Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Girlfriend said those lovely words...

I’ve got a new way of doing this thats excellent..

Place your little finger at the very base of your penis underneath, then your ring finger on the top side, then your middle finger underneath etc.then jelq and stretch at all angles (on top, side, diagonal) with this grip, change hands me it works wonders for girth and length, also you MUST kegel!

Here’s some equipment for doing Dongdon’s ripples - a commercially available hair curler!

How to use:
Clamp hair curler unit over base. Pull outwards, letting unit ripple over the waves. Repeat.

Extra features:
- Built in heater duals for quick warm up
- Interchange between different waves to avoid growth plateaus
- Use flat surface for regular stretches


(7.2 KB, 561 views)


Discribe this better please, because I don’t understand. Do it in steps please and do not use to few words.

Thank you.

I have done Orange softies for some weeks now, and I finally found how it works best for me. I am now doing it correct for about 3 sessions. Today after lunch time when I got home i measured a girt increase of 0.1 inch, it is maybe not much but it is a start!

Do you guys think stretching is important with this excersize?


Dongdons ripples have another advantage: The BBQ grill marks on your unit from heating it with a hair curler will make it more appetizing to your mate, like a freshly grilled bratwurst!

Originally Posted by Uncas

Discribe this better please, because I don’t understand. Do it in steps please and do not use to few words.

Thank you.

I have done Orange softies for some weeks now, and I finally found how it works best for me. I am now doing it correct for about 3 sessions. Today after lunch time when I got home I measured a girt increase of 0.1 inch, it is maybe not much but it is a start!

Do you guys think stretching is important with this excersize?


Don’t know what mravg is on about but

Step one is: place your little finger (pinkie) underneath your penis right at the base, hold it there.

Step two: place your ring finger next to your pinkie but on the top side of your penis and continue with your 4 fingers and jelq like this..

Step three: do this from all angles..

The simplest way to explain it is it’s like pulling a piece of silk through your fingers, but not silk, your penis!

One finger down, one up, one down, one up.this way you get the widening effect of Mr orange technique all the way along from all angles..

But really the best advice I can give is do what feels good for you!

My girth and length are growing rapidly now. Obends, combined with flaccid jelqing have put my penis on the fast track.

Sorry Dongdon, it was mgus who suggested the hair curler, not you.


that sure gives a whole new dimension to “wiener” !

Hey guys!

I got gains! Today I measured a gain of 0,2 inch in girth. I did not expect this at all, but I gained. Maybe also in lenght but I am not sure about that.

Now lets hope this keeps up. I got this gian in 7 days I think. I have been trying for some longer time already. But I did not do it good.


Nice Uncas!

I have been at the Obends for 3 sessions now and they certainly are looking good!

Tried it


I don’t really post on this site, but felt like i had to after reading about Mr Orange’s experiences and the obvious effectiveness of his exercise. I read through the entire thread over and over, and I just couldn’t figure out how to do the O bends. None of the explanations made much sense to me. However, a few things stuck… one person said a good way to do the bends was to bend first over the index finger, then over index and middle, then over 3, and finally 4 fingers. I was able to figure out the concept once someone, in being asked for a video, said that the dick isn’t really visible during the exercise. That gave me an idea of where my hands needed to be. SO…. I also paid close attention to the constant reminders that your dick needs to be in prime condition, in terms of being warmed and stretched beforehand somewhat. I think the solution to that is to do it in the tub (suggested by someone else). I tried it today and it was actually pretty relaxing and when I was doing it, it felt effective. So I bended my dick down (toward my legs) over one finger, held for 30 seconds, then bended down over 2 fingers, held for 30 seconds, then 3, then 4. Then I did dongdon’s finger jelq technique until my fingers cramped up, then repeated the process except now bending my dick up (toward my upper body). After doing this, I felt a good burn in my dick, and when I stood up, it looked extremely plump. Then I did 100 jelqs, and after that, the plumpness seemed to be gone. So…. now that i believe i’ve figured out the exercise, I really want some input on the program i did, and answers to a couple of questions. First, since i was lying down in the tub, it seems like the blood would not flow toward my dick that well. It didn’t seem to affect the exercise but I still want to know if anyone knows whether it makes a difference doing the O bends in a standing, sitting, or reclining position. I also want to know if I should jelq right after doing the bends, since it almost seemed to kill the plumpness I had just achieved. And i would like to know if anyone has any idea how often this stuff should be done. I have been jelqing on and off for maybe 6 months, and haven’t noticed much gain, i just did it because it did seem to keep my dick filled with more blood in general. I found jelqs most effective when my dick was hard. But they’re not making it BIGGER…. and thats what I need. I would appreciate some input on the things i’ve said and some advice. I truly believe in PE and i especially believe that Mr. O’s bends can help me make some major gains in both length and girth. But i need a little help. If anyone has anything they can tell me, I’d appreciate it hugely. Thanks for taking the time to read such a long post.

BTW— I am 6.5 in. BPL, don’t know my girth. I think it is thick enough…. mostly I want to make length gains although any gains will make me happy.


Hey Picasso,
This is how my schedule breaks down:
Mon on
Wed on
Thurs OFF
Fri on
Rest is very important.
This is basically my schedule, however if it’s sore I take the night off. Ive learned to let it fully heal before working it out again. My main goal is girth.

The funny thing about working you’re unit. Is if you don’t take time off, you don’t seem to notice that it’s sore.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Hey Deadeye,

Thanks for the schedule info. Have u seen length gains from doing the O bends? That is what I really want. And do you jelq in the same session that you do the O bends? if so, do you do it before or after? I feel stupid asking so many questions but I want to get it right. I get the sense that it is easy to do several different exercises that would be counter productive to each other, without realizing it. Let me know what you think.


Wow, you guys are sharp, you see almost all the mistakes.

I want to know the gains to, length and girth wise. I gained 0,2 inch in girth? Did you guys gian anything?



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