Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Girlfriend said those lovely words...

Damn, I’ve been doing this for six weeks and haven’t seen shit. I’ll be the 101st person to ask: can somebody PLEASE make a video???

Deep throat was almost out of the question.

Ok, I’ve been clamping and bending my penis downward for two weeks now. I’ve been doing this on and off every other day. Sometimes two or three days consecutively and then resting. I was 5.5 before I began but now I can’t even fit it in the toilet paper roll. M ex girlfriend came over and tried to deep throat and noticed that it almost wouldn’t fit all the way down her throat! It even felt snug to me when it reached the throat entry point. This scared me because I love deep throat.

These bends work and I recommend them. I don’t want to miss out on future deep throat sessions but wow, I want my penis really big. My girl said that it felt thicker in her mouth and in her hand. She even thinks it got longer but it hasn’t. She worries that it’s already too big. I’m the biggest she’s ever seen in person. I’m 7.45” ELBP and currently attempting to reach 6” EG

I don’t clamp very hard but allow some tightness to give my penis flexibility. Then I gradually kegel and bend downward for about 1 to 2 minutes and then release for a few seconds and then repeat for half an hour. I have noticed some slight discoloration but I’m hoping it will go away when I finally stop the exercises. I also use a wrist band for clamp comfort and lotion to make the exercise more pleasant.

I’ve actually been doing this by chance myself recently (getting a up/down/side bend then moving that bend up and down shaft keeping the bend at all times) but I just do it whenever I feel like it so probably not gaining much. I just want to add a tip for everyone to get a 150% testosterone spike for one day only if they wish. All you have to do is only ejaculate once a week. Say you ejaculate every Saturday night, then you will have 150% testosterone every Saturday leading up to the night that you have your weekly ejaculation. I use it for sports purposes (have this high testosterone on competition days) but it could be used for PE exercise too. Say you ejaculate every Saturday night so that you have high testosterone every Saturday, then break your penis tissue down alot on the Friday. Then make sure you have numerous erections (but don’t do PE exercises) during the Saturday so that fresh blood (with plenty of oxygen) is constantly in your penis and the 150% testosterone will cause extra growth as this is what it does, so this would be a “growth day”. However you must ejaculate that night or else your testosterone levels will temporarily plummet to 60% of your normal level (and will then have to recover gradually). So never go more than a week without ejaculating as you’ll have a big drop in testosterone on the eighth day! Hope this helps, if you want the source of this phenomenon just ask and I’ll find it for ya!

Interesting man-of-10. I will try that later on :)

Wow, 1-2 minute reps huh? For some reason I was under the impression that we should do 20 second ones. I will try the longer reps and report back (maybe 10 reps to start).

I started these a little more than a month ago and they’re just what I needed!

My EG was only at 4.0” when I started (I know haha) but it’s already up to 4.25” in just a month and that’s after not having done them for more than a day. For the rest of my on day it’s around 4.4”. I’ve been doing reps of 2 minutes at the base, mid shaft, and top where I bend down, up, left and right for 30 seconds each. I usually do about 4 sets of that with some clamping and jelqing as well.

Anyone else with a similar routine how have you’re gains been?

I’ll try these tonight! Although I predict I’ll have trouble keeping an erection at 10%

Originally Posted by man-of-10
I’ve actually been doing this by chance myself recently (getting a up/down/side bend then moving that bend up and down shaft keeping the bend at all times) but I just do it whenever I feel like it so probably not gaining much. I just want to add a tip for everyone to get a 150% testosterone spike for one day only if they wish. All you have to do is only ejaculate once a week. Say you ejaculate every Saturday night, then you will have 150% testosterone every Saturday leading up to the night that you have your weekly ejaculation. I use it for sports purposes (have this high testosterone on competition days) but it could be used for PE exercise too. Say you ejaculate every Saturday night so that you have high testosterone every Saturday, then break your penis tissue down alot on the Friday. Then make sure you have numerous erections (but don’t do PE exercises) during the Saturday so that fresh blood (with plenty of oxygen) is constantly in your penis and the 150% testosterone will cause extra growth as this is what it does, so this would be a “growth day”. However you must ejaculate that night or else your testosterone levels will temporarily plummet to 60% of your normal level (and will then have to recover gradually). So never go more than a week without ejaculating as you’ll have a big drop in testosterone on the eighth day! Hope this helps, if you want the source of this phenomenon just ask and I’ll find it for ya!

Where did you read about this system of getting testosterone spikes?

Originally Posted by man-of-10

I’ve actually been doing this by chance myself recently (getting a up/down/side bend then moving that bend up and down shaft keeping the bend at all times) but I just do it whenever I feel like it so probably not gaining much. I just want to add a tip for everyone to get a 150% testosterone spike for one day only if they wish. All you have to do is only ejaculate once a week. Say you ejaculate every Saturday night, then you will have 150% testosterone every Saturday leading up to the night that you have your weekly ejaculation. I use it for sports purposes (have this high testosterone on competition days) but it could be used for PE exercise too. Say you ejaculate every Saturday night so that you have high testosterone every Saturday, then break your penis tissue down alot on the Friday. Then make sure you have numerous erections (but don’t do PE exercises) during the Saturday so that fresh blood (with plenty of oxygen) is constantly in your penis and the 150% testosterone will cause extra growth as this is what it does, so this would be a “growth day”. However you must ejaculate that night or else your testosterone levels will temporarily plummet to 60% of your normal level (and will then have to recover gradually). So never go more than a week without ejaculating as you’ll have a big drop in testosterone on the eighth day! Hope this helps, if you want the source of this phenomenon just ask and I’ll find it for ya!

Please do.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by 4thewind
Damn, I’ve been doing this for six weeks and haven’t seen shit. I’ll be the 101st person to ask: can somebody PLEASE make a video???


We all know how to bend our penises. But the $64,000 question is: How erect should the penis be for maximum benefit?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

My experience with the Orange Bends

Originally Posted by quik4life

We all know how to bend our penises. But the $64,000 question is: How erect should the penis be for maximum benefit?


Ok, I haven’t posted much, but I’m here since last year and have read many posts, even if I was away for almost a year. Also I jelq for about 8-9 years, even if I started and stopped a few times. So I have grown some, stopped, then grew more and stopped. Now I want more, so I came back and then learned about these great bends that Mr. Orange talked about on this post.

I have tried the Orange Bends for two days and now am on a resting day. I can’t wait for tomorrow when I will do it again. My unit did become well exercised for the few minutes I did with it yesterday and the day before yesterday.

So What I do is this:

1- Get my dick real hard, and then clamp;

2- *WAIT* for the erection to subside while clamped. This will make the penis become soft and very bendable, but at the same time, will keep all the erection’s blood in there. Be careful and use good sense not to overdo anything. Clamping after the erection and waiting for it do become soft while still blood filled has worked for me and given me malleability while still providing enough blood for it to become stretched in a bend;

3- While still keeping it clamped with one hand (OK sign clamping), use the other hand’s palm to push the glans downwards, making it bend downwards and become really expanded, very thick and with the veins jumping out, but be careful and tender - do not overdo it. I only bend it up to 90 degrees because my penis is fatter than it is long, and it already becomes very thick and expanded from the 90 degree bend. Doing more than that doesn’t feel necessary at all, and I feel it’s better to stay on the comfortable side where you feel pleasure or nothing, instead of the painful uncomfortable side. Otherwise my penis becomes afraid and I start loathing sessions as punishment or price for growth instead of looking forward to them as joyous penis enlargement time;

4- I use the palm of the hand to bend it upwards, towards my stomach’s direction;

5- Grab the base of the glans with an OK sign to bend it to the sides. If I could do it with the palm of the hand, I would. Maybe someone else can. Whatever it takes to bend the penis to the side and feels comfortable and suitable will work;

6- Keep each bend for about 10-20 seconds, and while bending you can push it farther a little bit to make it expand more, repeatedly, even within the bend. It’s like the penis is bent, and you give it repeated small pushes, to further that bend slightly;

7- Every few reps make a kegel blood pump to bring more blood into the penis. As you do the kegel, loosen the clamp a little to let the blood flow in and then tighten the clamp again, in order to keep the blood amount sufficient;

8- Take a few 30-60 seconds rest every few minutes to insure the penis’ blood renews and that it’s cells are fueled with new oxygen supply. Keeping the clamp keeps the veins on the penis’ periphery from bringing the blood back into the body and making the penis go limp. However if the blood isn’t renewed, then there is the possibility of penis’ cells becoming lacking in O2 supply and then become damaged by this anoxia. We do not want that to happen as that would be crossing the line between exercise that stimulates growth and getting into the area where we are causing damage that will take time to heal. We only want to go as far as it’s still exercise that will take a resting day for the CC tissue to develop, and not to get hurt and spend the resting day healing the tissue and obtaining zero gains, because we hurt ourselves instead of exercising.

9- As Dead-eye said, start putting more fingers on the clamp in order to move the bend upwards closer to the glands, and exercise farther areas of the penis. I really didn’t do this so much as I already had it very expanded with only one finger and the thumb holding the clamp. But different dicks, different techniques.

*Words of caution*

*1* Do all of this *very carefully* not to over stress the penis, as it would cause injure instead of exercise and whatever time you spent resting after the exercise would be taken up by the healing of the penis’ tissues rather than by it’s muscle development, which is what causes penis enlargement.

*2* Do not keep the clamp for too long. Every few minutes, like 3 or so, let the blood flow so that the tissue cells can breathe and renew it’s oxygen supply instead of dying out in anoxia (hypoxia especially of such severity as to result in permanent damage). It is the anoxia of extreme clamping and expansion that causes the discoloration in my opinion. Anything that damages tissues instead of just making them grow is prone to causing damages and is NOT what we are after. We only want to exercise.

*3* Your penis shouldn’t be scared after the session. You should look forward to the next session and even become aroused by it’s time being nearer. I use this anticipation as a gauge to know if I am overdoing anything to the point of injuring my unit. Any harm with over exercising is unwelcome. That is why I also stopped training for 30 minutes and took on shorter sessions that made me grow more a few month’s back.

*4* Also over stretching made me feel like it was getting less length gains when I did it with more strength. When tissues become hurt they tend to retract in the healing process, as far as I know. When you only stretch the ligaments, or the penis itself by inflating it with o-bends, in a healthy way, then you will probably see gains that surpass the gains you get when you over pull it, or when you over stress it with o-bending.

*5* Always be on the pleasant comfortable side - that is my motto. I’m not saying it’s the only thing that works. I had gains when I over did it some years back, but they were smaller and I hurt myself a few times to say the least, even it it was no big deal, only a few burst veins and such. I see more gains and am happier with tender exercises that work, and that don’t overdo anything. Learn to feel where you are going over the top and it will be more than will give you gain, and start stealing growth time for the healing time.

I’m going to medical school so I know a few things, even if I haven’t graduated yet. When you hurt a tissue then it becomes harder in a way, because of the “scar” and the healed tissue will not grow as well as the one that was never injured in the first place. If you wait for a few month’s then the tissue will probably be all good to go again but who waits for even a few days not to say a few months when it comes to enlarging yourself? No one.

What I can say for sure is that it’s always better to under do it, and rest more than needed than it is to over do it and then think you have to increase the intensity of your sessions in order to gain, rather than diminish it. That is why I have seen people have no gains with lots of work while others gained with far less effort, and also why I didn’t have so much gain years back, until I read in this forum a post about “physiological gains” or something that talked about the threshold where you will be overdoing it and hurting instead of exercising.

Ok, hope this helps!!
Dr. Hose

This is a long thread, but often repeated herein is the advice to start at low erection and get the feel for the exercise before going up to the higher pressures of greater erection level.

Dr. Hose has been doing PE for many years, and knows his dick well. I’m not worried about him. But be aware that you can create very high pressure in a localized area, so be careful.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

But while I bend I keep a close eye not to overdo anything


Yeah Mgus!

I just want to reiterate that what I suggested above is to clamp while engorged in an erection but to >>wait<< for the dick to become limp while still clamping. Because then there is already a lot of blood in there and then I can get good expansion on the bends.

If theres too much blood in there then there should be let some of it out. I only do it because then I get the good amount of inflation right away, and it’s not too much blood that would make injury no the expansions. And it’s done without being hard (because I waited to get limp while clamping).

This worked for me, but it may not work for someone with less exercised penises. So be careful not to burst any veins there!

I only bend as much as it expands in a way that I am not hurt or anything. So be careful if you are just starting out and your dick is less resistant, and also not to force too much in hope of gaining faster..

Just so no one overdoes anything based on the experiences I had myself and posted.

Last edited by Doctor Hose : 07-06-2008 at .

And that what I mean is that it’s blood engorged but not hard. I Clamped so the blood stayed, but wait d for it to become limp, the blood staying there. And be careful not to keep too much blood, let some out.. Just what worked (quite well) for me.

Wow. Well I’ll be giving this a shot.

Clamped bends… forgot about those.



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