Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Girlfriend said those lovely words...

Can anyone advise me on a possible injury here?

I was obsessed with this thread since Mr. O had made those wild growth breakthroughs. I have been experimenting with bending my penis in such a manner. I have found that I can bend it with just a little bit of blood inside (~10% erection). You can easily see that the width of the penis spreads out much more than a normal erection’s width, only that it’s much flatter. This, I took to mean, the idea of expansion.

However the skin did not have much blood cause any pressure. I re-read deadeye’s explanation and pumped in more blood, made an ok grip at the base and then bend. You can feel more pressure but this can sabotage the spreading out that I mentioned in the top paragraph. So therein lies the practice to achieve the right balance.

Last night I was experimenting with this. I noted that to add even more pressure, you can squeeze the top of your penis and push that blood down to your bend. This creates the so-called “bubble.”

However, after trying a few different bends and holds like this, I saw a small red blip on my shaft near the base. It looked like a blood blister or maybe a pimple. There was nothing inside of it (like a blood blister or pimple) and it did NOT hurt to touch. It simply was a very small red dot. Today it looks even more faint and smaller.

Can anyone tell me what I might have done? Did I perhaps burst a tiny capillary or something?

I just want to make sure that I am not overdoing the technique. I want that inch of girth that Mr. O couped himself, but I want to make sure my penis stays in tip top shape as well.

Could the other people that have been experimenting with this genius technique give me their opinion?

Also, what advice would anyone give on me resting my dick for a few days?

Would that be overly paranoid? I would like to jelq today but I don’t want to damage anything further.

Any comments?

You burst a blood vessel, most likely. Happens to me all the time, I actually think it’s a good sign.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by vagabund
Also, what advice would anyone give on me resting my dick for a few days?

Would that be overly paranoid? I would like to jelq today but I don’t want to damage anything further.

Any comments?

I do it every other day, the o-bends. That’s all I do and I have been getting gains like never before (years of practice). This really is the holy grail.

I want to say that on my previous post I kinda messed things up. I said that I “held my penis in the clamp until the erection subsided, while keeping the blood in it” and that’s impossible I now realize :D . Actually I was letting the erection subside by letting some of the blood out of my dick. I misinterpreted its physiology hehe.

Hey vagabund, as long as you don’t make your dick ache I would say its all good. Just be careful not overdo it. I think overdoing things doesn’t give faster gains or I would be doing too. Just my view.

I do 10-20 minute sessions of these bends, once every other day. Each set is with some 20 reps up, down, left and right, and each set lasts for some 3-5 minutes. I do some 3 or 4 sets, and it sums up to 10-20 minutes depending on how fast I get hard and all that.

I gained like almost 1cm in BPEL and 0,25cm in girth I think. This is not an exact measure, it might have been more. Anyway, my dick has been growing faster than ever and the sessions are so easy and brief. I don’t even have to go to the bathroom, as they are dry. It looks very big, and I can notice the growth on naked eye when I go to the bathroom take a leak and such.

To me this is the holy grail of PE. Hail and long live MrOrange for his findings, lol.


Do you rest your dick any extra days when that happens? Or do you simply stick to your normal routine and consider the bursted blood vessel as “job well done”? I do have to admit that I thought to myself , “ok, wow, I must be getting a great amount of blood pumped in there.” I just don’t want to do damage as we all know.

Dr. Hose,

No, there is no ache with the bends. The only thing I notice is that my dick looks wider after letting go. It obviously shrinks to normal size after a few moments, but I hope some growth will stick soon. Yeah I definitely want to shake Mr. O’s hand after this discovery.

It depends. How big is the bruise? Is it dark red? Does it hurt when you do PE? It’s not a cut and dry thing, gotta assess it yourself; if I had to guess, I’d go ahead and work it anyway, but that’s me.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Hi Vagabund,

Kazooplayer is right, I agree with him. I would do it anyway, unless it was a lot of blood spots all over the dick and I felt it needed time to regenerate the damage.

Usually only one small spot doesn’t mean anything but if you want to take an extra day for it to heal I doubt it would injure your gain schedule in the next 6 months.

When you exercise try to take it slowly and for longer instead of doing a harsh squeeze shorter set. Like this: start out slowly, with less blood in the squeeze and then build it up over 30 minutes, so that the penis expands gradually, and the veins have their time to expand. The other way would be to do it over 5 minutes pushing a lot of blood into the penis without allowing the blood vessels time to accommodate or slowly expand. This would probably cause some damage and burst one capillary or another, making the bloody spots appear.

Way back I would do harder sessions and then get hurt. Then I started taking slower gradual sessions and I would no longer get hurt, and also the gains were better, since I would take no time to heal, because there was no injury, and the resting days would be directed to growth only, rather than healing and some growth.

And there are people who get great discoloration over pushing it too hard… another reason to go slow and safe. Not as exciting as seeing your dick grow twice its size until it aches (what I used to do), I know, but at least its granted to be safe and apparently gives me best results over time.


The bruise is actually completely gone today. This is the day after I first noticed it. It seemed hardly significant enough to even mention. I just mentioned it anyway so as to be on the safe side. It wasn’t even a bruise to begin with, just like a small red blip. OK, I feel better after your comments. Yeah, I probably got good work done. On to more bends today! By the way, what’s your routine with this O-bending? What kind of gains have you gotten with this?

Dr. H,

I am going to start with a warm wrap for a good 5 minutes before I bend today. I’ll do a light set of 20 seconds each direction (up, down, left, right) on the three parts of the shaft (base, mid, just below glans). I’ll repeat that 3 times increasing the pressure with each run through. Hopefully that will be “slow and safe” enough, as you say.

Do any of you guys bend your dick 180 degrees during this? I’m not sure if that means my erection level is too low. Occasionally I’ll bend my head right down and hold it with some of the fingers of my base clamp hand. I like to actually take a ruler out and measure the width here. I like to see how much wider it is than my normal erection.

I’m not sure if this means my erection level is low. I’ll just stick with this routine and see what happens.

I did O-Bends when I wake up, one rep of sixty seconds in each direction. Nice way to start the day for exercises. I think O-Bends stretch out the outer layers, making it more pliable throughout the day. I can’t single out the O-Bends for gains though, I’ve never done them not in conjunction with other exercises.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by vagabund

Do any of you guys bend your dick 180 degrees during this? I’m not sure if that means my erection level is too low. Occasionally I’ll bend my head right down and hold it with some of the fingers of my base clamp hand. I like to actually take a ruler out and measure the width here. I like to see how much wider it is than my normal erection.

I’m not sure if this means my erection level is low. I’ll just stick with this routine and see what happens.

Hey, as long as your veins pump out, your dick expands and rests larger than before you exercised, like its expanded after the workout, then you probably did it right.

I have to pop in here. If your into O-Bends, you should really try Wantsmores fulcrums. If you think an O-Bend loosens up the outer structure these things will cause you to plump up all day long and when you do your normal whatevers you’ll see a difference that will surprise you.

I couldn’t do these because they were causing such girth growth that I couldn’t fit in my rings or my hanger easily. I didn’t want to step up to the larger rings or readjust my hanger to fit so I just quite them.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

I hate to be a party pooper but could we please get back to the topic of this thread? O-bends and so forth should belong to an other thread or am I wrong?

O-bends are what this thread is about.

Mar 2008 BPEL: 6" Base EG: 5" Mid EG: 4.75"

July 2008 BPEL: 7" Base EG: 5.75" Mid EG: 5.125"

Originally Posted by Pole Position
O-bends are what this thread is about.

Oki, my mistake then. I got the impression that this was a kind of thread were guys could post about how their girlfriends react to their new size since it is titled “My Girlfriend said those lovely words…”.

Originally Posted by Pole Position
O-bends are what this thread is about.

Haha, face!

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.


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