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Need Some Cable Clamping Help


Need Some Cable Clamping Help

Lately I have been focusing mainly on girth more than anything else. And for whatever reason pumping pretty much killed my erections so that’s off limits. And dry jelqing gave me a pretty nasty blister.

So I am turning to cable clamping. Lately I have been putting the cable clamp on at the base when I am about 50-60% erect and getting nice and fat. And leaving it on for 10 minutes.

I read that heat is a good idea while cable clamping?

Heat is always a good idea I have heard, and it is particularly important to let your unit cool while STILL EXPANDED. That’s how they stretch ligs in medicine - heat them, stretch, remove heat while still stretched to “cement”.

I have been doing squeezes ( being careful) while clamped rather than just leaving the clamp on. I think this will accomplish a lot more. basically the clamp serves to hold the blood in there so I can “use” it for squeezes.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

I’ll look into picking up a heating pad. :)

I just did five 10-minute sets of CC’ing with the CC at the base of my unit, some bending with the CC on. Really pumped up my wood like crazy. Especially right above the clamp. I have seen some pics of people CC’ing around their balls as well. Is there anything wrong with just CC’ing the base of the dick?

Originally Posted by WBH
…I have seen some pics of people CC’ing around their balls as well. Is there anything wrong with just CC’ing the base of the dick?


I do both forms of clamping (i.e. around dick/balls and at base of dick only) depending on my mood and for variety. I think both have advantages, but clamping at base of dick only needs to be monitored more for circulation, etc depending on how tight the clamp is applied.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

May you can help me, what is clamping ? How would you start off ?

Is there a thread that outlines it in a complete maner.



What you reported from pumping and jelquing are both indications of overdoing it.

You can easily overdo it clamping too!

What I would suggest is to keep with the minimum you are doing, and then measure yourself daily while clamped. If you see a sudden loss of girth, cut back on the time, or frequency. If you see slow steady progress, keep with what you are doing.

If you see no progress after a week, I would add an additional 5 minute set. Stick with that for another week, measuring daily. Same as above.

Use loss of size as an indicator of overdoing it, increased size as a positive one.

You can add one 5 minute set /week using the above guidelines. You should be able to find what works best for you using shrinkage as the “too much” indicator, and of course growth indicates you are on target.

Resist the urge to throw in other stuff until you find the amount of time that works best for you.


Originally Posted by 32Rodman
May you can help me, what is clamping ? How would you start off ?

Is there a thread that outlines it in a complete maner.


You can do a search look to the button upper left but just so you know claiming is some heavy duty PE if your just starting you may want to hold off on it. It’s very east to hurt yourself.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


Clamping seems to be hard on erections also if I do a major set of erect jelqing and squeezes and some clamping I need sometime to rest or the quality of my erection suffers

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Dino, I did a pretty extreme set of CC’s the other day, and that night, the wife was horny so I had go to work. It was still huge from the session, but never really got hard, if you know what I mean. She sucked it and fucked it, but it was like fucking with a jelly dildo. It kind of wiggled around. She is very tight to begin with, so the extra girth and lack of hardness didn’t help. It only got to about a 60% erection.

Also, I have noticed that if you CC too much, your dick will get used to having a clamp to maintain an erection. So I heavily advise getting wood without the CC during the rest days. Try to keep it as long as you can to keep the pump in order.



I hear you my friend I really don’t use them that much but I think I will be using them even less. Most of my work out still consist of jelqing and erect jelqing and my favorites HJ jelq squeezes with a ton of modified horse squeezes.

That sucks with wife but it’s kind of funny Mr Jelly Dick I had that happen to me after a supper long hanging session my girl decided to call and wanted to come over and fool around. I was able to get it up but it was a level one hard on not a diamond cutter level 4 that I usually get.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I look at it like wt training. You can lift a fairly heavy wt, yet stop 2 reps short of failure, and you will be ready to lift again in 2 days.

If you lift that same wt to failure, it may take up to 7 days to completely recover.

What is the difference…the amount of tissue trauma that you have generated. The more trauma, the more time to recover.

It is exactly the same in PE. Some techniques beat the crap out of your dick, yet can be very PRODUCTIVE if you take the longer necessary recovery time needed for the amount of trauma produced.

The problem comes in when you find you can normally PE daily with your normal routine, then you throw in a technique that requires maybe 3 days off.

You will see a decrease of erectile response and assume that it is a bad exercise, when in reality, all it may need to get a great result for you is more time off.

Personally, I’m really leaning toward the daily mild to moderate stimulation for maximum growth- camp.

You could probably still clamp daily, but you’d have to keep a tight lid on the time, and closely watch your physiologic indicators for overdoing it…like decreased erectile quality and quantity, as well as decrease in length.


Post Your Experience With Cable Clamping-

I am hoping that I can get everyone to post their personal experience with “cable cuffs” the orange plastic cuffs that you use to clamp at the base of your dick to inflate it, in a sense, past 100% erection. Many feel that this is they secret key to girth gains.

What is your experience? How many cable clamps did you use? How frequent?

I was getting good gains doing squeezes while clamped till I BLEW OUT A LYMPH VESSEL. The word is: be careful. I’m going back to jelquing for awhile now that I’m okay and MAYBE clamping later . . I liked it a lot , but — caused my first injury ever

(and, erectile compromise, yes . . )

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Sparkyx it’s interesting what you said about experiencing sudden loss of girth from overdoing PE. Have you experienced this yourself?

I have been wondering why my cock has been feeling less meaty this month. It’s as though the CS isn’t getting filled during erection - nowhere near how it used to get engorged before anyway. It’s definitely disappointing considering how well everything was going up until the beginning of December. It’s also pissing off because when this happens the quality of my workouts is nowhere near as good.

I’ve been wondering for weeks what might be causing this and I still haven’t figured it out yet, although over-working my cock is one of the causes I’m thinking of, considering I work it out every single day and have been doing so practically all this past year with only scattered one-day breaks…

The other possible cause I’ve been thinking of is something wrong with my hormones or a hormone inbalance somewhere, which I’m trying to address with supplements. I am very horny all the time, can get hard easily but something is definitely not right and the quality of the erection is not good enough for my (very high) standards

Anyways, back on topic. I just bought the handyman set of cable clamps from I plan on using a cable clamp to lock off my cock during squeezes instead of using my hand (it gets really tired and still hasn’t got use to it even after exercising for nearly 2 years). I’m packing 7 inches of girth at the base so I guess the big clamp will do?

I’ve only done manual exercises up until now so being new to clamping I was just wondering if their is anything else I need to know besides using a bandage/cottonwool underneath the area where I will clamp and obviously taking it easy to avoid injury? Any clamping tips welcome. Thanks!

make it happen, make it long, make it happen, make it fat, make it happen, make it hard, make it happen, make it last, make it happen, make it fast, make it happen, make it real, make it happen, make you feel, make it happen, make it happen, make it happen


Its kinda’ a revelation I’ve had lately. I started a thread on this subject;

When I have made great gains, I…

To answer your question, yes! In ONE day of overdoing it with clamped pumping, I lost a full ONE HALF INCH in length!

I couldn’t believe it at first, so I remeasured over the period of several days…sure enough, a full one half inch!

Go and read that thread, I think it is the key to much more successful PE for everyone.

To give the short and dirty version, if you nail the proper amount of stimulation to recovery ratio, you will get progress.

If you overdo the stimulation, it is traumatic and WILL cause a reactive tissue contraction.

Doing too little will neither cause growth or tissue contraction.

There are definite ways to be able to tell where you are at in the process.

As soon as you see decreased size (measuring daily is almost a must!) or decrease in morning, nite or normal erection quality…you need to either cut back or take time off until it returns. The sooner you notice and cut back, the less time away from actual growth is used.

Shrinkage and decrease of erectile quality and quantity are the prime indicators of more trauma than recover.

Can you imagine if one day can cause a loss of 1/2 inch (which has taken over one week of drastic cut back on PE to now be almost back to that point) what happens when we over do it for weeks to months on end?

To grow, you have to stay in the "growth zone" which for many of us is fairly narrow. Too much, or too little and you won’t see progress, and too much will actually cause shrinkage, and dimuntition of normal erection quality and quantity.

Go to the thread, read it, and ask questions there, I really think that this concept will bring PE up to a whole new, much more effective level!


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