Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My girlfriend just told me I need penis surgery!

Originally posted by randolf

Interesting my work is also showing that there is a huge biological drive for women to not only stray during the peak of her cycle but ideally mate with as many men as possible, even men who might not be of the highest genetic value.

I can’t wait to hear your explanation on that theory, Randolf. From an evolutionary point of view, it seems obvious to me that a woman is very unlikely to be unfaithful with men with worse genes than her partner, and very likely to do it with those with better genes, because of the limited amount of offspring that she can produce during her lifetime, compared to a man.

when ahe ask you for money, just tell her you need to save the money for a penis surgury


If I was you Jelquist,

I wouldn’t stick with this girl for sex, nor would I be with her whilst actively looking for more pussy, if you’re in a commited relationship you shouldn’t be cheating on her.

I also wouldn’t be planning on smacking her about the face with my cock, or telling her how shit she is in bed or how poor her tits are.

Just be a man. Dump her. Swift and without malice - leave her sitting wondering what happened and move on.

Don’t lower yourself to her level.

See Ya,


Originally posted by jj2345
when ahe ask you for money, just tell her you need to save the money for a penis surgury

I love this comeback!

keep her as your fuck toy ! Nothing more nothing less. When you fuck her , concentrate on YOURSELF ! ON YOUR ORGASMS ! WHAT YOU get out of that fuck ! Don’t EVER go down on her again untill she begs for it !
Be the man goddammit.

Mheanwhile look out for a decent girl !

Btw, if you do what I tell you , you will very soon notice a few things happening :

You’ll be the man ! She will BEG you to lick her out ! Eventhough you will not show as much care about her as before, SHE will RESPECT YOU MORE THAN EVER BEFORE ! You treat her like shit (sex-wise) and she will do EVERYTHING to win your affection back !

From what you described , she is totally the type of girl who picks on your weaknesses (on every guys weaknesses she is/was/will be with) untill

SHE FINDS SOMEONE with a REAL BACKBONE ! Someone who can MASTER her ! Someone who tell HER what to do. A strong hand , not a pussy.

Dude , you need to USE her. USE her as a fuck toy ! USE her to practice sex.
Doesn’t matter if you blow a nut in 1 minute or 15 ! You orgasmed , thats all that matters from now on. DOn’t even waste your time thinking what SHE WANTS !

Now don’t get me wrong. You wouldn’t have to do this kind of “asshole” behaviour with a decent girl. Because she wouldn’t EVER pick on your weaknesses.But this type of lady IS ONLY LOOKING for the asshole type of men (without knowing it). Thats why she TESTS you as many guys said before ! And so far she is winning , you are buying into her shit ! Don’t do it ! Show her who the fucking MAN is - and she will be your slave forever.
Dicksize is NOT the issue !

Let me repeat. DICKSIZE is not the issue here. Its personality !!!!!!
If you had a 14” dick , she would say you have NOT the cutest face , and she was with cuter faces before….and so on …and so on !!!

Its a matterof finding a weak spot , wich happened to be penissize in your case and FUCKING HIT THAT SPOT TO TEST YOU !

You can PE for 3 years straight end up with 10 inches and she will still find something to pick on !

Again ! its not the penissize ! Its your personality that she is testing !!!!

BE THE MAN ! Good luck !

I’m pretty sure you didn’t mean to imply that all women are sluts. Probably that genetics instincts provide an inclination (it would be good to admit that not all women act this out). There are women on this board that don’t deserve to be painted with this broad stroke. There are men here that may be truly frightened and begin to suspect every action of their wives or GFs if you don’t clarify.

Err sorry yes I am going to have to be careful hehe, I sometimes use words like that not thinking of the negative conotations. Where I live slut is not viewed as badly as elsewhere its more like a woman who partakes in a lot of sexual behavior. Plus I agree many women are very good to their spouse and won’t act on their impulses. Just like men see other sexy women and could act out, but dont’ because they have made vows, promises etc with their lover. Actualy from my reading a lot of men blame themselves or their wife when she even shows a slight interest in sex with others, whereas from what I’ve seen so far its more of a biological drive, indeed it exists in men to but works somewhat differently.

”’From an evolutionary point of view, it seems obvious to me that a woman is very unlikely to be unfaithful with men with worse genes than her partner, and very likely to do it with those with better genes, because of the limited amount of offspring that she can produce during her lifetime, compared to a man”

Well let me share a couple of the points on this, although there is more and its more a case of a ton of evidence leads to an overall conclusion. Firstly I would agree that she would try to go for the best genes that she can. But sometimes its deceptive which genes are the best. For example 90% of men’s sperm content is sperm whose only mission it is to kill other men’s sperm. A man might be seen to have weak genes but might have a powerful killer sperm which makes it more likely the children will be his. Another factor of collosal importance is most of human history, was life in small nomadic packs. Its basicaly impossible to understate how important getting genetic diversity in this type of environment is. It might seem counter-intuitive but if you look at gene progression over many generations, the splitting off into monogomas couples at first looks like an effective way to spread the genes.. but when you view the genetic diversity over more then 4 or 5 generations another way becomes far more powerful.. Each woman has say 4 children, each child is from a different man, it is a weaker way for the first 2 to 3 generations, but in the long view it is by far more powerful in a limited genetic variation environment. There is a lot more to it then this as well, that I’m still working on, it seems almost like a limitless information so far. But I can see I’m going to have to be extremely careful in using each word so the reader knows what I mean, from the excellent questions asked already.

In my opinion monogamy came into being with the emergence of civilization, which emerged with the advent of agriculture. Something happened that man had not seen before, with highly concentrated population centers, came epidemic disease. It is my opinion that societal values have been passed down through religious values, and from the parents, and both of these are guided by evolutionary realities. For example a religion which espouses killing yourself doesn’t tend to last very long, whereas one which wants mass procreation tends to do well over the long run. Anyway monogamy was an effective way to stop this disease, as one of its bonuses. There are others as well I will write about when I write this section. However to some extent by practicing monogamy we were denying evolutionary realities that had become apart of our genes through natural selection. Interesting some of those evolutionary realites do not exist at present, but they are still very much a deep part of our biological drives. I myself over the last year have been experimenting with female sexuality and I have found when you bust down the moral barriers.. I have done this with a very religious girl for one, and put her in a situation where she can be assured of ridiculusly high quality genes, you turn her from a normal north american woman, into an orgasm machine, whose sexuality and desire for sex, literally have scared me.

Originally posted by randolf
I have done this with a very religious girl for one, and put her in a situation where she can be assured of ridiculusly high quality genes, you turn her from a normal north american woman, into an orgasm machine, whose sexuality and desire for sex, literally have scared me.

Does this mean that female orgasm pretty much depend on a female’s rating of your genes, more than on penis size maybe?

Does penis size play a big role in a female’s evaluation of your genes, i.e. big dick, high genes?

Hey you know what? Ask yourself a few questions before you start feeling bad about the whole fight and taking what she said personally. If you were realy that bad in bed, why the hell would she still be with you? 8 inches is 2 inches above average and it’s probably the biggest she’s had. Just want to tell you that some things girls are very sensitive about some things, 2 things that I know right off bat are “Am I Fat?” and “Are my boobs too small?” and if they for some reason suspect that you could say yes to these two questions, they will do everything they can two make you feel like you are incopetent in some way SO YOU DON’T LEAVE THEM! Don’t take it persopnally, be proud because you are worth at least something to this girl and she just making sure that you don’t go off looking for another girl.


Sometimes the size of the boat does matter.

Originally posted by randolf

It reminds me of another point, I'm working on a very long essay on female sexuality from an evolutionary perspective.

I have a ton of other points so far, and everyday I'm finding more evidence and reading more material. I happen to be researching a ton of other topics at the moment as well though so its taking some time.


In case you haven’t found them already there are two great books that cover the subject matter of your essay:

The Evolution of Desire by David M. Buss

The Anatomy of Love by Helen Fisher

Amazon has both. Also recommended by others is The Mating Mind by Geoffrey Miller. Haven’t read that one yet personally.

;””Does this mean that female orgasm pretty much depend on a female’s rating of your genes, more than on penis size maybe?

Does penis size play a big role in a female’s evaluation of your genes, i.e. big dick, high genes?””’

Yes in my opinion the female orgasm is entirely dependent on how strong of genes she is likely to get from an encounter. In fact its just been discovered that if women dont’ orgasm they cannot get pregnant. Some researchers put a camera in a womans vagina during intercourse and saw something that amazed them, when she orgasms a tiny previously unknown tiny organ scoops cum out of her vagina and into the uterous area. Women cannot conciously feel it and it only goes into action during orgasm. Keep in mind all of us have many many things to offer in our genetics, and even the best looking people out there even have problems. Example one of the most famous american movie stars renouned for his looks, who I can’t find his damn name, is colourblind. And also keep in mind you don’t see the test of how good the sperm is until its competing against other mens sperm. And in that competition, only the very strongest of sperm have a chance, whereas in monogamy you dont’ see that, and sometimes a weak sperm can just fluke its way in… with billions of killer sperm the chances of a non almost perfect sperm making it are essentialy nothing. Also note that what is of genetic value is relative. A woman might come from a family who is very tall but has skin problems for example, she might be highly attracted to a man who is not otherwise to attractive but has very beautiful healthy skin. I’m not sure what role a big dick plays in an evaluation of genes. It seems to be a huge display of sexual prowess though, and of hormonal health. Remember a lot of how big it is is how healthy it is. Judging from how much women focus on it I’d say its a large part of a genetic ‘scan’, which is probably one reason humans’ are so large in that area relative to most primates. Women will tell you they would rather have a nice hard cock then a large soft one though, so there is more factors then pure size to.

”’The Evolution of Desire by David M. Buss

The Anatomy of Love by Helen Fisher

Amazon has both. Also recommended by others is The Mating Mind by Geoffrey Miller. Haven’t read that one yet personally.”””””

Wow!!!!!!! nice rakishly I was just reading about those books and some related ones on I am hoping they will be available in my cities libraries, I will go and read them all tomorrow. My libraries search tool for books is currently down unfortunately, but I will know soon enough which ones they have and which ones they dont’. I wanted to share with you guys one of the reviews which sums up the way I’m thinking about this perfectly:

As I biologist, I am constantly frustrated by the unscientific (and often ultra-philisophical) interpretation that goes on when considering humanity, and particularly love. This book took the extreme interest that exists about human sexuality and love, and places them in a scientific light, without necissarily demonizing or undermining the amazing feelings that go along with love; Fisher simply explains the science behind these amazingly rich and powerful feelings in an attempt to better know ourselves.

Another review I found especially interesting had this conjecture:

Buss never mentions that humans have a unique, difficult-to-explain anatomical feature: a huge cerebral cortex. This brain area enables us to think in abstractions, use language, and, perhaps most important for sexual strategies, to lie to each other. Buss sometimes mentions lying as a sexual strategy, and even notes the "evolutionary arms race" of men and women deceiving each other, and catching each others’ deception. But he never connects the dots that sexual lying (and catching sexual lies) may have driven our ancestors to evolve huge brains.

I would love to talk with the guy who wrote this review ‘Thomas David Kehoe’ http://www.amaz … 3733629-3094238

If everything people is saying about women is true, and My wife ever cheated on me, I would never have another serious relationship again.

Especially since I am not even able to look at porn without greatly upsetting her.

Does anyone know any women who have never cheated personally? I dont, every woman I have ever known has cheated at one time or another. Oh well, if she cheats, she gets no alimony, and she will regret what she has done everyday for the rest of her life.

Not only do I want her not to cheat, I want her to not want to cheat. I think she knows the price of infidelity, which is alot more than divorce proceedings.

Hahaa Rakishly I was just reading through ‘Thomas David Kehoe’s other reviews, and came across what might be a scarily good idea:

The best pick-up line is to tell a woman how her clothes communicate aspects of her personality. Women love to talk about what the colors, patterns, and styles of their clothes mean. “The Language of Clothes” is all you need to do this — although I also recommend “Big Hair: A Journey into the Transformation of Self,” by Grant McCracken, to discuss what women’s hair means. “The Language of Clothes” consists of chapters about how clothes express youth or age, a time or era, certain places, social status, etc. The best chapters are about how clothes communicate gender and sexual messages. This book is also one of the best birthday presents to give to a woman. (I shouldn’t be sexist — the book also discusses men’s clothes.) The book has *lots* of clothes, and lots of photos. It’s long and carefully researched. It makes you think. Women happily spend hours paging through it.

Review by Thomas David Kehoe…

Originally posted by randolf
Say you go in erm style and when the girl claims to have just been with the world record holder for cock size, you are like no you weren't. It shows you have confidence in your own sexuality, whereas if you sort of ask her if you are big enough, it shows weakness. Women want men with strong genes not weak ones.

Well the only reason im really with this girl is because she is a sweet girl and we get along great. It was just that one little thing that she said about the 13 inches and I told her that I totally didnt believe her cause ive never seen a 13 inch dick on all of the internet and if there were any ones that werent photoshopped then I would have seen one on here . lol. she always compliments me and tells me how sexy i am and everything. She thinks I got a huge dick too so its not like she tells me I got a small one which I dont anyway but back to jelquist. I dont think you should be with her anymore man. If she cant support you and get the hint you dont like her to talk about your dick then you shouldnt be with her. I would kick her ass to the curb so hard she would be sitting there wondering what happened. At least I found PE and I have extreme confidence that it will work for me. You have to love spending time with your woman whoever that may be. You have to be able to get along with her just like you would one of your best guy friends and not worry about all the stupid drama and shit that most females put out.

Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

Play her dude, you don’t deserve crap like this, make her fell like crap. Go find a sexy young lady or several, and when you get caught tell your girlfriend how good the other girls blow job was how tight she was, how wet she got, say she even squrits cum! Man I don’t take that bull crap from women and you should’nt either!

Jelquist , If I were you I would look for a new girl , And I would find one and date her and then let your girlfriend know that you found someone else. Getting even with her by doing other things only makes YOU look bad. If you really want to hurt her , leave her for someone else. Women HATE being dumped for another woman. That cuts them to the bone worse than anything else you could ever do. Especially if the new girl is prettier or better than them in any way. Havent you ever seen how women look at other women ? They feel threatened by them if the other girl is prettier. If its truly revenge you seek - do that and then just walk away and tell her that your new girlfriend treats you a lot better and appreciates you much more than she ever did so you are going to end it with her. It will cut her to the bone. And who knows - the new girl may turn out to be the love of your life anyway. At which time none of this other shit will matter and she will benefit from the post PE YOU. So the original girl loses all the way around and you walk away the winner and are a man about it , and get your revenge as well. And if you love the original girlfriend more SHE will be begging for you to take her back. And once she does this - you are the boss. So either way - you win.


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