My promised month-later update:
I didn’t have privacy yesterday so I measured today. Did no PE other than a set of 20 JAI stretches each day for the past 2 days. I measured while pretty close to the PONR (but never during a kegel), but I always do this. Going to measure later after PE tonight to confirm the numbers.
So.. BPEL is now exactly 6 1/2. I remeasured 3 times to confirm it. MEG is 5 1/4. I’ve gained .375 in length & .125 in girth in the last month (& a little less than 2 months of steady PE total). It’s real. It works. I’m convinced. I had forgotten that I started at 6 1/8 BPEL until I reread my first entry today after I measured. I’m a serious skeptic & was happy with gaining .25 in a month. .375 is way more than I expected this soon.
This week I’m up to 90 seconds on my basic stretches & I now repeat the downward direction after hitting the other 4. I’ve also added a set of behind-the-cheek stretches in both directions for the same duration. I have a cheap “infrared” mas-sager that I half suspect is just a red incandescent light. After warming up I apply the mas-sager directly to my ligs &/or the base of my penis as I stretch. I’ve decided to do my kegels after PE from now on after forgetting to do them at work a few times. I’m up to 45 3 second kegels & always try to hold the last one for 10 seconds. I do these every other day.
I read everything online that I can on PE while at work & came close to adding girth exercises into my routine but have managed to temper my enthusiasm a bit. I’m sticking to my original goal of getting at least most of the length I want first.
From my reading I gather that 5 1/4 MEG is above average already so I could stand to gain an inch in length & still be in decent proportions. And I seem to have gained girth anyway. I’m not sure how I feel about this, as the PE community never seems to have settled the length-before-girth issue. I’m favoring the theory just to be on the safe side, since I need more length than I do girth & worry about incidental girth gains slowing my length gains. I’m putting the issue on the back burner for now, pending next month’s numbers. If I gain any more girth, I’ll lower the erection level of my jelqs & freeze their number.
Incidentally, I have trouble gripping for stretches & use an unusual grip that amounts to a mini fulcrum stretch. With my OK grips, the second bone of my index finger hinges across my thumbnail & I twist my wrist a bit, bending my penis over my thumb at roughly a right angle as I stretch. If this grip happens to stretch the tunica a bit, so much the better, but I always focus to feel the stretch where I want it. Upward pulls are hardest, as my glans is in my palm & I have to adjust carefully to keep from squeezing it.
I plan to keep doing what seems to be working for now. I’ll continue to gradually add time to my stretches & may or may not add numbers to my dry jelqs. More likely, I’ll just tighten up on my form & slow them down & that should up the intensity enough. I may move to 5 on, 2 off, still jelqing every other session. I’ll update again next month.