Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Girlfriend said those lovely words...

I haven’t gained length yet either.

I just finished a set of Mr. Orange bends, but I added a little variation which seems to have really pumped me up.

Last night I tried some of these at the 10% erection level and didn’t get very far. So, tonight I increased my erection level to maybe about 40% and tried my own thing.

What I did was basically the same, it’s just a little different. When I was bending, I would say I was bending at about a 60-70 degree angle, but what I also did was push my clamping hand and my beding hand toward each other, if you can picture what I mean. If you have too large a bend angle, this obviously won’t be possible. Imagine just having a thick round cylindrical piece of rubber. If you pushed the two ends together, the middle would have to expand in order to compensate for the decrease in length. So, its like that, except you have a slight bend going on at the same time. I don’t think this would work if you simply pushed your hands together without bending.

Anyway, when I did this, I got a huge ‘bubble’ in between my hands. The bubble I saw when bending between 90-180 degrees without pushing my hands together did not compare to the bubble I got from this. When only bending, my penis seemed to be stretching more than expanding.

I’m definitely not bashing Mr. Orange’s original way as it did work somewhat for me and seems to work amazingly for other people. But I think I am a very hard girth gainer (I have not gained any girth whatsoever), and this may work a little better for me.

Doing this I got from 5 3/4” girth to about 5 15/16” girth, so that’s 3/16” increase, almost 1/4”. I know this may not be alot for most people, but I usually do not even get, or barely get, 2/16” increase.

Hope that’s helpful. Maybe some other people could try this and see if it works at all for them.

What happened to mrorange anyway? He pops in here lays down this supposedly great technique for gaining girth and rides off into the sunset?:cuss:

I do that as well Mick. The more you do these bends the more you come up with variations on the theme. I wouldn’t consider this different from what MrO described, he really didn’t go into much details. I also think when MrO says 10% erection most people would consider that 20 to 30 %. Think about it for the percentage thing to work there has to be a point when the erection starts. When is a erection considered an erection? I think MrO took a very literal meaning to erection. And his scale starts at an erect state. Another words he probably considers flaccid what most of us would think is 10%.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Yeah, innovations are endless. For example, I have a you-curved penis, and I can bend my penis up to the base at almost complete erection. So to do the bend ups, I increase the erection slightly and it works wonders. And the cool thing is that I have now learned how to stay flaccid so I can also mix in stretches that need the flaccidness that I could not maintain. I think we should call this exercise the “DE Plump Orange”= combining the name of the founder mrorange and also DE for the “manager” of the technique deadeye. Gotta give credit to where it’s due. Deadeye, thanks for stepping up when mrorange wouldn’t.

Have any of you guys had any good gains from this exercise yet? Mr. Orange said he gained and inch and a half in 10 sessions. I myself had made somewhat good gains, but I do this exercise and I jelq.

Maybe I don't like it, but I have no choice

I know that somewhere, someone hears my voice

Originally Posted by deadeye3200
I do that as well Mick. The more you do these bends the more you come up with variations on the theme. I wouldn’t consider this different from what MrO described, he really didn’t go into much details. I also think when MrO says 10% erection most people would consider that 20 to 30 %. Think about it for the percentage thing to work there has to be a point when the erection starts. When is a erection considered an erection? I think MrO took a very literal meaning to erection. And his scale starts at an erect state. Another words he probably considers flaccid what most of us would think is 10%.

Well I guess I have been doing these a little too soft then as I was performing these at 10% from flaccid so was able to bend the tip of the penis right down to the base (180 degrees).

In order to get good expansion while bending at about a 60-70 degree angle I would need to try upping the erection level to 30 or 40%.
I’ll try them tonight before my pumping session.

Originally Posted by gooseneck
I think we should call this exercise the “DE Plump Orange”= combining the name of the founder mrorange and also DE for the “manager” of the technique deadeye. Gotta give credit to where it’s due. Deadeye, thanks for stepping up when mrorange wouldn’t.

Hey goose thanks for the mention , I do it to be helpful. I don’t need recognition, just knowing I helped someone is all I need. Being kind to like minded people, is reward enough for me.

MrO’s bends doesn’t have a official name yet. Orange Bends seems the most logical. If you guys are going to insist to have my name involved something like Deadeye’s Obends works for me. ;)

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Man I can not wait to measure!

5/1/04 Before: 6.75x4.75" started back up again. 2/1/06 7 4/16x5" 3/1/06 7 7/16x5"

Goal: 8.5x6"

focusing on length now with stretches, hanging, and jelqing

This is some facisnating shit right here. Its like a revolution within a revolution. I just wish Mr. O would come back and do a bit more explaining. It is tough to grasp without trying (although Deadeye has done a great job). I’m starting these tommorrow and looking forward to some girth gains for once. After 6 months I’ve seen a half inch in length but barely anything in girth.

I’ve kind of understood what he was saying now but I was doing these anyway, just not as intensely.

The best advice he gave was

Originally Posted by mrorange
Don’t give up hope as you will find the technique, that suits you, try and try, concentrate on the job in your hand and be logical and methodical. Don’t do your exercises, go through the motions and hope for gains like I did for a year.. Specialize and personalise.

Good luck

The bending really does help alot I find, I stretch by holding my head and pulling down while my other hand is underneath, thus bending it, I bend slowly until the degree of the bend is making it as thick as possible.
I also find feeling your penis thoroughly with your fingers until your semi erect is good because you get to feel all the tissue in your penis and get a mental picture which psychologically really helps.

I myself have had gains of just under an inch in girth and an inch in flaccid and erect length by recently finding my own body’s response rate to the exercise, I can see myself getting a couple more inches realistically within the next year.

Deadeye3200, any chance you can take a picture or something.

A picture wouldn’t do much good. The base OK grip covers half of the penis and the other half is covered by the other hand. Mostly what you would see is hand overlapping hand. This is the first exercise I’ve seen, where you don’t actually see your dick.

My advice is to try to do the exercise a few times then come back and read back over the thread. This is how I did it, if you look back at the beginning of the thread I was asking the same type of questions that have been asked of me. Of course I didn’t get an answer from MrO so I had to figure it out on my own. I tried what I thought he meant, then came back and read what he had written over again it got allot clearer to me what he meant.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


How can you know if the exercise is working well if you can’t see your dick? The only way I know whether I am doing it right is if I see that huge bubble in between my hands. My bending hand is always on the other side of the bubble.

I feel it expanding. I can see the bend in some places high on the shaft. But for the most part I can’t see shit. And sure as hell wouldn’t make for a revealing picture.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


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