Hey sorry my cam isn’t working so I don’t have any photos yet until I can get a chance to borrow one.
I can tell you that the scar is healing nicely, it is still a bit reddish and raised since it’s only been 5 weeks but you can see that the mature scar will look something like a thin, white, zigzag-mark connecting with the raphe line.
However, I had a minor complication.. The technique that was performed on me was the z-plasty and one of the sutures let go a bit early at one of the triangular “flaps” which made a little piece of skin heal on top of the other skin resulting in a little piece of superflous, uneven skin (kinda hard to explain, especially since english isn’t my main language so bare with me). I was at the surgeon yesterday for a checkup and he said everything was healing absolutely fine and that the little piece of superflous skin that sticks up will eventually subside but then again he barely took a look at me so I don’t know.. This is bugging me because I wan’t it to subside NOW, I’m feeling like I can’t wait with summer approaching so fast with all the girls everywhere! (I actually had sex the day after I took out the remaining stitches with a girl I met at a party which was very stupid I know but you know how it is when your horny, I don’t know if she noticed the wound because it was dark but she might have felt it.)
As I was saying, I’m getting so frustrated over that little piece of unnessecary skin that I’m even thinking of cutting it off myself, I got a scalpel and local anaesthesia at home and I must say it is very tempting.. I am aware of the idiocy in this and I know I’m thinking very unrational but I have the feeling this isn’t going to resolve entirely on it’s own.
The op was 1600$ done by a cosmetic surgeon.
Edit: the piece of skin I’m talking about is only a few millimeters in size so it’s not a HUGE deal as it might have sounded like from my explanation.