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MiniPoll: Manual Stretches

MiniPoll: Manual Stretches

When you manual stretch, do you grab the head or behind it ?


Dear Penister !

Igrab behind the head , I think it would hurt to grab the head itself !

All the best wantmore

the head...

… either with

a) the heel of my palm against the topside of it and my first two fingers underneath it to where my fingertips are barely touching the the front ends of my c.cavernosa


b) a palm up ok grip.

i can’t grok how one can grip behind the head and get any kind of stretch.


I don’t see how anyone can get a good stretch or any stretch at all for that matter by gripping the head. I use a palm DOWN approach and grip using an O.K. symbol just behind the head. The inside of the O.K. circle meets up flush with the ridge of the head. You can get one heck of a grip that way and one heck of a pull too. I also make sure I pull any loose skin up away from the head to make sure that I’m not pulling just skin.

BeBop how’s the GF situation going?

Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5

Wow, this thread is so on topic :)

Anyone else who stretch want to comment on this (head or behind head)?


Behind head, applying as much pressure to the sides of the shaft, attempting to minimize pressure on top of the shaft near corona.

PS I fixed this thread Penister. We do seem to get off topic rather easily some times.

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