Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Official Turkey Neck Thread!


I’m not sure to understand what is YOUR problem with turkey neck.
Do you care of the extra skin on the underside of your penis while erect or have you got a problem because your balls recede in toward your pelvis (erect)?

I don’t care of having or developing extra skin on the scrotum, I just want to have my balls hang lower. Can it be just fixed by stretching the sack?

Originally Posted by pesty

I’m not sure to understand what is YOUR problem with turkey neck.
Do you care of the extra skin on the underside of your penis while erect or have you got a problem because your balls recede in toward your pelvis (erect)?

I don’t care of having or developing extra skin on the scrotum, I just want to have my balls hang lower. Can it be just fixed by stretching the sack?

Is that question aimed at me?

Here’s how it is… Unlike severe cases I’ve seen online with scrotum attached almost to the top of the shaft, my scrotum is attached to the bottom of the shaft forming only a mild turkey neck, but it still bothers me and I want to fix it. Basically, my turkey neck is visible only when I pull my skin forward, both in flaccid and erect state. In natural erect state (with no stretch), you can’t even tell I have turkey neck. However, I feel like it’s making my flaccid look smaller, hence why it’s bothering me.

In reverse erect skin stretch exercise description it says you need to grasp your penis below the circumcision scar with standard ok grip and firmly pull down towards the base. Since I’m uncircumcised, I don’t know where am I supposed to grasp it, above, below or exactly where the scrotum attaches to the shaft? Am I supposed to stretch the shaft skin or scrotum skin? I suppose shaft skin. Also, am I supposed to hold the skin above with another ok grip? Because if I don’t, I have a feeling my frenulum is going to break as it also gets stretched.

About 1.5 inches below the top of the penis is where the circumcision scar starts. It may vary for different men.

Originally Posted by Xiao Tan

About 1.5 inches below the top of the penis is where the circumcision scar starts. It may vary for different men.

Does that “method” count for uncut guys? Because I’m clearly uncut. :P

Has anyone tried using an elastic band or a pair of shoe laces to push the skin back so it won’t stretch during more during stretching and jelqs? I was thinking of doing a loop with a pair of shoe laces around my balls from the point where the neck starts.

Will that be helpful? Is it dangerous to wrap the skin that way?

anyone? I don’t want to start another thread.

Never tried it and I don’t really get what the purpose would be. Is it to keep the skin out of the way or keep it from stretching? Doesn’t stretching the skin prevent turkey neck?

I don’t see any reason it would be dangerous. Just don’t wrap too tight or for too long

I was planing on wrapping it so the webbing will not be stretched and climb off the shaft more. Do you think that would work?

Hmm I suppose if you couldn’t stretch the scrotal skin then you would be forced to stretch the shaft skin only. Yeah that could definitely work. Let me know how it does.

On a different note, noobnoob you are uncircumcised and have a turkey neck? Doesn’t that kind of shoot the “TN = not enough shaft skin” theory?

Originally Posted by alborz
I was planing on wrapping it so the webbing will not be stretched and climb off the shaft more. Do you think that would work?

I’m pretty sure if you do nothing to stretch the scrotal skin up for example jelqing. If you stretched and gained length the scrotum skin will come up anyways simply because the dick doesn’t need to grow new skin, it already has plenty spare on the balls. You need to stretch dick skin in order for it to be stimulated then grow more.

Originally Posted by Audacia
I’m pretty sure if you do nothing to stretch the scrotal skin up for example jelqing. If you stretched and gained length the scrotum skin will come up anyways simply because the dick doesn’t need to grow new skin, it already has plenty spare on the balls. You need to stretch dick skin in order for it to be stimulated then grow more.

This advice is for cut guys?

I am uncut and have been stretching my shaft skin and now I have more foreskin.

Turkey neck is still there.

But doesn’t the skin on the sides and the the top part of your penis bother you more?

Does anybody know how to migrate that skin back, so also the shaft pubic hairs?

I am still working on trying to find a way to correct this. The thing is, the stretching you are doing is probably fine - but it needs to be done over a long period of time to make a difference… we need to invent some kind of device that stretches that part of the skin in an ADS fashion!

Time to measure girth soon... previously 4.5", been targeting girth for months!

Originally Posted by Herballist
I am still working on trying to find a way to correct this. The thing is, the stretching you are doing is probably fine - but it needs to be done over a long period of time to make a difference… we need to invent some kind of device that stretches that part of the skin in an ADS fashion!

Tazbonito already found a way to convert his ads into a skin stretching device. He talks about it about 70 or so posts back in this thread. I’m not sure how effective it is but yes, such a device has already been theorized and created.

Ahh, I will try to have a gander through the thread to see if I can find the aforementioned device.

Thanks for letting me know. :)

Time to measure girth soon... previously 4.5", been targeting girth for months!

This is one way of doing it but it stretches your foreskin mostly.


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