Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Official Turkey Neck Thread!

Originally Posted by ottermd
I’ve always had a turkey neck. It’s a circumcision thing a lot of times. It’s not horrible. It doesn’t prevent me from getting a condom on or doing anything sexually. It just sucks that it makes my dick look smaller :) .

Only on the bottom of your dick is extra skin? (Turkey neck)

Not on the top part and the sides of your dick?

It is like a circle of skin around your cock, not only the bottom part.

That is why most have men, with turkey neck, have pubic hair on their shaft.

Why isn’t this discussed?

Willywonka are you saying that even with surgery you can not remove the turkey neck? Or do you mean that the surgery will reduce the size of your testicles? I’m a little confused. I am just starting PE, with a turkey neck, and would like to prevent further growth if possible.

Originally Posted by snook21
Willywonka are you saying that even with surgery you can not remove the turkey neck? Or do you mean that the surgery will reduce the size of your testicles? I’m a little confused. I am just starting PE, with a turkey neck, and would like to prevent further growth if possible.

My balls are now closer to my body bacause they can’t hang as low as before because there is less room now.
And yes they are now smaller.
They expand if there is more room.
So losing skin with the surgery doesn’t benefits your testicles in my opinion.

Just Google Penoscrotal Webbing and you will see Gary J. Alter m.d..
You can see the PRE-op and POST-op..

Okay, they only CUT away excess skin!
Skin that was scrotal skin.

So you are losing skin.
And the skin that has moved to the sides and top part of the penis is not treated!

Well that is what gives me much discomfort.
In my opinion you can relocate the skin back into position.

I have seen some pictures of infants with a buried penis.That’s the same effect if you pull you scrotal skin loose with PE.
And there are ways you keep you’re skin, but it is far more complicated to do this.

I was thinking that I should make pictures of my dick now.
So you understand my problems.

But I don’t have money for the operation.
Maybe you will all want to chip in and I can show Before and After pictures of my dick and the surgery.

Is this an idea?
Or is there already somebody that has documented this well?

Originally Posted by WillyWonka1001

I have seen some pictures of infants with a buried penis.

*Raises eye brow*

Well I definitely feel I’ve gotten to a stage where I need more shaft skin so plan to stretch the skin from two different points of shaft skin. But from everything I’ve read I think this will just create more foreskin and shaft skin, the turkey neck won’t migrate back down. It’s already grown forward and attached it self to the new penis. With the addition of new shaft skin, the scrotal skin won’t magically just fall down away from the penis sadly.

Possibly a two pronged approach could work. Whereby you stretch the shaft skin whilst using something to hold the turkey neck / scrotal skin beneath the start of the penis then something further to lightly pull the balls down thereby telling the body this is the position they should be in. By constantly having them hanging lower, whilst you stretch shaft skin(when you finally have enough) perhaps you the balls will now hang in their correct place.

Of course this may just end up resulting in stretching your scrotum more, having it attached up the shaft in the same place then just creating more foreskin. The issue really is quite a bitch! And I wish there were tons of people who had corrected it perfectly using a simple method.

*Raises eye brow*

when searching on Google for surgery options for the penoscrotal webbing that is

I believe I am going to get some type of penoscrotal surgery, or skin tightening surgery. It’s to the point wear it is annoying the hell out of me. And I’m so self conscious about it, it might be better more to get the surgery eventually, than live everyday worrying about it.

The non surgical methods of getting rid of the turkey neck are bogus.

All they do, is stretch the skin more, and yeah maybe give the apearance of less turkey neck, but your gaining a whole lot more skin too, which is not very pleasing to the eye, or to the hand, or probably to a girls mouth either.

tiger, doesn’t it make sense that if your stretching your penis, you would have to stretch the skin on the penis to rid the turkey neck effect? The reason it is there to begin with is because the foreskin was amputated so the scrotal skin was pulled up the shaft, or if from PE because the shaft was lengthened beyond what the skin that is there can accommodate. As for extra skin, the penis is actually designed to have loose motile skin, and the vast bulk of them in the world still do. I’m not sure I understand, but it sounds like your saying you think it is more ascetically pleasing for a penis to have tight skin, maybe even taught? And I can’t for the life of me imagine why you would think having “extra” skin would not be very pleasing to an eye, hand or mouth.

WillyWonka, I have no idea what you are describing. I read your posts, and really really tried, and can tell you are upset by it, but I just don’t understand the situation you are saying you have. Maybe draw a picture?

Because too much extra skin doesn’t look good.

Do you think extra flabby skin on a girl is attractive? Does that turn you on?

It’s like getting lypo suction to remove the fat, than having a bunch of flabby, cottage cheese excess skin sagging off your body. Yeah, that looks really good.

There is nothing like a hot chick, with a nice body, and six pack abs, that have a nice glop of saggy skin hanging over her pant line.

Tight skin over a tight ass, or tight skin over some nice abs, or tight skin over a nice set of tits, turns me on. I don’t know about you.

So to respond to you, why would a girl want a bunch of excess- non-taunt skin hanging around a dick?? Do you want to bang a chick that has a big floppy vagina, with loose lips hanging all over? Exactly. So yes, to me, maybe not you, I think tightened skin on, and around the penis is and would be better.
Hence before PE, my dick was more ascetically pleasing than it is now. So thru getting some PE gains, and retightening my extremely loose skin, I could in essence, get the penis I personally prefer, and I imagine, women prefer.

Also, stretching the skin doesn’t necessarily mean, increasing shaft gains. Sometimes thru PE stretching, and especially hanging-for lig gains, the skin is stretched alot, with only little growth gains. So the increase of skin/loose skin, does not match up with the gains. So you have.excess skin.
And having both, tighter penis, shaft, unit skin.and now having excess loose skin, I have found the former to be much more pleasing.

Originally Posted by the tiger
Because too much extra skin doesn’t look good.

Do you think extra flabby skin on a girl is attractive? Does that turn you on?

No, but I think areas that are designed to be covered by loose mobile skin, such as the minor and major labia, look great as they are with loose mobile skin, and look far far less attractive when they are made to be tight like in certain female genital mutilation rituals.

You seeing an analog here at all?

It’s like getting lypo suction to remove the fat, than having a bunch of flabby, cottage cheese excess skin sagging off your body. Yeah, that looks really good.

There is nothing like a hot chick, with a nice body, and six pack abs, that have a nice glop of saggy skin hanging over her pant line.

Tight skin over a tight ass, or tight skin over some nice abs, or tight skin over a nice set of tits, turns me on. I don’t know about you.

Your missing the fact that these are not how those areas of the body are designed. How funny would an elbow with tight skin look? I won’t even brooch the subject of limiting it’s function. And personally, I prefer firm breast that have soft supple skin that is loose enough that when I grab it, it pushed out between my fingers. That tight skin over breast implants is far less attractive to my eyes, hands, mouth and any other body part I rub on them.

So to respond to you, why would a girl want a bunch of excess- non-taunt skin hanging around a dick??

Because she prefers a penis that hasn’t been chopped up and the skin made artificially taught? Because she prefers the non abrasive action of being fucked by a cock capable of it’s designed gliding function? Because she prefers the lubrication preservation provided by the design of an intact foreskin that doesn’t pull her lube outside the body to be exposed for evaporation?

Do you want to bang a chick that has a big floppy vagina, with loose lips hanging all over? Exactly. So yes, to me, maybe not you, I think tightened skin on, and around the penis is and would be better.
Hence before PE, my dick was more ascetically pleasing than it is now. So thru getting some PE gains, and retightening my extremely loose skin, I could in essence, get the penis I personally prefer, and I imagine, women prefer.

I think your right. Many of the American women I’ve slept with seem to prefer my cut overly tight dick because they are used to surgically altered genitals, and the european, south/central american women seem to prefer a dick left how nature and millions of years of copulation designed it to begin with.

Also, stretching the skin doesn’t necessarily mean, increasing shaft gains. Sometimes thru PE stretching, and especially hanging-for lig gains, the skin is stretched alot, with only little growth gains. So the increase of skin/loose skin, does not match up with the gains. So you have.excess skin.
And having both, tighter penis, shaft, unit skin.and now having excess loose skin, I have found the former to be much more pleasing.

Sure, but I imagine, not speaking with authority, but I imagine that with proper technique this can be avoided.

Well we are sorry that you are the only person that uses proper technique.

And yes people like soft tits, just no flabby skin on them.

And tightening the skin on the penis, is not ‘chopping’ it up.

I believe you are missing the point, and/or fully exagerating your claims to support your own conclusions. But no biggie.

Dude, I had a very extreme circ and have had a turkey neck my entire life post puberty. I’ve relatively recently started using foreskin restoration techniques, and have experienced a gradual but noticeable reduction in how far up my shaft the neck climbs. As I said, I don’t hold myself as a PE guru, just that based on a lot of reading, it seems that If you started out with no turkey neck, if you pay close attention to not grabbing scrotal skin, and using the other hand to keep tension off the scrotal skin, while adding the required shaft skin to accommodate any gains you have, you can avoid it. I really really hope nobody reads anything as saying I have proper technique and the unwashed masses don’t.

As for the tits, I’m not sure if you’ve ever been intimate with a woman with large implants that create tight skin over the entire breast. I’ll take smaller tits with nice soft loose skin over big tight skinned ones every day of the week. If you haven’t, it might explain why you aren’t understanding how direct the comparison actually is.

It just occurred to me that maybe we are talking about very different things. You keep using the word flabby. Are you referring to skin that actually hangs off the penis? What are your thoughts on the comparatively very loose skin an uncut penis has?

What I meant by chopping it up, is circumcision that creates tight skin on the penis as apposed to the free flowing skin that it was designed to have. What claims specifically are you referring to, that you feel I may be exaggerating? I’d be more than happy to provide links to support anything I’ve said.

I feel the tensions rising, and tiger I have no desire to argue with you. I very much would like to continue having a level headed conversion though.

Well, you cannot have links, to your opinions. Thats what this entire dialogue is about anyway. And I’ve dealt with all types of tits.

I guess some of you are bemoaning a possible side effect of creating a bigger penis as having it look smaller then it has become?

Is that what I am understanding or have I somehow misunderstood the problem or issue here?

If you get a longer turkey neck because of a bigger penis it can’t make the penis look smaller then it was, only smaller then it became after pe

I think if you put up a poll and informed everyone ahead of time;

"Beware when making dick bigger, it won’t look as big as as you’ve made it even though it will look bigger then it was”

Then I’d say 1000 men out of 1001 will get on board for that deal, maybe even 1001 out of 1001

Originally Posted by the tiger
Well, you cannot have links, to your opinions. Thats what this entire dialogue is about anyway. And I’ve dealt with all types of tits.

I’m interested though in what claims I made that you feel are exaggerated. I had a real problem as a small child with exaggerating the truth and straight up lying. As I became a man I expended much energy on correcting that character flaw, and it is personally important to me that my word carries the value I’ve worked to achieve.

As for the tits, do you feel that the tight skin on large implanted breasts are as pleasing to the hands/mouth as a smaller set with loose mobile skin? Hell, I prefer the jiggle and bounce the loose skin on natural tits provides over the tight beach ball look of implants as well.


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