Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My thoughts on some of the latest happenings

That’s one of them, yes. The whole “Us vs. Them” attitude that seems to be prevalent here is another.

Thunder, I’m not going to whine and cry about things that I cannot control. I am just going to try and be the best webmaster and admin that I can be. If people don’t like the PEForum, they are welcome to go elsewhere. If they want to talk BS about the forum, it’s their right to do so. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. No hard feelings about it.
If they engage in unsavory tactics to try and destroy the forum, then I will try to do what I can to protect it. I am certainly not going to stoop to their level, though.

As I have said before, I have never considered the PEForum to be in competition with Thunder’s (or any other forum for that matter)…on the contrary. I remember not too long ago that at one point, both forums were almost inextricably linked to each other.


Those were the good old days!! BA all the old timers look at the peforum with fondness, we all want it to do good it’s were most of us started that’s why I stayed a moderator even when I didn’t really have the time for two forums.

I also sent you a pm on my feelings on the decline of the peforum. My feelings about your forum are private

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I’ll just do my best to keep it going. Trolls, hacking, outages, “death pinging”, and more have not stopped PEForums. Neither will this latest situation.

I respect your opinion, but I don’t even consider that an option. The PEForums is going to stay the way it is, and I’m going to continue to be its owner.

I refuse to give up my post because of a troll. That’s exactly what he/she/it/they want. If I were the type of person that gave up when situations got rough or when people tried to make things rough on me, I would have given up on life itself years ago!.

Besides, I haven’t seen any real troll activity for quite some time now. I’ve hired out some tech guys to work the bugs out of the system and to beef up security.

This whole turn of events has been very disheartening to me. Peforum will always be my home, it was the first forum I found and it was months before I had ever been to thunders. Plus I am a Mod over there and like to help out. I DO agree with BA that there is a lot of underhanded stuff going on, undermining peforum. People here are claiming that it has “shut down” and such, and blame numerous people including BA and DLD.

I personally am in this for the penis enlargement and (to a lesser degree) to make some friends. For that reason, I do not discriminate. I will always be a poster at each forum and a Moderator wherever they will have me. I think what a lot of the moderators here have done is shameful yet I will still stay loyal to all my fellow PE’ers here and elsewhere, as I think they have a lot to learn from me, an dI certainly have learned a lot (and am STILL learning) from them. The 1000’s of members both here and at pefoum have created a truly amazing database in information on PE and it was a collective effort. I just hope that we can put these recent happenings behind us, work together, and continue on with PE. I know I won’t be done with this stuff for awhile.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it" What would twatteaser do? ---- Now known as 8-ball - *


Your honesty, objectivity, and “pull no punches” attitude are why I consider you to be one of our best moderators. You have always said it like it is. I have a lot of respect for you because of that.

Originally posted by ThunderSS

What do you mean by underhanded? The same thing that BA is saying?? Mods from here telling mods at PE Forums to come over to this forum??

Well, there are posts bashing peforum in your open forums here, and some mods are trying to steer people away from peforum via PMs and IMs.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it" What would twatteaser do? ---- Now known as 8-ball - *


Let me get this straight were the bad guys because we point out that dld is using fake advertising to lure our fellow pe’ers into shelling out 50 bucks to join his site. And were bad guys for pointing out that having another forum is going to pull more posters from the peform and therfore reduce the number of good posters on it. Look for your self it’s pretty slow. Abosulutley no one is saying that they want the peforum to die, some make think it will but none want it to.

Gandolf you know the reason thunders and the peforum aren’t joined at the hip anymore. It’s because Big Al is the target of the troll, that’s why the troll attacks the peforum because he/she wants to hurt BA. That’s why Thunder separated the forums so thunders wouldn’t be associated with BA and therefore not a target of the troll. I didn’t agree with the separation but I understood the reasoning.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I have personally received forwarded PMs from mods that bash PEForums.

“Gandolf you know the reason thunders and the peforum aren’t joined at the hip anymore. It’s because Big Al is the target of the troll, that’s why the troll attacks the peforum because he/she wants to hurt BA. That’s why Thunder separated the forums so thunders wouldn’t be associated with BA and therefore not a target of the troll. I didn’t agree with the separation but I understood the reasoning.”

That’s certainly no excuse for the behavior of some of the members and mods here.

I never agreed with the way that whole thing was handled, but I respect Thunder’s decision to do what he did. The troll fiasco was not the only reason why Thunder’s doesn’t associate with PEForums. Remember that I wasn’t the troll’s only target.

Last edited by Big Al : 06-13-2003 at .

Originally posted by Dino9X7

Let me get this straight were the bad guys because we point out that dld is using fake advertising to lure our fellow pe'ers into shelling out 50 bucks to join his site. And were bad guys for pointing out that having another forum is going to pull more posters from the peform and therfore reduce the number of good posters on it. Look for your self it's pretty slow. Abosulutley no one is saying that they want the peforum to die, some make think it will but none want it to.

Gandolf you know the reason thunders and the peforum aren't joined at the hip anymore. It's because Big Al is the target of the troll, that's why the troll attacks the peforum because he/she wants to hurt BA. That's why Thunder separated the forums so thunders wouldn't be associated with BA and therefore not a target of the troll. I didn't agree with the separation but I understood the reasoning.


I never said anyone is a bad guy Dino. I simply don’t think it is the point of either forum to disparage a particular user or a particular paysite. In the same respect that I don’t think DLD should be marketing his pay site on either forum. I’m not about to take anyone’s side on the whole DLD vs. Thunders debate but I definately think it was handled improperly here by the Mods, otherwise teh shit would not have hit the fan like it did and I don’t think you can argue with that.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it" What would twatteaser do? ---- Now known as 8-ball - *

Originally posted by Big Al

I have personally received forwarded PMs from mods that bash PEForums.

And I have received non forwarded PMs that bash peforums in an apparent attempt to pull me away.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it" What would twatteaser do? ---- Now known as 8-ball - *

Also I have been telling people from the peforum to come over to thunders since thunders started, I also have told many thunder members to come over the peforum. We cross link threads all the time on each forum. Telling someone to join the other forum is nothing new. And I believe every one of BA’s moderator are already members here or moderators and I would think 90% or more of the active members at the peforum are members here already so whats the big deal.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


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