Your routine MUST be based on your responses!
All PE exercises induce force into the tissue of your penis. When the forces induced exceed normal erectile forces, it causes tissue changes.
We are looking for tissue changes that lead to a large dick…right?
So, you must monitor your reaction to the induced forces and customize the amount and type of forces that for YOU, lead to growth.
Any PE exercise can induce growth if used to the appropriate degree in relation to your ability to recover from that force.
So, having said that…cable clamping can produce very high internal pressures!
Therefore, newbies are advised not to use it until they have at least several months of conditioning.
If you are conditioned enough to try it, my personal advise is to start with no more than 5 minutes.
Then you must monitor you Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to determine if it is enough, too much or just right.
Personally, I did an experiment of splitting clamping into 5- one minute sessions (done with a kagel hold of ten seconds, six times) spaced out during the whole day.
I found that after the 3rd time, my PIs were indicating my unit had had enough stress for the day!
Imagine…less than 4 minutes and I was drifting into overtraining!
Is it any wonder that most guys don’t get growth? Most start out with a MINIMUM of 10 minutes! Then INCREASE FROM THERE!
Just remember,the higher the internal pressures, the quicker you hit max stress for the day! If you exceed your max PRODUCTIVE tissue stress for the day, you start going backward.
Do this enough times in a row, you will lose size and erectile response.