Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Girlfriend said those lovely words...

Thats awesome it felt heavier in your hand.

Thanks for bumping this thread. It’s one I’d missed and there’s some good stuff in there.

Start Stats:5.5x4.5 Current:7.0x5.0 Goal:8x6 Gains:1.5 inch BPEL x 0.5 EG

"Insert pseudo-intellectual quote here..."

Bump, any one had any progess?

My girlfriend said those lovely words…’No sweetie, let me pay!’ :D



Last weekend my gf starting giving me head and as soon as she grabbed it and put it in her mouth she said “god it’s gotten bigger!” she continued to give me some of the best head she’s ever given me and blew a huge load into her mouth and she seemed to enjoy every minute of it. I can’t wait till we can have sex again.we just had a baby so we can’t have sex for 6 weeks. 2 more weeks to go!

I just tried to view the video that johngreen38 posted but it didn’t work, has anyone else tried it recently?


I just tried it… no luck.

7.75 BPEL, 5 in. Mid-shaft, 5.5 in. Base


8.25 BPSFL

Originally Posted by touchmyrod

Last weekend my gf starting giving me head and as soon as she grabbed it and put it in her mouth she said “god it’s gotten bigger!”

Man I bet you were psyched to hear that! I hope 6 weeks comes fast for you.

"Well, people from Tennessee are generaly good at whatever it is they do even though they usually have no clue what they're doing."


Last night, when my wife and I were having sex, she told me, “You’re wider and I haven’t grown any, so take it easy!”

Damn, that felt good!!!!

Originally Posted by johngreen38
Well, I put together a short video of the orange bend to find out if I am doing it right.
- The orange bends video

This link is dead?

I am eager to see the Orange bend video!

My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

Where is mrorange?? :(

Hey Guys, I haven’t posted much here. I have been PEing for around 4 to 5 months but on and off. The reason for this is that I felt it wasn’t really working, I don’t have much success with jelqing or stretching. Anyway I decided to give Mr Oranges method ago, in fact I’ve just finished and it’s a great exercise.

Once you start you really can see the expansion and it actually feels like it’s doing something! I feel optimistic about this method especially seeing as this thread has been running over two years, I may only be a newbie compared to some of the folks on here but I will try and update just to let people know if it’s working for me. I just wish Mr Orange would pop back and give us a bit more info!!

One question, anybody already doing these exercises, could you tell me how long you hold the bends for, and how many do you do per session?

Thanks WLS

I haven’t been around much on the forums recently, but I heard some interesting stuff while I was out with friends on a Friday night a few weeks ago and thought it would put some things in perspective for some members. I broke up with this girl 3 or 4 months ago and she talked a lot of smack after I dumped her, but I understood that is a normal reaction after a break up and wasn’t bothered by it. Anyway, two of her friends were joking around with me and said a few penis related comments to me. Next thing you know, they’re telling me that they hear I’m “huge” and all of my ex-girlfriend’s friends “know all about it.” I personally thought they were kidding and I wasn’t going to press the issue and find out more, but I was shocked. They were serious.

I haven’t measured recently but my last measurements were around 6.65” x 5.35” and I always think and feel that I’m small. That was maybe 6 months ago. I haven’t done anything really PE related and only jelq a little bit just to keep circulation going because it’s bitter cold here. To be honest, I’m probably much more critical on myself than other people are on me. I didn’t have sex with her sadly (or maybe not sadly?) and I never really discussed if she had seen or felt a lot of other guys or anything. It made me feel good to hear that, but the real awesome thing that happened was I actually came back and started browsing this site again. I’m starting to feel more comfortable with my body and understand that if I don’t make any gains, I’ll still be happy. If I make gains, I’ll be just as happy. I needed to share that. Woo!

Wish me luck on starting the Newbie Routine again! Maybe I’ll get more women to say those lovely words.

Bumpity Bump, this could be a real good exercise for some people out there, it’s helping me for sure.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.


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