Scrotal web stretches from Jarod's Manual
Somebody has probably covered this but I haven’t seen it mentioned. Jarod covers “Web stretching” in his manual. Has anybody tried it and do they feel it actually works to correct the scrotal web(turkey neck)? I would appreciate any feedback. This is a copy of what it says.
“The “Web Stretch” exercise will help! Stretching the area of skin between the penis and the testicles will resolve these problems. This area includes the web of skin that connects the base of the penis to the scrotum. This skin web is commonly called the penoscrotal web. In the two photos, you can compare the unstretched skin web with the relaxed stretched skin web. A long relaxed skin web is necessary for the testicles to hang at their lowest. Everyone should do this exercise as a minimum.
With the left hand, grasp both testicles around the top with the left hand thumb and forefinger wrapping them around the top of the testicles. With the right hand, hold the penis about half way up the shaft in an upright position. The higher up the penis the hand is held, the more penile skin is stretched. Pull the penis upward which pulls the skin web upward. At the same time, pull the testicles downward with the left hand. With the left hand pulling straight down and the right hand pulling straight up the central line and top of the scrotum will be stretched vertically. Pull with enough strength that the skin between the two hands being stretched starts to feel warm and slightly sting. Pull and hold anywhere from several seconds to a few minutes. For an even stretch on both sides, switch hand positions from right to left and left to right and repeat the exercise. This simple exercise can be done easily throughout the day in the men’s stall while at work and in the bathroom at home at each urination. This achieves the fastest alleviation from the above problems”.
This is a pic from it.
“6. Stretch the area of skin between the penis and the testicles. This section includes the web of skin that connects the base of the penis to the scrotum. With the left hand, grasp both testicles around the top with the left hand thumb and forefinger wrapping them around the top of the testicles. With the right hand, hold the penis about half way up the shaft in an upright position. Pull the penis upward which pulls the skin web upward. At the same time, pull the testicles downward with the left hand. With the left hand pulling straight down and the right hand pulling straight up the central line and top of the scrotum will be stretched vertically. Hold this position for a longer duration, perhaps several minutes. Pull with enough strength that the skin between the two hands being stretched starts to feel warm and slightly sting. Pull about 5 times holding solid several minutes each time.”