Thunder's Place

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My thoughts on some of the latest happenings

Hey BA,

I just went back and read the whole DLD pics thread again and unless someone has deleted some of Wols’ posts, he was not flaming, just stating an opinion.

Petey’s Uncle was doing the flaming it looks like to me. What do you think??

Cool Guy

Registered: Jun 2003
Posts: 9
People Please Stop!!!!

I Know allot of People that Practice PE are Gay. But I must Say, I've never seen seen so many people in my life be So obsessed with ones Dick Size as allot of People are with DLD's Dick.

Whether he has 12” 10” or 4” why does it matter to so many people? Even if you think we over hyped it on the Pay-site (which we didn't) whats the big deal? Is it really going to change ones life?

We are here to Practice PE not to Suck DLD's Dick.

I am going to open a section on our Pay-Site for Members to Pay an extra Fee to get DLD's big Dick shoved up their Ass. Then they can see if its 12” or not in Person. As a matter of Fact, I think we are going to still Produce those DLD Dildo's For Dino and CrazyDenmarkDude to suck on.

Stop Obsessing with DLD's dick Please. Its Sickening to my Stomach.


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I don’t get it. It seems simple to me, if you like a place stay there. If you don’t, leave and go somewhere else.

If you like more than one contribute to more than one. No one is forcing us to stay, or pay, or anything else. In the end it is our individual choice.

For what it’s worth I have never thought of PEforum and Thunders as being competitors. I hop back and forth all the time. There is good info on both.

Sometimes advertising is a necessary evil. Things cost money, we all know that. I dont know if its being done for profit or to keep things afloat, but either way I haven’t found it excessive.

As for the DLD thing…can’t really speak to that because I don’t know who said what about who. But for the record I think he’s a cool guy and I hope his site is successful. I also think there is a conflict of interest if your a mod and running a paysite.

Some of Wols posts were deleted by the mod that banned him.

Some mods have just about all of the capabilities that the admins do over in the PEForum except for about 1 or 2 capabilities.

To be honest, I have really tried to stay out of this whole thing. I butted in when it started dominating the entire forum and when some mods started having it out in Gen Dis. I haven’t deleted any posts or banned anyone because of this (yet), but I have had to make a few reprimands and lock some posts.


You should try setting up a mod only forum where posts that need to be removed from public view can be placed, instead of the deletion thing. It saves a lot of accidental deletions. Even the mod forum would work for this kind of setup.

I followed that thread pretty closely and didn’t see anything that had been removed, but maybe the mod was johnny on the spot though.

Maybe Wols can let us hear his side of this.

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That’s what’s supposed to be done, unless the post in question is without a doubt so offensive that it doesn’t need to be reviewed. I’ll contact the mod in question for more details.

Last edited by Big Al : 06-13-2003 at .

Big Al,

None of my posts have been taken off any threads in the history of my PE forums posting. If certain mod told you that, then he is not telling you the truth.

My posts have not been flames. I’ve never called anyone names or threatend to “track” anyone down through their IP address.

I invite anyone to look at my posting history at PE forums. Critical of DLD? Yes… If you would have been more critical of DLD a year ago, PE Forums would be in a lot better shape today.

I will look into this.

I would like to think that this whole anti-DLD thing is temporary.

Wols, I think that you’re out of line by saying that the current state of PEForums is due to DLD being there. Why should I have been critical of DLD a year ago? What gives *anyone* the right to single out one member of the forum and accuse them of something like that? I still cannot see what DLD has done that is so bad that it merits the kind of persecution and harassment that he’s been getting!

There are a LOT of other things going on…nasty, underhanded things that have been going on for months! That’s the main reason for the drop in activity on PEForums.

Big Al,

This is a copy of my last post at PE Forums. Five minutes later when I tried to post the corrected pic I was banned.


I really screwed up on the pic. Notice how I started with 1” instead of 0.” I’ll fix it and post the correct pic. The first pic is actually only covering 11 inches. There should be another inch of ruler that’s being pressed (I guess into the fat pad). I’m not going to flame or make any judgements on this one. I’m just providing clarity by marking the inches.——-

My first post in this thread states what’s going on pretty clearly.

SO this statement here then??

I've recently become aware of a few disturbing facts. One of which is the “recruiting” coming from mods here at Thunder's- essentially telling the mods at PEForums to abandon PEForums and focus on Thunder's.

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