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new way to make my static stretcher work

new way to make my static stretcher work

If this needs to be moved feel free to move it. I have a static stretcher and can never get the wrap at the correct tightness and can’t take the time at work to re-wrap every 10 to 20 min. What I do is put on one of MB’s sleeves from my vac hanger and then wrap the stretch wrap around that. works great every time!

I can’t seem to use any PE thing for very long so I’m always coming up with new ways to modify them. I’m waiting for my anti turtle sleeve to come in because that should work even better as an “under sleeve” I think. I think if he would make them as a sleeve and not a wrap a lot of guys would have better success. Just my thought anyway.

I tried sleeves originally, but the variances in girth and placement were an issue for me. Also, rolling it down every time without bunching some skin underneath was impossible for me.

You could make the silicone wraps into tubes by cutting one to your correct girth and then using a silicone glue to adhere to itself, thereby making a tube. Only a silicone glue should be used so it remains soft.

I’m not sure why you’e wrapping every 10 to 20 min. Do you have excessive skin?

I guess I ment checking every 20 min. I just have a hard time putting it on and making it the same all the way around if that makes since. I may try that making own sleeve like that.

I am uncut and I never got wrapping down with my ADS finally I had to abandon it

I had a really hard time with this also. I was driving me nuts. It would either slip out from being too loose or go numb from having the strap too tight.

I bought some liquid latex from Hobby Lobby, poured it about 1/8” deep it in a flat glass pan, and let it set up. I used a utility knife to cut it into strips about 1.5” wide by 5” long. Now, I first wrap with a strip of self adhesive bandage and then put the latex wrap on top. It sticks to itself and works like a sleeve. This works MUCH better. It will slip off occasionally but nothing like it used to. Latex was about $10.

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

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