Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My thoughts on some of the latest happenings

“Telling someone to join the other forum is nothing new.”

That’s not what’s going on. Telling people “Don’t support PEForums because they are commercial whores”, and the like is not the same as asking someone to visit Thunder’s.

Not to put words in to anyone’s mouth’s here, but a lot of the guys came over here (I’m talking vets) because PE Forums was not the same any longer. It did not have the same spirit it had in the past.

And I don’t think anyone here has to have any excuse for stating their personal opinion, and doing what members of an independent forum should do.

I bash the ads at PE Forums. I didn’t like them in the beginning and I don’t like them now. PE Forums used to be an independent forum, now it resembles a feeder site. True we have two ads here, but I think that both of the products here are pretty decent products and I know both of the owners avoid the bullshit claims and provide support and service. Some of the guys advertising on PE Forums now are real low lifes. I mean Darren Beale is hawking pills in the threads, not content to just have an ad there. It’s the same two dollar a bottle pill that Longitude was selling, or pretty damn close. And who are these guys targeting?? New guys that don’t know any better. New guys that come to an independent forum for some truth about PE and to escape the bullshit.

Do you think Hubbard is proud of what his forum has become??

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I am fully aware of PEForum’s current state. We are going to be making some changes to PEForums real soon. Hopefully, a lot of them will be for the better.
Again, I respect your opinion, but you’re missing the point. It’s one thing to have an opinion. I’m OK with that. What I’m NOT OK with is underhanded tactics. Do you excuse your mods of that kind of behavior because you don’t approve of our methods of supporting the site?

“Do you think Hubbard is proud of what his forum has become??”

Maybe not, but I felt that I needed to do what I had to do. For better or for worse. Hubbard may have been one of the creators of the first PEForum, but the PEForum is not about Hubbard, me, or any one man. The PEForum is supposed to be for EVERYONE.
If any of the members have a problem with the site, I am more than happy to listen to suggestions.


I think this should stop now and you guys should really talk in private and get things cleared up.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

>The PEForum is supposed to be for EVERYONE.

That is true BA, but I think it was steered in a direction that most did not want it to go.

That is my opinion (still a member) of why a lot of guys left PE Forums.

>What I’m NOT OK with is underhanded tactics.

I’m still not getting what these tactics were exactly?? Guys sending PMs to other members and voicing an opinion is NOT underhanded, is it??

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“That is true BA, but I think it was steered in a direction that most did not want it to go.”

I agree that that’s part of the reason…and a really big part. I’m man enough to admit that PEForums needs help, and that there’s a lot of changes that need to be made.

“I’m still not getting what these tactics were exactly?? Guys sending PMs to other members and voicing an opinion is NOT underhanded, is it??”

Thunder, it seems that you and I have different trains of thought. *I* would personally be offended if any the PEForum mods started to contact Thunder’s members/mods and tell them “Abandon Thunder’s- it sucks there! Thunder has a hidden agenda!” You see that as “expressing an opinion”. I see it as underhanded and wrong. IMO, it’s not even the worst of it. There are a lot of other things that have been going on that are messed up (not just lately), but I’m not going to go into that.

I think that for the sake of getting on with other things that we should just agree to disagree.


There´s nothing wrong with making money, it´s a must for almost everyone of us. But affiliating with makers and sellers of penis-pills is bound to have a negative effect on credibility. Even so I have read nothing but good things about PE-forums AND your own paysite, forsize, here.

I think the concern is that attempts to questions DLD about his claims and his pictures are being ignored and even frowned upon. I´ve seen MOS and it looks really good, no question, but some of the text is questionable and so are the pictures. Anyone who DOESN`T questions these things is making a mistake.

I´ve read quite a few posts on the subject and there are less than constructive points and language from both sides, and not much of answers. Yet it seems people from the questioning side gets banned and not from the “other” side. Of course this will lead to raised eyebrows and more distrust.

DLDs friends aren´t making him, or PE-forum, any favours. IMHO you need to make that as clear as the fact that you frown upon members from Thunders who are inviting members from PE-forum. Maybe you have, but then the message wasn´t clear enough.

I personally think the whole thing sucks, I have no beef with anyone and I have nothing against PE-forum. But it seems to me that you need to check up a bit on your mods, not just the ones from Thunders.

The art of conversation is not a martial art

“I think the concern is that attempts to questions DLD about his claims and his pictures are being ignored and even frowned upon. I´ve seen MOS and it looks really good, no question, but some of the text is questionable and so are the pictures. Anyone who DOESN`T questions these things is making a mistake.”

Nothing wrong with asking questions. Where this all went bad was the personal attacks, threats, and the flame explosions that took place in both of the forums. There was also backstabbing and double-talk as well…from some pretty high-ranking members, too. That is all that I’m going to say about that.

“DLDs friends aren´t making him, or PE-forum, any favours. IMHO you need to make that as clear as the fact that you frown upon members from Thunders who are inviting members from PE-forum.”

Again, I don’t frown on invitations to other forums. I don’t see anything wrong with that. It’s not “invitations that I’m talking about. I would really like to get past that issue.

“But it seems to me that you need to check up a bit on your mods, not just the ones from Thunders.”

I don’t approve of ANYONE, whether they be friends, mods, admins, etc, not following the rules. I am aware of a lot of the really terrible things going on in that area. When I told the mods in Gen Dis (PEForums) to squash the issue, that applied to everyone. I even locked the thread.

Last edited by Big Al : 06-13-2003 at .

This is better than General Hospital,but who is Troll thats the only part that loses me? IMO The way I see it ,it does not matter who says come here,or go there ,people are going to go where they feel comfortable.It does not matter if you have High priced advertising,one walk through and you can tell if its bullshit ,or not.I dont think the problem lyes with who said what ,its the quality of the place.

Big Al,

When I first started to learn more about PE, I joined your program after reading posts on the old EZboard forum and then wanting more structured information. I just want to say that your site was very useful in my newbie days and realistic in making claims of enlargement possibilities. I have taken information I learned there and revised it to suit my own style and purposes. I’ve certainly gotten my money’s worth and thank you for that.

When the PE Forums replaced the EZboard Forum, it really became such a great new PE resource and was my favorite site until about a year ago. Unfortunately, since then it seems that the maturity level of the Forum has gradually declined, while at the same time the maturity level and variety of input at Thundersplace has been on the rise. Maybe this is all just the natural evolution of informational internet sites, but that is my perspective.

Needless to say and sadly, I am a rare visitor to PE Forums nowadays, and I am even less likely to visit since the entire DLD fiasco took place and some of his “friends” have submitted incredibly immature and insulting commentary on the PEForums. This kind of shenanigans just diminishes the intrinsic good of all your efforts.

Individuals on all of these forums still have to make their own choices. I just say “caveat emptor” (buyer beware), in choosing to pay for paysite PE information or not. I wish you well.


How do we get out of this mess?


I personally found Tom Hubbards site first and then Thunders, which then led me to PEForum. I always hopped between Thunder’s and the PEForum, when one was down the other would have info on when it would be back.

I haven’t been here since the very beginning - but i was pretty close. Everything seemed better then, I am not trying to look back all nostalgia like - but it just seemed more genuine, more community like.

I suppose it is naive to expect things to carry on the same as they were now that our community is growing. Kind of like you don’t get that small-town closeness in the big city.

The whole BIB/Tom Hubbard argument made me pretty sad and now this nonsense?

Personally I don’t really care who instigated all of this, it serves no purpose to keep going on about it.

I hope all this clears up soon.

I want my community back.

See Ya,


I will shoulder a large portion of the blame for the state of the technical side of PE Forums. I was very honored and excited to be able to help out in that capacity when the site first moved from the EZBoard and was pretty much johnny-on-the-spot for about a year. After I bit off more that I could chew with my personal life and career changes I more or less disappeared. I tried to prepare for this ahead of time but did not adequately do so.

Emotions have run pretty high over the past couple of weeks. I have said a lot of things and acted in ways, which looking back may not have been in the best of judgement. I really want PE Forums to survive and prosper. That is where I started 3 1/2 years ago, and still look at as my original home. Thunder’s Place is great, PE Forums is too but needs help. BA said he is working on making this happen. I wish all this DLD stuff could be put behind us and we could all just freaking get along for a change. My PE days are more or less over, but for the sake of the community that has helped me so much both sites need to press forward. I will always think of you all at PE Forums and Thunder’s as my PE bretheren!

To the people who keep saying that it wasn’t handled correctly:

There were things that we could have all done differently, this is true. I know I would have prefered for it not to blow up in public like this at either site. It has been stressing me out big time. Please remember, though, that DLD is the one who brought all of this public by posting in the Main Member forum here last Monday.


I started out at PE forum and still consider it my home of sorts… After I got my camera I tried to post some pics over at PE forum but was unable to because the pictures needed to be resized… I tried to post the same pictuers here and had no problem with doing it… I think that both forums are great but the reason that so many more people come here is that it is easier to post pictures… I can’t be the only one who is dull with doing computer stuff like changing picture sizes.. StillWantMore had to post my pictures for me because I couldn’t figure it out.. If anything I feel that the ease of posting pictures here at Thunder’s Place is a solid reason that more people come here and obviously respond to and make posts.

Big Al has a great site and I joined it shortly after becoming a member at PE Forum.. I hope all this stuff blows over soon because I’ve been reading both forums for a long time and have never seen anything like this happen before.. Good luck Big Al and Thunder, you two are the heavy weights in this area and both run tight ships… The last thing we need are the superpowers going at it (this last statement was intended for the command staff (MODS) for Big Al and Thunder, Be good Mods and work for peace because if anything all this negative stuff started out with the Mods and not with Big Al and Thunder…

Sorry if I spoke out of turn here guys but mods are like officers in a military unit, they are always “on stage”…


So what is the point of this thread, now 60 posts long?

BA and Thunder are communicating well and respectfully, just bitching about detail stuff.

I read Wols stuff. He got banned because he expressed disagreement, and did so without flaming. Bad move to ban because of intellectual debate. A mistake. But let that go. He’s not unhappy where he is.

DLD is the center of the entire bruhaha. There will _never_ be any inter-community agreement about his goodness or his badness, of which he has shown a great deal of both. I say let that go. He will show whatever his true colors along his way.

PE Forums, dear in the hearts of many of us, needs re-working and, as perforeal suggested, maturity of expression. BA seems aware of this. He is at that helm.

It is clear that some people on all three sides have behaved deviously. Let that go but plug your holes, leaders, so that bad behavior does not get rewarded. And in saying that, I have no one in particular in mind.




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