Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Official Turkey Neck Thread!

Originally Posted by pbnation
I’m pretty sure foreskin restoration would work wonders

I had the same thought. Anyone willing to give it a shot and report back? :)

Originally Posted by okc_smoker
I had the same thought. Anyone willing to give it a shot and report back? :)

Yeah, I’ll talk to you in 2-3 years.

Well I already spent quite some time at the foreskin restoration forums and they also don’t know a correct and full proof way to fix this.

Mostly because ,well yes, foreskin restoration is for people with no foreskin and in most cases they already had a turkey neck or penoscrotal webbing.

I am uncut and had enough foreskin.

Foreskin restoration and shaft stretching gives me more foreskin.

I know this because I tried this.

The more you stretch,
Scrotal skin or shaft skin,
The more you make things worse.

Believe me.I am making the skin build up worse very day.

The 5.31 inches stayed the same.

That I can live with.

But the way the skin has moved up onto the top part of my penis, is uncomfortable that I am really feeling that is isn’t my own penis anymore.

Mainly because now my flaccid state has changed for the worse.

It used to hang low.

My testicles can’t hang as low now as before

And it is a difference between before and now.

I went from a small penis with big testicles and swinging ones because my scrotal skin also was big to accompany my testicles

Now the swinging is gone,

My testicles are smaller, because they are closer to the body and the migrated skin has taken away the sense of touch where there used to be no penoscrotal webbing.

And ow yeah,

My penis now sticks out to the front and can’t hang.nice

We talk about the skin underneath your penis , the flappy skin , the turkey neck.

But I hardly hear anything about the skin build up at the sides of the penis , that can happen.

Or the skin on the top part.

It is formed in a circle.

Pushing the scrotal skin towards the tip of your penis..

I have seen enough PE’ers pictures to know many of you have this.

That is why you now have shaft hair.

And given the fact that I did not grow an micro-inch, this has nothing to do with growing of the penis.

It is pulling the scrotum skin loose from it’s natural position.

It is the only skin of it’s kind on your body.

A woman doesn’t have skin on her body like the scrotum skin.

Surgery will cut away excess skin.

If you look close at some porn stars you can see that they have turkey neck.

You can then see that the scrotal skin is in the middle going up the shaft.

Skin that surrounded the ”natural” position of the scrotum is now at the position where the scrotum should be.

You would think surgeons could relocate or migrate the skin back into position without losing half of your scrotum,

Because of an over-active pelvic floor my urologist recommended me to wait for that to resolve so I can think about surgery over 1,5 years, is what he told me.

Anyone have an idea of how an increase in girth would affect a preexisting turkey neck?

Still nothing

Willy I think surgery is a reasonable option if you have the will and money for it. Surgeons can handle a lot more than a turkey neck. :)
By the way a question to everybody!

Would you rather have a bigger&thicker penis with turkey neck or a significantly smaller without it?

A bigger thicker because you can fix it with surgery.

My penis looks like it’s wearing a dress!

Anyone cured their turkey neck yet?

It’s not nearly soon enough to tell for sure, but I’ve been pumping while wearing a leather ball stretcher (like THIS ) and it seems to be helping. It keeps the scrotal skin from creeping up the shaft and I can feel the stretch in the skin along underside of my shaft.

It looks a little freaky, but it’s not uncomfortable and the 1" size doesn’t actually seem to "stretch" my balls.

Originally Posted by GreenLights
A bigger thicker because you can fix it with surgery.

How will they fix the turkey neck?

That whole z-plasty ordeal where they cut away excess skin??

Or is there a surgery option that let’s you keep your skin and where they can put it in the right or ”normal” position?

I have pretty bad turkey neck, and I don’t think I’ve been doing PE long enough for that to be the cause of it (although it might make matters worse). When I’m flaccid I can pull the skin and it looks like it connects almost halfway up my penis. It’s really discouraging because when getting a blow job or something, if my penis is pointed upwards (naturally downward curve) it looks a lot tinier than it is.

I have quite bad turkey neck unfortunately.


Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

me too

Pics -- Progress Thread

Start: 6" NBPEL x ~4.8 EG ---- Now: ~ 6.75" NBPEL x ~5 EG --- Want quick: 7.5" NBPEL x 5.5 EG --- Ultimate goal: 8" NBPEL x 6 EG

I’ve always had a turkey neck. It’s a circumcision thing a lot of times. It’s not horrible. It doesn’t prevent me from getting a condom on or doing anything sexually. It just sucks that it makes my dick look smaller :) .


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