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No clamping gains, possible loss. Need help


No clamping gains, possible loss. Need help

I know this isn’t a newbie issue but I am not allowed to post it elsewhere. I have been clamping for about a month now, and haven’t seen a millimeter of growth. The past week or so it seems like there has actually been a bit of loss, but I have been sick so that’s probably a factor. I am currently taking several days off and will reevaluate my routine.

I am basically 7x4.5, so yeah, I’ve decided I REALLY need to knock out girth once and for all. My ultimate goal would be 7.5x5.5, but I would happily retire from PE with a 7.25x5.25. I have already tried bends, Uli’s and Horse440s to no avail, although I’ve always isolated them in routines— all of the warnings in forums have stopped me from throwing several in a routine together. Finally I said fuck it, lets pull the big guns out and clamp. Let me try to explain how I’ve been doing it, so if anything is blatantly wrong you can help me out here:

I start out with a 10 min warm up wrap. Then, I do 5x 30 stretches all directions to loosen up. Then I start clamping, although the past week or so I added in 50 wet jelqs before the clamping. I started out on 3x5 minute clamping sets just to get my feet wet, and worked my way up to 3x 8 minute sets, with 5 minute rests in between. 10 minute warm down after.

I would get 80-90% hard, wrap a sock around the base (I tried a few other wraps but they weren’t very good) a bunch of times so the cable clamp can fit, then clicked it on to about 6-7 clicks after the erection subsides a bit. I’d stimulate it a bit more and readjust the clicks until I see some expansion happening, then leave it there for 8 minutes.

The last several times I’ve been able to get a .25” expansion while clamping, which would remain for maybe 10-20 minutes after, but that’s it. Nothing’s really permanent here, although maybe I could change the 1 day on/ 1 day off schedule I’m currently on.

Also, as I have read in some other posts, My base girth seems to be suffering a bit too. I know it’s supposed to be the biggest gainer of all, so please don’t just tell me I must not be doing it right (like the responses in the other posts), unless you can point to something specific I’m doing wrong.

When you started doing PE?

Cable clamping is hell on your penis. try 1 day on, 2 days off. Since you have been doing it for a month, go to 10 minutes. I do believe its recommended that you have a minimum of 10 minutes in between sets. A 1/2 inch expansion is pretty good. It takes a long time to add girth, try adding intense dry jelqing to your routine, maybe 200. A month isn’t nothing when dealing with this stuff, so keep trying. give it at least 3 months. When your expansion starts going up, you will know your doing it right! good luck, and be damn careful.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

I started October ‘06, then quit January ‘07. Then I started again December ‘07 and haven’t stopped since.

So increase the intensity of my workout but add a longer recovery period?

Im wondering, how is your EQ been since clamping?

I would cut stretches if you are clamping, but it’s unlikely it would changes things noticeably. Clamping isn’t a difficult exercise, so it’s also not probable that you are doing it wrong. A month isn’t a large span, but you should have seen some initial gains.

Chances are that you are just strengthening your TA, so it’s not a good idea going ahead with clamping. My two cents would be: cut clamping for now, and try something less intense and more prolonged, as in example pumping.

For the most part, my EQ’s been good. Maybe I’m just being too conservative with it? Should I be clamping so it feels like my dick is about to explode by the end? I’m just a bit frustrated because it seemed to me like clamping is the exercise EVERYONE gains with, regardless of their past successes or failures with girth exercises.

You may be on to something with the lower intensity stuff marinera… I haven’t tried any routines with buttloads of jelqs (225+). In fact, I actually did gain some girth as a newbie doing some low erection jelqing, although I lost some of those gains when I quit that year.

By the way, I don’t mind a tougher TA if I can get this to work. I’m “in the clear” with length as far as I’m concerned.

It’s not true that everyone gains with clamping, and it is maybe the most dangerous of PE techniques. Don’t get me wrong: I’m kinda a fan of clamping, but in PE you can never say : ‘This is the best technique for everyone’. You have to find what works best for you.

Last edited by marinera : 01-21-2009 at .

I don’t know if I should say this cause I don’t want to mess your cock up, lol… but yes I would say to go more intense. I think I remember having negative results when I didn’t go at clamping really hardcore. I kind of gave up on it for a long time, then got back into it really really hardcore. I would get up to about 80% erection with the clamp almost closed as far as you can get it, then kegel as much blood in there and get as hard as you can, then close the clamp completely. I’d go very slowly with this next part (maybe work up to it over a couple days), but then I’d add two more clamps. No, I’m not joking, lol… and yes your cock might feel like it’s about to explode, BUT you have to be careful. I mean when I do it, at times it feels like my cock will explode, but I know not to push my cock past a certain point. I don’t know how I know when to stop, I just have a feeling at a certain point that I should stop there. I guess you get to know with experience.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

Bump. C’mon guys, I seriously need some girth here!! I have tried just about everything except pumping at this point… I just switched over to a jelq-heavy routine now, and I am seeing my EG waver from my pre-PE 4.25 to my current 4.5, which means possible losses, even to the point of back to square one. Besides, 7x4.25 is just… silly.

Is that NBP? You got the same (starting) stats as me.

I havent gotten any girth gains either, maybe even loss… Im trying pumping right now with a little stretching and jelqing. Will tell how it works out for me.

Originally Posted by Mick
I don’t know if I should say this cause I don’t want to mess your cock up, lol… but yes I would say to go more intense. I think I remember having negative results when I didn’t go at clamping really hardcore. I kind of gave up on it for a long time, then got back into it really really hardcore. I would get up to about 80% erection with the clamp almost closed as far as you can get it, then kegel as much blood in there and get as hard as you can, then close the clamp completely. I’d go very slowly with this next part (maybe work up to it over a couple days), but then I’d add two more clamps. No, I’m not joking, lol… and yes your cock might feel like it’s about to explode, BUT you have to be careful. I mean when I do it, at times it feels like my cock will explode, but I know not to push my cock past a certain point. I don’t know how I know when to stop, I just have a feeling at a certain point that I should stop there. I guess you get to know with experience.

The problem with this advise is the danger of a really serious injury. High pressure has worked for some guys,and has severely injured others. I personally don’t like to gamble with my dick. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK!

I think a safer alternative is moderate pressure for multiple sets.

This is some alternatives to consider;
Is LESS more, or is MORE more?

You may be a "less is more" guy or a "more is more guy". First determine which one you are.

If you are a less is more guy, then obviously cutting way back with boost EQ and you will begin to see gains.

If you are a more is more guy, then you can either try multiple sets in a row, or carry some clamps with you and every hour or so clamp for 3 minutes at moderate pressure. Both these can work nicely without the danger of very high pressure. After you have done that for months, then if you wanted to up the pressure you would be a bit safer because of the conditioning.

But the MOST important first step is to determine what catagory you fall into of more or less. I think the easiest way is to go ahead and do 4-5 sets of 10 minutes of MODERATE pressure. If your EQ goes through the roof, you are a more is more guy. If you dick stops working for about a week, you are a less is more guy!

Well, I’m pretty sure I’m a “less is more” guy, since Uli’s and Horse440s didn’t do anything for me, and since clamping and high % erection jelqing even seemed to give me losses. The only time I ever, EVER remember gaining girth was from some variations of the newbie routine back when I started, when I had ED and had to get through my jelqs by jacking off every 25 or so (meaning a lot of low % erection jelqing). But since I am no longer a newbie, how should I pursue a “less is more” approach without wasting my time?

If it helps, here’s what I’ve decided to do currently (1 day on 1 day off)
10 min warm wrap
5x 30 stretches all directions
100x wet jelqs
3x orange bends (base, midshaft and near glans 20 seconds each)
100x wet jelqs
5x twisted jelqs
1- min warm down

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