Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Paul H.'s progress log

Measured 6 5/8 BPEL again, so it’s an official gain now. Still holding at 5 3/8 MEG.

I’ve settled into a 1 on, 1 off schedule. Also started noticing my flaccid size has improved. Maybe I just now noticed. I’ve added a set of behind-the-cheeks bundled stretches in both directions, & occasionally a set of bundled side stretches. I do these after my regular sets, but before my squeezes & edging.

I keep the bundle at the lower half & make sure the shaft where I grip under the glans isn’t twisted. I also keep my thumb real low on my shaft during A-stretches. This is to potentially help even out a slight baseball bat shape I’ve taken on. I blame this on the odd fulcrum-like grip I use on stretches. I do a slight twist, bending my shaft over my thumb a bit as I stretch, & that spot is the girthiest area.

I’ve read & searched the PE forums for hours while sitting around at work. I’ve come to realize that I started with a great size & shape & whatever size I end up with will look big on my 5’7, 170lb body. I feel that 7 inches is where long-ish starts & I’m fired up to get there. For a month or so I thought my gains were stalling, but it was just the noobie gains slowing down.

Originally Posted by Paul H.
I’ve read & searched the PE forums for hours while sitting around at work. I’ve come to realize that I started with a great size & shape & whatever size I end up with will look big on my 5’7, 170lb body.

This is the truest gain.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Hey Paul,

I’m interested in buying an electric heating pad, but the reviews I see on Amazon suggest that they only get mildly warm. Some even say that the heat is unnoticeable, so I’m a bit wary of spending money on one. I currently use a hot water bottle and it works very well, but it is not very convenient or discreet.

What is your experience? Which heating pad do you use, and do you get a deep, lasting heat in your unit when you use it? If so, how long do you have to warm up to get that effect?

The infrared massager I got was probably just a red lightbulb massager. It broke & only provided moderate heat. The shape was kinda useful. You could rest it on the ligs while holding downward stretches.

I use a small, cheap heating pad I got off of Amazon:

https://www.ama … mp_s_a_1_3_a_it

It gets warm enough to be uncomfortable if you push it against your skin, but it does seem to ramp up & down in temperature during a session. I always use the highest setting, mostly because I want it to hurry up & get warm.

I fold it in half & wrap my penis with it while finding a suitably long YouTube video to watch while I hold my stretches. I also use the video’s time counter to time my stretches.

After a 5 minute warmup, I stretch. I reheat after every stretch, but sometimes I notice that the pad’s heat is a bit dissipated. If I wait a bit it’ll warm back up suddenly. Not sure what’s going on there. I leave it folded while I stretch to hold any heat it may be building up.

I stealth PE, so it’s plugged in between the wall & my bed & sits hidden from view on the window sill or floor when not in use. I work out a lot, so, if discovered, it’ll be taken as something used for muscle aches.

Originally Posted by Paul H.
After a 5 minute warmup, I stretch. I reheat after every stretch, but sometimes I notice that the pad’s heat is a bit dissipated. If I wait a bit it’ll warm back up suddenly. Not sure what’s going on there.

That is by design, I think. I read on the Amazon reviews that this is so that if someone accidentally leaves it on and falls asleep, then it won’t stay on and burn them.

I guess the only thing for me to do is buy it and try it. Fortunately, it’s not expensive.

Thanks for replying :)

I missed last month’s post due to chaotic life events. I work 2 jobs. One of them has me driving trucks out of my hometown & filling in as a shuttle driver 250 miles south in Houston a few days here & there. The other has me living in motels for weeks on end while doing shifts as a catalyst tech at gas plants. PE is workable in all that chaos, but my sleep schedule got turned around for a bit & I struggled to find my equilibrium for a bit & missed a few days. I thrive on routine & disruptions knock me off kilter.

Still holding & 6 5/8 BPEL & 5 3/8 MEG, but the length seems somehow more solid & the MEG is a smidge further past the tape mark than it was. I guess those 30 second Uli squeezes are doing more than propping up my EQ. It may be an emotional compromise with my strictly length based goals, but I don’t mind if my girth creeps up to around 5.5. I’ll take it. I put up a few dating profiles & might get to put it to work, & it looks good anyway.

I seem to be losing that baseball bat shape & the base looks thicker (I’ve only been measuring MEG). I’m tempted to credit the bundled stretches but I’m not really sure. Also got a Tria hair remover & plan to start zapping away at my pubic hair. I’ve done one half-hearted round last month but haven’t hit it again because I’m lazy & it hurts. I’ll get on it next week after I head out on the next catalyst job. I’ll try to check back in around the 10th to reestablish regularity with this log.

I know it is an weird question but is a good idea to warm up with an hair dryer? Just asking if someone tried this method.

Originally Posted by JustveX
I know it is an weird question but is a good idea to warm up with an hair dryer? Just asking if someone tried this method.

I put a sock on the end of a hair dryer and then wrap it around - kind of like a tunnel, works well.

Starting stats - 03-03-2017:


Originally Posted by JustveX
I know it is an weird question but is a good idea to warm up with an hair dryer? Just asking if someone tried this method.

I’ve never tried it. My first thought is that it’ll dry out your skin. Then again, so will gripping hard & pulling, so a little lotion after your session may remedy this.

Originally Posted by JustveX
I know it is an weird question but is a good idea to warm up with an hair dryer? Just asking if someone tried this method.


Heat is heat, wherever it comes from. Air is just a quite bad heat transport medium, so the heat you get from a hair dryer is either too low or too hot. The best radioation device is an IR lamp used for the entire session.

I always recommend heat mediums which are applied directly to the skin and remain warm for a long time for initial and terminal heating. Bathhtub with hot water, hot/cold-packs, thick washcloths, and, my personal favourite, microwave-heated rice socks. They simply transport the heat deep in the tissue in an optimal way.

Hope this helps


Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

I’m ducking back in to post after a lengthy silence. My life wasn’t stable enough to support a quality routine for a while. What I did as a poor substitute was hold a BTC stretch behind each leg in the shower every day for a 100 count per side. I used my semi-patented grip pretty low on the shaft to negate slipping issues. No gains, but no losses, either, which was half way what I expected. I don’t think this counts as a real plateau, but I’ve been stuck at this size forever & it sure feels like one.

I’m now in a position where I’ll have the privacy, time, & a regular schedule I need to do this right. I’m a truck driver & I’m hauling frac sand in the Texas oilfield & staying in a man camp where I have my own room & no visitors. My strength training is back on track & I plan on dragging my PE routine along for the ride. I’ve run out of noobie PE gains & I’m strongly considering taking up hanging.

After scouring the threads for a bit I’m leaning toward vac hanging. I tried using a clamp style hanger a few times but had constant slipping issues & don’t want to have to re-wrap as often. I’ll probably score one by next month unless a decent used setup pops up for sale here. Nothing else to report, but posting on my log again is a psychological line in the sand, so it’s officially on after this last hiatus.

Necroing this log after a long absence. Changed jobs, cities & addresses several times. Life’s chaos & a relative lack of privacy interrupted my quest but I’m stable with privacy again.

Measured at 6.5 BPEL & 5 3/8 MEG. BPFSL is around 6.75 or a bit more. I started back a month ago stretching straight out & straight down in the shower under hot water for 60 seconds each. 1 day on, one off.

2 weeks ago I purchased a TDP mineral infrared lamp off of Ebay & use it before & during my now-upgraded routine, which now takes place in my bedroom.

I apply baby powder to my hands & unit, warm up with the lamp for maybe 5 minutes (small sock on scrotum to shield from the heat), & begin. SO 60 seconds, SD 60 seconds, left 45 seconds, right 45 seconds, BTC 70 seconds each left & right, & a flaccid pseudo-Mandingo upward stretch over my thumb’s knuckle (pinkie just behind the glans) for 30- 45 seconds.

I do helicopter spins & Firegoat rolls between all stretches. After stretches I do a few uncounted dry jelqs with the thumb & index side of my hand towards my body (much tighter seal, less blood escapes). I do these just for blood flow & recovery purposes. I won’t be after any girth until my length goals are mostly met.

My split is 3 days on, one day off. I feel a bit of rawness around where I grip but no real soreness or acheyness otherwise. Maybe a bit as i go to sleep sometimes, but nothing more.

With all stretches I’m still using my grip with my index finger curled around & across my thumbnail & think this should be tried by other PE’ers. I’m cinching this grip up almost down around the middle of my shaft to keep it from slipping to the glans during stretches.

When I stretch with this grip my shaft folds at a near 90° angle over my thumb, with the side of my index knuckle almost pushing my glans into the base of my shaft. I pronate my grip a bit, lowering the thumb side & raising the pinkie side to increase this folding effect. I’ve wondered if the grip itself might act like a light fulcrum stretch. I use my other hand to push lightly on my gripping hand to spread the muscle strain out more evenly. I’ll try to get pictures of this grip later today.

It’s around a month after restarting PE so I measured. I’ve been measuring way too often after reading a bunch of threads on BPFSL & am gonna reduce this for the next month. My BPFSL is up to 7 now. BPEL is back up to 6 5/8 & MEG is 5 3/8. So I’m back to my best measurements from a few years ago before I fell off. That 6 5/8 is conservative, too. Its some smidge between that & 6 3/4 which has me fired up. Got me an 8 inch ruler, which probably helps with motivation. I marked the 6.5 & 6.75 hashmarks with a pen, which helps my eyes zero in better.

My SO, SD & 2 BTC stretches are up to 75 seconds & I’ve added a 10 minute cool down stretch Kyrpa suggested in his big ultrasound thread. Basically its15 seconds gradually increasing the tension, 15 seconds holding at peak tension & 15 seconds slowly reducing the tension. I alternate SO & SD with them. I pause to do a Firegoat roll for 10 seconds or so between them. Then I do a few slow dry jelqs for circulation & healing purposes. Afterwards I rub Aquaphor healing ointment all over to help heal the skin where I grip. I do a daily set of kegels at work, too, & have noticed a big EQ improvement from this. I’m going to maintain this routine until I don’t see growth after a monthly measurement. At that point I’m thinking of adding sets of fulcrum & bundled stretches.

In the month since I’ve restarted I’ve improved .25 in BPFSL & 1/8 in BPEL so I’m hoping I’m right in the middle of a fresh new gain cycle.

An early update I shouldn’t be making (but I have an excuse)…

Yesterday when I came home from work a friend was here so I couldn’t do my usual routine in front of the TDP mineral/ infrared lamp in my room. Rather than skip it I decided to just do it in the shower with hot water directly hitting the area the whole time. I was kinda paying attention to how this felt compared to my normal lamp heat. Hard to describe but I felt less pliable. So I checked my flaccid afterward. BPFSL was 7 exactly.

Today I did the same routine under the lamp after work. Felt stretchier & subjectively better. So I measured my flaccid. BPFSL reached 7 1/8 for the first time. The only variable was the heat source so this was an apples to apples comparison a day apart between hot shower water & a TDP mineral lamp with an 1/8 difference in FSL results. Here’s the model I use:

Search eBay

This FSL gain had me fired up. So after dry jelqs & during a short bit of edging I checked & my BPEL hit 6 3/4 in two separate measurements. Not counting this until I hit it a few more times but I’m pretty sure it’s a real gain. All my other measurements have been these same less than ideal, stretched out, post workout occasions & I’ve been hovering just above 6 5/8 for a few weeks now.

I’ve been kegeling daily for several weeks now so some of this could be EQ gains. But from what I’ve read these FSL gains usually move up just ahead of EL gains. My BPFSL went from 6.75 a month ago to 7.0 these past few weeks so I’ve been expecting gains. I’ve been adding a few dry jelqs & a short edging session to the end of my routine in the last 2 weeks with the idea of helping my BPEL "fill in" the new FSL gains.


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