Women do this all the time trying to beat down your manliness. It must be really some sort of biological drive women have to test their men. I agree with Erm its like they are testing you, probing for weaknesses, and if you sort of implode when they hit a sore spot, you fail the test and they lose a lot of interest in you sexualy.
Think of so many times you first meet women they test your manliness to now that I think about it. Like usualy when I first meet women they claim some guy is picking on them and can you go over and tell them off. If you pussy out they immediately lose interest in you, if you be the man and go and talk to the guy, which I do, and usualy he turns out to be hella nice lol, when you come back they are totally into you. In fact now that I think about it, I don’t know if i’ve seen a woman not try and test any guy who she has just met and is showing an interest in her.
Say you go in erm style and when the girl claims to have just been with the world record holder for cock size, you are like no you weren’t. It shows you have confidence in your own sexuality, whereas if you sort of ask her if you are big enough, it shows weakness. Women want men with strong genes not weak ones.
It reminds me of another point, I’m working on a very long essay on female sexuality from an evolutionary perspective. If you are all concerned and not confident in your own sexuality, you will very likely pass that concern on to your offspring. Does the woman want her sons especially to be nervous about their sexual prowess? Hell no she wants them to be confident and happy even if they are the same size as their theoretical nervous half brothers. It makes them much more likely to mate, which is the name of this whole game.
I have a ton of other points so far, and everyday I’m finding more evidence and reading more material. I happen to be researching a ton of other topics at the moment as well though so its taking some time. So far I’ve shown why women have a tremendous preponsity to stray, and proven with very recent studies involving cameras how the female orgasm and cheating work together so beautifully, to allow the offspring to be of another man’s even from one encounter. Interesting my work is also showing that there is a huge biological drive for women to not only stray during the peak of her cycle but ideally mate with as many men as possible, even men who might not be of the highest genetic value. So far my research has shocked even me who knew women were very slutty, to just how deeply it matters to the genetic health of the children, that women be extremely slutty. Soon I will post the first sections of my report. In the end I plan for it to be ridiculously long encompassing many areas of female sexuality. And after I’m done that I will probably do one on male sexuality, however this is much more difficult because its almost impossible to observe something from within. You tend to have biases, and preconceived notions, and I admit I am encountering this to some degree with my study of female sexuality but it would be a much bigger problem in studying male sexuality.