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my discoloration follow up

Mick. I have been having some success removing my discoloration with light pumping and just plain not doing as much PE. I know this is going to seem backwards from my former opinions but I am starting to believe I need to rest more. I skipped my night session last night and my cock was very much noticeably larger in my hand and also just by looking at it this morning, and this made me feel good. I also stopped measuring everyday and it has made me feel better emotionally. I used to think that pumping was causing the discoloration because when I used to do high pressure sets, it would come out of the pump all bruised up. Light pumping for long periods of time has yielded me some good results and it is removing my discoloration. I was just playing with my unit and it was gold instead of that bronze like color. It is starting to look like the yellowish phase of when a bruise heals. It actually looks like it is tan and normal right now, and I think a girl wouldn’t think it was strange in color.

I am really going to start resting more and not doing heavy girth work everyday. I recently limited bending to about 3 or 4 days a week and my EQ has improved a good amount because of it, and I am on track to gaining again. I actually had a little set back because of the confusion with what to do about the discoloration issue. I didn’t lose any cemented gains, but I lost some uncemented ones, but I got them back along with a lighter colored penis these past few days.

Mick, discoloration is unfortunately a dermal (under the skin) issue, and therefore the creams will only solve 35% of these discoloration issues. Well, actually it won’t solve any of the discoloration, but it will make your skin lighter as it would if you didn’t have any discoloration to begin with. Also, your “laser removal” idea will not work because the discoloration has nothing to do with the epidermis (first layer of skin) or your pigment. How do I know this? Because by massaging or bending my dick, I can see it become lighter in color when I push or move the blood around or out of the skin in a discolored area. Don’t give up on all the creams, because they do make the skin smoother and healthier after all, and every little thing helps. The only solution for discoloration is to remove the trapped blood from the cell membranes. Read the pumping to reduce discoloration thread. You can select it on the “Similar Threads” area on this thread. Also, read up on the old discoloration threads, they make it clear that discoloration is an under the skin issue. I am still going to finish using my skin bright cream, but I don’t think I am going to buy more after realizing all of this. I just don’t see it making a big enough difference to spend fifty dollars a month on it. I rather buy another month supply of Extenze at this point, but I probably am not going to do that either, even though it is improving my libido and helping me have more productive sessions. I hope it is all in my head because I am sick of spending money on all this garbage. If I were you, I would try out a two hour pumping session at a very low pressure tonight, to see if it might help. Put on a good two hour movie or just watch some t.v.
Good luck and God bless your cock into having the discoloration disappear by practical methods. Only on a site like this we can consider a two hour pumping session at a low pressure practical.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Last edited by Clubber : 02-09-2009 at .

Originally Posted by hobby
Though not fun at all, chemical peeling works. I used wart remover to completely clear my discoloration. See Shedding the Snake: Peeling to Remove Discoloration. I advise reading through the whole thing before doing a burn.

I didn’t have a camera back then, but others took progress pictures. Two picture threads are linked in this post: hobby - Shedding the Snake: Peeling to Remove Discoloration.

I read your thread. I have no explanation of why your experiment worked. How does this work to remove discoloration, and is discoloration an epidermal problem as well as a dermal problem as well?

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

The nasty dark crud that I and others had was (MM’s pics are a good example) almost certainly hemosiderin staining. I think it was deep in the epidermis. I had to burn reasonably deep to get it. The splotchy way in which it removed seemed to indicate it wasn’t all at one exact level, though that could have also been due to other factors.

Milder peels or mild exfoliation (alpha hydroxy acid lotion, gritty scrubs and such) hadn’t done anything. I had tried all kinds of techniques before investigating chemical peeling.

Mick, just to clear the “laser removal” idea. I didn’t mean to say it won’t work, but it just seems kind of extreme. If you think it will help, then do it, but try some other methods before you go to that extreme.

Kingpole: Do you consider discoloration an injury? I consider it a big problem, and probably equal to some injuries in the problem department, but is it fair to call it an injury?

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by hobby
The nasty dark crud that I and others (MM’s pics are a good example) had was almost certainly hemosiderin staining. I think it was deep in the epidermis. I had to burn reasonably deep to get it. The splotchy way in which it removed seemed to indicate it wasn’t all at one exact level, though that could have also been due to other factors.

Milder peels or mild exfoliation (Alpha hydroxy acid lotion, gritty scrubs and such) hadn’t done anything. I had tried all kinds of techniques before investigating chemical peeling.

It may be what Mick needs to do then. What is the down time, when doing this “extreme peel”?

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

That depends on what is considered down time and how many burns are required. I was single and had some time to myself. Burning like that certainly isn’t something that can be sneaked around a girlfriend or wife. It’s not something to undertake lightly.

Also, I don’t see any point in peeling until you’re done using techniques that brought on the discoloration.

Thanks for the replies Clubber.

I actually have done the peel, and it does work, just not completely, and especially not with the amount of discolouration that I have. I am definitely going to do the laser thing (it’s not even necessarily the laser thing… I’m going to tell them the problem and do whatever they recommend… I read on the website something about a combination of microdermabrasion as well as using some cream stuff). I want to do it this way because I just want to know instantly that it will work. I don’t want to spend eight weeks using some cream and MAYBE it will work, I just want a one time thing. If it doesn’t work, then that’s that and I’ll try something else. If it works, then I’m willing to spend the money on it.

I haven’t read the pumping to remove discolouration, but something like that would take forever to work on me. I am however into long pumping sessions at low pressures just for girth work cause it’s so easy to do.

Have you tried tunica tugs ever? Are you still doing the stuff with the pvc pipe?

Originally Posted by Mick
Thanks for the replies Clubber.

I actually have done the peel, and it does work, just not completely, and especially not with the amount of discolouration that I have. I am definitely going to do the laser thing (it’s not even necessarily the laser thing… I’m going to tell them the problem and do whatever they recommend… I read on the website something about a combination of microdermabrasion as well as using some cream stuff). I want to do it this way because I just want to know instantly that it will work. I don’t want to spend eight weeks using some cream and MAYBE it will work, I just want a one time thing. If it doesn’t work, then that’s that and I’ll try something else. If it works, then I’m willing to spend the money on it.

I haven’t read the pumping to remove discolouration, but something like that would take forever to work on me. I am however into long pumping sessions at low pressures just for girth work cause it’s so easy to do.

Have you tried tunica tugs ever? Are you still doing the stuff with the pvc pipe?

I haven’t tried the tuniga tugs yet, and I decided the pvc idea is to dangerous and pointless.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Hey whats up guys, I’m new here and just thought I’d share a technique I’ve been using with moderate success to remove discoloration. I have been doing PE for a couple of years now and recently started hardcore on girth work, specifically clamping. The skin tone on my dick had taken on a darker hue which was noticeably unnatural and I was pretty embarrassed by it, so I tried different things, like shorter sets, more off days, but nothing seemed to really work. Then I started vigorously massaging/rolling my dick after sets and have noticed some promising improvement.

I don’t know what a “fire goat massage” is, but this may be similar. After clamping, when you get the fluid build up, rolling your dick between your palms for about a minute (in my case) not only gets rid of the unsightly fluid build up, it also evens out and gets rid of the dark discoloration. My dick is still darker, but it is less obvious now.

Originally Posted by proto-dick

I don’t know what a “fire goat massage” is, but this may be similar. After clamping, when you get the fluid build up, rolling your dick between your palms for about a minute (in my case) not only gets rid of the unsightly fluid build up, it also evens out and gets rid of the dark discoloration. My dick is still darker, but it is less obvious now.

Yep, you got the firegoat roll proto.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

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Originally Posted by firegoat

Yep, you got the firegoat roll proto.

I’ve been doing the firegoat roll and it has been working very well and the results are instant. It definitely helps and is the best method I have tried so far to remove or control discoloration.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

I’ll try FG rolling/massaging as I resume PE. Sounds good. It might help for prevention. If you are seeing instant improvement, you don’t have the type of long-lasting discoloration (probably hemosiderin staining) some of us have had. That stuff most certainly does not improve so easily.

Keep in mind that susceptibility to discoloration varies considerably. Some get it from even a simple, easy jelqing program (or even where sandals have rubbed on their toes), yet others can do far more without experiencing significant darkening.

Originally Posted by hobby
Keep in mind that susceptibility to discoloration varies considerably. Some get it from even a simple, easy jelqing program (or even where sandals have rubbed on their toes), yet others can do far more without experiencing significant darkening.

Any threads on the connection between lube type and discoloration? As in, certain lubes might be better and prevent discoloration. Just a thought.

Originally Posted by Dickstrong

Any threads on the connection between lube type and discoloration? As in, certain lubes might be better and prevent discoloration. Just a thought.

Personally I doubt it makes much difference to discolouration. Discolouration is caused by ‘mechanical’ means and best dealt with the same way, but here’s a link. I think there is a more current thread about EVO going at the moment too. Search.

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firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results


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