I am stuck in more or less the same spot. I am about 6.75 NBP by 5.5, and cant seem to cement anything beyond 6.75. I was hanging for a while and was getting some good results, got up to 7 NBP on good days, but ended up taking a break from PE because of a rather demanding new girlfriend (sexually demanding, that is).
I had only been hanging for about 6 weeks, but was definitely seeing good results before i stopped. I was using a pretty unique hanging style that involved doing about half of my reps straight down, and the other half were split between OTS, SO, Left, and Right hang, depending on the day. I was up to two 15 minute sets in the morning and two in the evening when I decided to stop.
But, i think that what was really effective was the 4 to 5 bathroom workouts that I was doing every day. I would go into a stall and do just a few minutes of stretching and then 50-60 dry jelqs, and it seemed to really help my progress.
Anyway, when I get back into PE that is what is the routine I will be using to try and overcome my 6.75 barrier.