Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Official Turkey Neck Thread!

There is no way to cure the turkey neck, is there?

Kong1971 and DoubleLongDaddy both have a method to ”cure” the turkey neck.
These two are the most talked about possibilities to help this.

Kong1971 is now calling himself Cobra on foreskin restoration sites.And in a recent post he said that he would consider surgery to get rid of his turkey neck.
The man who talked about THE way to fix the turkey neck, in 2005, still has his turkey neck in 2009..

I tried his (reverse erect) shaft skin stretch and as I am uncut/uncircumcised,
I only ended up with more foreskin..

I tried DLD’s testicle health stretch and massage and in 1 week I made the skin build up 3 times as worse.On the sides and the especially the top part of your penis.

I understand that for another viewer the loose skin on the underside of your penis can make it look smaller, but I can’t see it looking down.

What I do see is the skin on the sides and the top part of my penis.This is making my penis look smaller for the other person , but more importantly also for me.
And the fact that I now got pubic hairs on my dick is also not very attractive.

If somebody would have created a solution it would be well know, wouldn’t it?
Because if we can eliminate the excess skin, we would.

And nobody has ever reported that they cured they’re turkey neck with a routine.
Not to mention that nobody tried to make progress photo’s from starting to cure the turkey neck till the elimination off it!

I am so sad I stumbled into PE.I have not made a millimeter of gain and only messed up my scrotal skin.
It also feels very uncomfortable.

How long have you been into PE?

Originally Posted by UpTo7
How long have you been into PE?

I did only a simple jelq with the ok grip,
And I did it for a 8 weeks or so and once every 3 days or so.

Really casually.

Originally Posted by WillyWonka1001
I did only a simple jelq with the ok grip,
And I did it for a 8 weeks or so and once every 3 days or so.

Really casually.

That’s why you didn’t gain and about the turkey neck I have one.It’s like a foreskin size of turkey neck skin. Like abit over an inch. I have read people have made it better and things but not completely.Anyways ill do the shaft stretching, at worst I get a longer foreskin at best less turkey neck.

Originally Posted by UpTo7
Google “penoscrotal webbing”.

I have a turkey neck that is visible only when I stretch my flaccid penis, it’s not visible at all when I’m erect. Also, I’m uncut. So how exactly does one do those reverse skin stretches?

Then you probably don't have a turkey neck.

While flaccid pull your foreskin back until the glans is completely revealed.

Then, grasp just the glans, shake your penis a few times, smooth your shaft skin back towards the scrotum and pull your penis straight out from body, parallel to the floor.

Now, look in the mirror. If your scrotum hangs loose, and there is no webbing connected halfway up (or more) your shaft, you don’t have a turkey neck.

Kdong Starting: 7.1 x 5.125 vol = 14.84 cu. in. Current: 7.1BPEL 5.5 MSEG = 17cu. in. GOAL --> 8.5 x 6.5 vol: 28.6 cu. in.

Took Time off, lost some gains-- Girth cemented

No PE since 2015 -- starting back up

Well, using that method of testing I’ve got no turkey neck… Or very very very mild case of turkey neck. :)

Originally Posted by Audacia
That’s why you didn’t gain and about the turkey neck I have one.It’s like a foreskin size of turkey neck skin. Like abit over an inch. I have read people have made it better and things but not completely.Anyways ill do the shaft stretching, at worst I get a longer foreskin at best less turkey neck.

I wasn´t aiming for any gains.

I had and still have erection problems due to an over/active pelvic floor.
The jelqing forced the blood to go to my penis so I had a decent erection.
Ok I just had some back and forth between me and DoubleLongDaddy over at and he just admitted that you only can get rid of the Turkey Neck trough surgery.

I did the Testicle and Health stretch and massage routine that DoubleLongDaddy freaking invented and that really made things far more worse.
The ironic thing is that he said is was a sure way to eliminate it.

Read this´s the thread from DLD´s blog

Sunday, March 08, 2009
Turkey Neck: Penoscrotal Webbing>>>Eliminate it!

There has been a lot of interest in the dreaded Turkey Neck. The technical name for this condition is penoscrotal webbing. Unfortunately, with poor PE form, penoscrotal webbing becomes a problem. If you don’t know what it is I have attached a picture showing it at the bottom of this post.

The reason PE can make this condition worse is due to the massive skin stretch that happens through PE. To many men it may seem like a nightmare but there are, surgery-free, methods of correcting and avoiding this problem.

When most men stretch their penis the skin, running along the bottom of the shaft, connecting to the scrotum, stretches with it. Since skin is so easily stretched it begins to bag towards the bottom of the shaft over time and the webbing becomes more pronounced. Visually, it makes the penis appear shorter than it really is. In some cases the webbing can go up past the half mark making a penis that is 5” appear to be half of that.

How can you avoid or correct this? The first and most important thing is using a dual grip in stretching. If anyone has ever watched my videos they will see that I grip my penis below the glans with one hand but the other is affixed, firmly at the base and for good reason, I am holding the skin at the scrotum back. This allows me to stretch my penis without stretching the skin at the scrotum. I will ask Jaz to give me a clip of one of my videos so you can see this first hand. In the mean time, if you are already a member of the Members Site here is a video link:

Another thing that contributes to this issue is pulling too much foreskin up while stretching. I understand that this makes for a more comfortable stretch but be sure that you are not pulling too much up. In cases where a user is looking to restore his foreskin by pulling the foreskin up it is important that he uses the dual grip to be sure the skin stretch is not coming from the scrotum.

Wrapping the scrotum is another method I found to be incredible. This is easily accomplished with a standard ace bandage. Get your scrotum nice and relaxed using the Testicle Health Stretch and Massage (which is also a incredibly fast way to eliminate webbing), once relaxed wrap the ace bandage around the scrotum being sure to strap back as much skin is you can being sure to leave a small amount for stretching. Once wrapped you can continue with standard stretching without fear of additional skin stretch.

As I stated above, The Testicle Health Stretch and Massage is an incredible way to eliminate webbing for good. The exercise also allows your scrotum to hang lower which allows the penis to hang much longer in flaccid state. This exercise can be done twice a day as a way to stop and reverse webbing.

I hope this helps the guys looking to eliminate this issue from their penis.


Wow that made the skin build up at the sides and top part of my penis way worse..

Then I tried kong1971´s Reverse Erect Skin stretch..

I all ready had enough foreskin, so I just ended up with more foreskin..

Kong1971 also claimed that this way a sure way to cure the turkey neck..
Well he changed his name to Cobra and still has his turkey neck and he is thinking about surgery..

He said this on a foreskin restoration 2009.ironic huh..

I talked to my urologist and he said that I will at least have to wait 1,5 years for the surgery until I relieved the pelvic floor problem.

DLD just banned me from the Mattersofsize forum.

Because he knows he is wrong.

And he doesn’t have a cure for the turkey neck,
Only a thread that will make things worse.

They tell me not to blame another person for my own actions.
That I understand completely.

But he is the creator of the site,
Has thousands of members and wrongfully claims the he has a routine that can reverse and eliminate the turkey neck.

It should also help any sticking out that he the penis might have..
That is what happened after the routine,
Because of the stretch method he insisted that would work.

I would be nice if he came clean about this and apologized for the wrong info that he has been giving.

Instead I just got banned.

What a man.
What respect.
What honor.

I’ve tried stretching the skin on various locations all up and down the shaft to try and isolate this problem. The more skin I got, the more t-neck I would get.

I think the stretches MIGHT work for some with minor turkey necks, but it sounds like you (and me for that matter) are in the same boat.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

Do you have a lot of turkey neck?

And are you thinking about surgery?

Originally Posted by Wt282
I’ve tried stretching the skin on various locations all up and down the shaft to try and isolate this problem. The more skin I got, the more t-neck I would get.
I think the stretches MIGHT work for some with minor turkey necks, but it sounds like you (and me for that matter) are in the same boat.

I haven’t stretched skin, but it is still getting worse.

Now my penis sticks out to the middle even when it is at it’s most relaxed state.

So has anyone ACTUALLY fixed their turkey neck?

Originally Posted by bleach77

So has anyone ACTUALLY fixed their turkey neck?

I was thinking the same. :D

Originally Posted by bleach77
So has anyone ACTUALLY fixed their turkey neck?

In all respect, NO!

If someone did, it would be well know, wouldn’t it?

I still don’t understand why there isn’t a way to correct this..

Maybe because scrotal skin is the only skin on your body that has his own skin structure..
What I mean is that scrotum skin (and penile skin) is different from your other skin

DLD posted a sure way to correct this, I did his routine, made things way worse and when I confronted him with his own routine he banned me from MOS.a liar always goes in aggressively..

He stated that the only way to correct this is through surgery.
And that he has 4 inches of hair traveling up his shaft.

This is supposed to be THE turkey neck thread and no talk about someone ACTUALLY fixing they’re turkey neck.

I’m pretty sure foreskin restoration would work wonders


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