Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My dick is getting bigger


Sparkyx. No edema, it’s solid.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I think if you get the workout “right” it fatigues the smooth muscle so that it relaxes even more, which results in the “super hard” wood. I think this is a great indicator of nailing it.

Also indicators of what I call SRR (Super Relaxation Response) of the smooth muscle, which I believe is a critical indicator of “nailing it”.

I think the SRR is a key to indicate your workouts are right in the “zone”. When the smooth muscle “super relaxes” you get super hardness, heavy and full flaccids. The curiosity is that what might cause SRR in one guy, might cause turtling in another. The trick is to find the workout that gives you that SRR.

I think if you could keep that SRR daily, you would either be growing or damn close to growing. It might then just be a matter of slight adjustments of frequency and rest.

As long as they keep it in the feel good zone then I think this method works. If you are hurting yourself then the penis won’t grow. I have been doing longer PE workouts as of late and for 4 days per week. I never leave that feel good zone. I now have a litttle over 6” girth. Erect kegel jelqs are similar in principle to Ulis. Erect kegel jelqs are to advanced for newbs and they should not do them. As with Ulis even advanced PE’rs should exercise extreme caution. Then fatiguing the smooth muscle should result in harder erections.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by Mr. T
Sparkyx. No edema, it’s solid.

I’ve been working on some concepts a guidelines, that’s why I was curious. It seems some of the critical elements are;

1) EXPANSION. You must have expansion beyond your normal max erect size.

2) MINIMIZE CONTRACTION. Those who have gains, seem to get very little contraction or turtling.

3) GOOD TO GREAT EQ. I have yet to hear of someone making gains with a dick that is beat to shit and hardly working. Guys almost ALWAYS report very good EQ.

These seem to be fairly universal for most methods. The problem comes in when in order to get #1 you violate #2. I guess if getting expansion creates turtling the answer might be lower forces for longer periods of time.

I tend to agree with you guys that daily is ideal, but the problem comes in when frequency begins to violate #3. If you can maintain 1-3 while doing daily workouts, you will probably get good gains.

I have been experimenting with water pumping as a PE method. I have found that 60 minutes produces the greatest expansion I have ever got. I have yet been able to hook up my vacuum gauge successfully, so I guess with the vacuum level. This is what I have noticed so far, at high vacuum I get spots and TONS of edema. At medium to low, very little edema and no spots. HOWEVER, I get serious contraction that lasts over a day with high, not as bad with medium.

SO…If I was to apply my 3 Rules, then I am seeing if I can still get expansion (which I do) at 30 minutes, but minimal contraction ( we will see). I believe the contraction indicates you have over stressed the smooth muscle,and contraction is holding the tissue in a contracted state while it heals or recovers and that negates the benefits of the stretching.

I find when I can get Rule 1 and 2, then Rule 3, great EQ follows, I just have to figure out how many days on and off it takes to KEEP high EQ. Ideally, I have always thought the more frequent the better, but frequent without hitting rule #1 seems to be a waste of time, but I personally have found frequent with #1, always and dramatically leads to violation of #2 and #3.

I think you guys find that the more frequently you can apply Rules 1-3, the better your gains. I also think if you examine your own experiments if you violate any of those 3 rules you don’t gain.

Actually now it brings to mind a forth Rule;

4) REAPPLY RULES 1-2 WITHOUT VIOLATING #3. This should be done as frequently as possible without violating 1-3, in order to maintain gains and increase them. I think the key to #4 is if you wait too long, you lose the gains you made with using 1-3. If you wait so long that you begin to lose your gains, then that is a violation of #4.

Actually that’s a pretty good set of guidelines, let me know if you have found it true OR if you found it doesn’t apply. Actually any of you guys that are gaining I’d love to hear your opinion, and if you aren’t gaining, do you find you are violating one of the Rules.

I will stop now, I don’t want to hi-jack the thread, but I thought this actually summarizes what you guys have been doing. As always, I am looking for UNIVERSAL guidelines that will help everyone regardless whether that need a lot or a little of force/time for gains.

Kingpole. You talk about a ”feel good zone.” How do you define that zone after a good workout. For me the condition of my dick after a good workout is a feeling of fatique, slight soreness or slight discomfort and sometimes minor pings of discomfort in my dick. I have concluded that this mild to moderate discomfort is a good thing if accompanied by all the factor Sparkyx sets out in this thread: Better EQ, better flaccid hang (SRR), etc.

So when you talk of feel good zone, what does that mean to you? Your terminology makes me think that what I am experiencing after a good work out is not what you are experiencing. Say on on this feel good zone business.

Originally Posted by sparky
I’ve been working on some concepts a guidelines, that’s why I was curious. It seems some of the critical elements are;

1) EXPANSION. You must have expansion beyond your normal max erect size.

2) MINIMIZE CONTRACTION. Those who have gains, seem to get very little contraction or turtling.

3) GOOD TO GREAT ESQ. I have yet to hear of someone making gains with a dick that is beat to shit and hardly working. Guys almost ALWAYS report very good ESQ.

These seem to be fairly universal for most methods. The problem comes in when in order to get #1 you violate #2. I guess if getting expansion creates turtling the answer might be lower forces for longer periods of time.

I tend to agree with you guys that daily is ideal, but the problem comes in when frequency begins to violate #3. If you can maintain 1-3 while doing daily workouts, you will probably get good gains.

I think a possible solution to not violate these guidelines is a well conditioned unit. Being that I can handle greater force now, I may be healing quicker, which is probably why my EQ is strong. I have been doing something everyday, but I go lighter some days as well. Bottom line is, I am gaining a little every other day it seems and life is good.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by Mr. T
I think a possible solution to not violate these guidelines is a well conditioned unit. Being that I can handle greater force now, I may be healing quicker, which is probably why my EQ is strong. I have been doing something everyday, but I go lighter some days as well. Bottom line is, I am gaining a little every other day it seems and life is good.

I think there are lots of ways not to violate them, but I think the key is “not to violate them”.

I’m still waiting to hear if someone has consistently violated them AND gained. I don’t think you can, so if thats true then hopefully by FOLLOWING them, it can help you shape a successful workout. If thats correct then it should be a fairly universal guideline to help create a productive workout.

Take me for example, I get great expansion with water pumping at about 5-6 in hg for 60 minutes, but a lot of contraction and edema for almost 24 hours…no gains.

So, I cut down the vacuum to about 4 in hg for 60 minutes, far less edema, but still contraction.

So, today I cut it down to 30 minutes, less contraction, but much less expansion. The rule is at least SOME expansion beyond your normal erect max, so that meets the criteria, now to see if EQ improves.

I think for me (or anyone) is to find the force and time that produces expansion at least a little beyond your erect max, with minimal contraction and good to great EQ, then repeat it often enough not to lose your gains, but not produce contraction or decreasing EQ. So, lets see if I can apply it to myself and design a productive workout.

Then it will just be to come up with Rule 5 to regulate decons.

Mr t just read this post really good stuff. The part that most interest me is your clamping sessions in front of porn. My question is do you get an erection work up then leave the porn well still clamp or do you watch porn the whole time till the end of session. I tried both and they both have different effect. Oh side note never jack off well clamp. It feels so good but it will leave your dick all fuck up. After words I had this nasty lymph blister thing just under my glans. It scared the hell out of me. Good thing it went away in a day but I learned from my mistake.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I think there are lots of ways not to violate them, but I think the key is “not to violate them”.

I’m still waiting to hear if someone has consistently violated them AND gained. I don’t think you can, so if thats true then hopefully by FOLLOWING them, it can help you shape a successful workout. If thats correct then it should be a fairly universal guideline to help create a productive workout.

Take me for example, I get great expansion with water pumping at about 5-6 in hg for 60 minutes, but a lot of contraction and edema for almost 24 hours…no gains.

So, I cut down the vacuum to about 4 in hg for 60 minutes, far less edema, but still contraction.

So, today I cut it down to 30 minutes, less contraction, but much less expansion. The rule is at least SOME expansion beyond your normal erect max, so that meets the criteria, now to see if EQ improves.

I think for me (or anyone) is to find the force and time that produces expansion at least a little beyond your erect max, with minimal contraction and good to great EQ, then repeat it often enough not to lose your gains, but not produce contraction or decreasing EQ. So, lets see if I can apply it to myself and design a productive workout.

Then it will just be to come up with Rule 5 to regulate decons.

What your saying seems like common sense. EQ is probably the most important indicator in PE. I think a good EQ and minimal contraction go hand n’ hand.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg


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