I’ve just read through this thread for the first time in ages and although I have very little experience doing orange bends (I plan to start them ASAP though), something occurred to me.
I have a thinning of the shaft at the base of my unit, which i think is either:
1) My original girth and the rest of my shaft is bigger than before, like the baseball bat effect, but not with a gradual thickening, more like a ‘step’ an inch or so up from the base of my dick.
2) This area seems to take the brunt of my stretching efforts, it always seems to stretch more and be thinner during a stretch than the rest of my dick. I’ve never heard of anyone having this before but it seems possible to me.
Anyhow, I thought that using O bends, but, instead of clamping with an ‘OK’ grip at the base and bending, what about clamping behind the balls in a manner similar to the behind the balls jelqing method, and rolling the bend down inside my body. This would ensure you could reach the whole shaft, right to the base and even the area you cant normally reach inside (in preparation for pulling the inside penis out by stretching the ligs!)
This seems logical to me, I’m sure there must be more than a few guys out there who have a baseball bat or similar, you just can’t hit the very bottom of your dick with most exercises. I’m going to try this as soon as I have the hang of O bends, just wondered what you O bend vets. think about this?
P.S sorry if this doesn’t make complete sense, it’s late and this tread is long.
Peace, ScottAid