount of weight. I need to mention this information on the pound per minute theory thread. Now, we know that a minimum threshold of weight/force is required to create plastic deformation. Nonetheless, using an ads or golf weights can be supported by this information. If ADS’ing works in the elastic range all the time, it may make it easier for us to reach that 3% strain. In other words, for a rough example, we may be able to gain from less weight than would have been required without the extra use of an ads. Pre-exhaustion is a good term for working in the elastic range. This is just a theory of how ADS’ing works, but here’s the info.

While all of this information supports PE theory behind intense moderately intense work, it does not seem to represent what occurs when using a stretcher for long periods. What about the few guys that gained from only ADS’ing? Yet, after thinking about it for a while, and putting together some other information from other articles, I can see how this still applies.

From another article I learned that a strain in the elastic range takes 10 times the amount of “loading time” for it to revert back to normal. So, if you wore a stretcher for 10 hours, the very slight strain or small increase in you FSBPL would take 100 hours to disapear. If you again used the stretcher before the 100 hours was up, possibly about 16 hours after removing it on the previous day, you may be able to pile the very small amount of strain from one day on top of the next day. Eventually the additional stretch in the connective tissue will pass the 3% mark, and would likely be best to continue till passing the 5% threshold over days/months.

The link to this wonderful article is:

Here is a graph corresponding with the information. I did not create this graph.

Basics of low intensity high time PE to achieve plastic deformation.


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