Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Girlfriend said those lovely words...

I’ve been jelqing for more than 6 months. This is what I have learned.

I posted in the above thread the gains I have made recently. To summarize, my girth only increased 1/8 inch between 2000 and the end of 2004, and then increased 1/4 inch in the last month. I attribute it to flacid jelking and these flacid Mr. O squeezes, and the general concept that it is necessary for me to be flacid to be able to stretch the tissue properly.
More gain in one month than in the previous 4 years!
To top it off, I decided I would NOT ask my wife if she noticed any difference, I would just keep working at it until she said something on her own. well, it didn’t take long. We were having sex this morning, and out of the blue she said, “it feels so fat”! Now maybe she was just talking dirty which she likes to do, but she hasn’t said those words in a long, long time. Boy that was music to my ears.
After sex I regained my boner and measured, and it appears I have gained another 1/16, or a total of 5/16 if it stays cemented. (4.875 in December to 5.25 now!)


congrats that is great. But could you describe all you do step by step? Or make pictures or a video if you can, you could also draw it if you would like, in some kind of comic. But please try to give a discription of it very clear.

Cause if been trying this to. I hold my dick in my right hand, i do it in an 10% erection and i make sure no blood flows away. Then I grap the head of my dick with my left hand and bend it al direction. I also keep it bend for like 20 seconds or so sometimes. But i also do the sadask slinky rol after i bend, should you do the rolling or only bending?

I did not feel pumped up after this excersize.

Please help me.

Thank you,


It is hard for me to describe any better than what has already been said. Fold your dick and squeeze it so that you get a bubble or concentrated stretching on the outside curve of the fold. It is not rocket science. I only use one hand which clamps the base and head. I kegel, squeeze, then push my hand forward toward the fold a bit like an Uli. I hold about 20 seconds, and do it for a bout 15 minutes and 15 minutes of flacid jelks. I mostly fold downward, but also some side and upward too. I try to fold close to the base and then closer to the head. I don’t do any rolling or slinky type stuff. I don’t get a really good pump from this either, which is probably why I never did flacid work before. Intuitively, and by feel, it doesn’t seem to be effective, but I am getting results.

Thanks for the thread. I’ll have a go at this in the bathtub - that’s where I do stretches and this seems suited for it.

regards /

I don’t know - I fooled around with the Orange bends just after writing my previous post, trying to get the hang of the technique. Then I tried it again in the tub, combined with some stretches and the odd kegel.

HOWEVER, when I started getting an erection, my shaft got stiff but the part where it curves, below the base by the scrotum didn’t get properly stiff and it felt kind of floppy; top part rigid and bendable at the base.

Maybe I’ve been stretching the top ligs too much (I have been working on them)?

Whatever, that scared me and now it’s probably psychological since I didn’t have morning wood and have been without any of the usual semi-erections that tend to come and go. Or I’m just paying too close attention. Any which way, I’ll give it a rest until I regain morning wood.

The Orange bends themselves seem to do good use - the shaft seemed real wide afterwards.

Regards /

I dont see how this increases girth, it seems like everyone is saying that the exercise stretches the outer skin but wouldnt that just stretch the skin and not increase the size of the penis. Im just confused on how it works. If someone could explain how it works then maybe i could do the exercise better. And is everyone getting very plump at the end of their workout. Just so I can tell if Im doing it right.

5/1/04 Before: 6.75x4.75" started back up again. 2/1/06 7 4/16x5" 3/1/06 7 7/16x5"

Goal: 8.5x6"

focusing on length now with stretches, hanging, and jelqing

Someone please try to ‘top’ all of the other descriptions of this exercise…

I really don’t understand what’s so hard about bending your dick. What is it you don’t understand about bending your dick? Take it in your hand and bend it.

The only thing you really need to know is what expansion feels like. If you have good jelqing technique, this method should come easy. I can understand newbies having a hard time with this because it is much different then everything else. Once you feel expansion in the bend, the only other thing to do is bend it in different directions and for different amounts of time.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Morning wood came back again, so either I was fooled by my subconscious or it is a PI-indicator a la Sparkyx to consider.

You know that all your work has been rewarded when your girl or guy tells their friends that you have a big dick. It seems that every time a girl hooks up with a new guy, one of the first questions asked by their friends (gay and straight) is, “Is he Big?”. I feel kind of weird, hanging out with my girl’s friends (gay and straight) knowing that they know what I’m packing. I also notice how nice they all are to me. All her girl friends flirt with me and I could probably fuck every one of them if I wanted to (so much for their loyalty) and all her gay buddies bug me too. It’s a real confidence builder. It helps you get that “Big Dick Mentality”. You enter a room and are immediately comfortable. You can be yourself.

bump. I think everyone should read this! Ooooo or it could be an inner-thunders secret. Muahhahahaa!!!!

5/1/04 Before: 6.75x4.75" started back up again. 2/1/06 7 4/16x5" 3/1/06 7 7/16x5"

Goal: 8.5x6"

focusing on length now with stretches, hanging, and jelqing

Originally Posted by nightrider4
I dont see how this increases girth, it seems like everyone is saying that the exercise stretches the outer skin but wouldnt that just stretch the skin and not increase the size of the penis. Im just confused on how it works.

I read a theory somewhere about bending the penis and the guy explained it like this.

Get one of those long balloons like they make animal shapes out of and draw lines on it with a marker.
Circles around the girth and length wise.
Bend the balloon and you will see the lines expand.

I believe in the more flaccid state we are causing the tunica to expand in much the same way.

I bend and roll. Kind of how a snake moves. The bend travels down the body.

Hope this helps.

Are you sure this is how Mr. Ed started?

After reading what Gottagrow wrote about his injury while bending with higher erection level, I’m now scared to even continue experimenting with this exercise. I know that this is low erection, but I just don’t have a feeling for it.

You should be fine below 50%. He was talking about doing it at 70% which is way too much pressure on the penis especially for this intense of a workout.

5/1/04 Before: 6.75x4.75" started back up again. 2/1/06 7 4/16x5" 3/1/06 7 7/16x5"

Goal: 8.5x6"

focusing on length now with stretches, hanging, and jelqing

How many bends does everyone do? I don’t want to over exercise my penis.

My routine is:

Bend down at base, bend up at base
Bend down in middle, bend up in at middle
Bend down below head, bend up below head
Bend left at base, bend right at base
Bend left in middle, bend right in middle
Bend left below head, bend right below head

I do that twice. Am I over doing it? Should I only do it all once?



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