Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Official Turkey Neck Thread!

Red, its difficult to explain exactly but I did my best. Basically it simulates a manual pulling/stretching exercise.

2003: 5.75" BPEL, 3" Flacid /2004: 6.75" BPEL, 5" Flacid

2007: 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" Flacid /NOW: 8" BPEL, 5.74" Flacid

/Goal: 8.5" BPEL, 6" Flacid

Real life pics of all the materials would really be a huge help bro. You don’t even have to show your penis if you don’t want to. I would really just love to see the materials.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by spaghettidick
You don’t even have to show your penis if you don’t want to.

I’m getting childhood flashbacks….hahahaha

Ok guys I’ll get some pics together.

2003: 5.75" BPEL, 3" Flacid /2004: 6.75" BPEL, 5" Flacid

2007: 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" Flacid /NOW: 8" BPEL, 5.74" Flacid

/Goal: 8.5" BPEL, 6" Flacid

I seem to be having some success with manual stretching. One hand (OK grip) at my base, the other hand grabs the top of my ball sac. Pull them apart from each other, and that’s it.

I did maybe 5 minutes total yesterday night (15-30 second holds), and I woke up this morning and it was looking better than ever.

Your turkey neck doesn’t connect half way down your shaft though. Welcome to my world. :( I have a little window of skin to stretch.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Guys, one thing to keep in mind is that there will be a good amount of skin stretch at first. This stretch is not real gains (e.g. new skin cells). Once you stop stretching actively much of what you thought you gained will gradually return to its normal state. This is a big gotcha in foreskin restoration and so most guys end up aiming beyond their desired coverage levels by about 15-25%.

The experience is that progress will seem very quick at first and then stagnate … the reality is there was little progress in the beginning and a lot of stretch and as time goes on progress is just as minimal as it always was but there is no extra stretch to the skin any longer so it no longer factors into any gains.

Strecthing the skin is a painfully slow process - dead simple, but fucking slow. It is amazing that guys can gain an inch or more of dick in a month in some cases yet the average gains in the FR world is an inch a year.

I feel for you spaghettidick, I have a decent amount of inner skin but little good outer skin as most is scrotal/pubic skin that has been pulled forward and it makes this whole thing even slower.

- Chris

Turkey neck,

If you have had any shaft growth, and not enough skin growth to accompany it, skin will be pulled forward from the scrotum.

This is what we call a turkey neck.

I wasn’t really paying attention, but did notice, that the webbing from down by the balls seem to be pulling forward on the shaft. You guys named it.

I also paid more attention, and there are some porn performers, some pretty big guys with 2 and 3” turkey necks. So maybe some of them, or even many of them started from down where we are at.

Originally Posted by RandomGiant
I seem to be having some success with manual stretching. One hand (OK grip) at my base, the other hand grabs the top of my ball sac. Pull them apart from each other, and that’s it.

I did maybe 5 minutes total yesterday night (15-30 second holds), and I woke up this morning and it was looking better than ever.

Dude, won’t that just stretch out your scrotal skin MORE. I understand that it will pull your balls down, but the skin your streching is not the skin you want more of.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Well I had the operation in 18 days ago and it appears to have moved my turkeyneck about 2cm (0.8”) down the shaft. I’m still a bit swollen and have some stitches left so I can’t really tell about the final result yet. I’m considering posting pictures when 30 days have passed or whenever the wound has calmed down enough for me to be comfortable with showing it.

The op was about 30-40min under local anaesthesia, completely painless. I haven’t even felt any pain during nightly erections, only slight discomfort when turning around from my back to side in bed.

Originally Posted by Redwood1981
Dude, won’t that just stretch out your scrotal skin MORE. I understand that it will pull your balls down, but the skin your streching is not the skin you want more of.

I agree, manual stretching only seemed to worsen my TN. I guess everyone is different and it also might have to do with how far up your shaft the TN is connected but in my case, stretching was not an option.

I would love to see your results if you will. I’d love to see how it looks erect and flaccid.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by vdat
Well I had the operation in 18 days ago and it appears to have moved my turkeyneck about 2cm (0.8”) down the shaft. I’m still a bit swollen and have some stitches left so I can’t really tell about the final result yet. I’m considering posting pictures when 30 days have passed or whenever the wound has calmed down enough for me to be comfortable with showing it.

The op was about 30-40min under local anaesthesia, completely painless. I haven’t even felt any pain during nightly erections, only slight discomfort when turning around from my back to side in bed.

I agree, manual stretching only seemed to worsen my TN. I guess everyone is different and it also might have to do with how far up your shaft the TN is connected but in my case, stretching was not an option.

Hey dude I’m considering this surgery, please post pictures!

Also, how much was it and was it covered and done by an urologist? Probably not covered, but I’m hoping lol

Hey sorry my cam isn’t working so I don’t have any photos yet until I can get a chance to borrow one.
I can tell you that the scar is healing nicely, it is still a bit reddish and raised since it’s only been 5 weeks but you can see that the mature scar will look something like a thin, white, zigzag-mark connecting with the raphe line.

However, I had a minor complication.. The technique that was performed on me was the z-plasty and one of the sutures let go a bit early at one of the triangular “flaps” which made a little piece of skin heal on top of the other skin resulting in a little piece of superflous, uneven skin (kinda hard to explain, especially since english isn’t my main language so bare with me). I was at the surgeon yesterday for a checkup and he said everything was healing absolutely fine and that the little piece of superflous skin that sticks up will eventually subside but then again he barely took a look at me so I don’t know.. This is bugging me because I wan’t it to subside NOW, I’m feeling like I can’t wait with summer approaching so fast with all the girls everywhere! (I actually had sex the day after I took out the remaining stitches with a girl I met at a party which was very stupid I know but you know how it is when your horny, I don’t know if she noticed the wound because it was dark but she might have felt it.)

As I was saying, I’m getting so frustrated over that little piece of unnessecary skin that I’m even thinking of cutting it off myself, I got a scalpel and local anaesthesia at home and I must say it is very tempting.. I am aware of the idiocy in this and I know I’m thinking very unrational but I have the feeling this isn’t going to resolve entirely on it’s own.

The op was 1600$ done by a cosmetic surgeon.

Edit: the piece of skin I’m talking about is only a few millimeters in size so it’s not a HUGE deal as it might have sounded like from my explanation.

Last edited by vdat : 05-09-2008 at .


Thank you very much for keeping us all up to date. Sharing knowledge and experience like this is one of the things that makes this place so great. I am glad that the surgery has been a positive experience for you.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Thanks for sharing your story with us. I eventually plan on getting this done.

Also, for the love of all that is HOLY please don’t try to fix the skin on your dick yourself; if it bothers you that much go back to your doctor and wave it in his face to see what can be done. I’d hate to hear about the guy on the news that attempted Penile Surgery with a razor sharp scalpel and how things went wrong.

Short-Term Goal: 10.25" BPEL

"Take it Slow and Watch it Grow"

Long-Term Goal: To Be Decided


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