New medical breakthrough might be the holy grail?
Hi, you guys. I was wondering if you had heard about this new discovery by plastic surgeon Dr. Brian Wong of University of California Irvine and Ph.D. Dr. Michael Hill of LA-based Occidental Colledge. They have found a way to cause collagen-based tissue to become extremely plastic by passing a precise, mild electric current through it with the use of “micro-needles”. For as long as the current is applied the tissue becomes extremely plastic due to an effect on its molecular makeup. At this time it can be stretched and molded to a remarkable degree. After the current is ceased the tissue regains its prior level of resistance to deformation within minutes BUT, retains its new shape and dimensions, seemingly permanently. This seems to me like it could finally be the magic bullet/holy grail when it comes to reshaping/distending the notoriously deformation resistant tissue of the tunica albuginea when combined with things like pumping, traction or the P-Shot. The “adjustments” would, I assume, have to be incremental but, it sounds like maybe this could make a huge impact on reliably successful PE and Peyronie’s treatment.
If you agree, after looking into it, please get the word out to other members. Especially those with a medical background and ties to the medical community, so that hopefully we can steer the research in this direction. Dr. Wong and DR. Hill are currently looking far and wide to find any and all possible applications for this new technique. Including everything from non-surgical nose jobs to lengthening tendons and ligaments to reshaping corneas, etc. There are numerous articles on the web describing the procedure and a video of Dr. Hill describing the process and its discovery/development at a recent chemistry conference on Youtube. I’ve been trying to get the word out to physicians I think might be interested such as Dr. Charles Runnels and some of his licensed P-Shot providers, in the hope that they might take enough interest to contact Dr. Wong to inquire about combining the two techniques. A moderator told me that I should be sure and say that I don’t know any of these people and that I don’t stand to make any money if this should work. Sincerely, Rick.