Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Official Turkey Neck Thread!

No. I actually like both sets of tits. Mobile skin is different than excess skin.

I do not want excess, unnecessary skin on my dick or the rest of my package. A tighter, sleek look is more pleasing to me.

In the end, I want the time I’m putting into my extender to pay, get a bigger dick, than hopefully have a minor, non drastic or overly dangerous surgery to remove some of the excess, unwanted, unnecessary, overly-mobile skin from my unit. To tighten up the skin, and have it more pleasing to me, for my own personal opinion and preference. Thats really all there is to it.
If, when the time comes, I go and talk to the doctor, and I get the idea that remove excess skin is too risky ( which I’m hoping it isn’t, and in comparison to girth enlargement and lig cutting, I don’t think is nearly as risky—knock on wood), than I won’t go through with the process. If is seems reasonable, not too risky, simple, often practiced, not overly expensive, and nothing too major in any aspect, than I will try to go through with it.. To remove the excess, overly- ‘mobile’ skin, on the underside and perhaps the topside above the base, of the penis.

It’s a little dishearting to hear of not much success other then surgery from you guys to get rid if their TN.

From dry jelqing for a couple weeks and making length and girth gains gradually I also notice I’m developing more of a turkey neck unfourtently :(

There is one thing I’ve learned though the turkey neck I have appears much less and is reduced when I get more girth gains.

If I’m hanging with a longer thicker flaccid and
I pull my dick out then the TN I have is hardly there. Same thing for erect.

I like dry jelqing better but I think I’m going to switch to wet jelqing from now on to avoid more TN.

I think it should be told to every newbie that in PE that TN can be developed through certain PE excercises and the best way to do PE to avoid it.

That’s my 2 cents for the day.

Also I just thought if you don’t do what you can in PE to avoid TN and you make length gains then your BPEL will increase but if you’re balls move closer up the shaft at the same time you make gains or over time you’re NBPEL will decrease or stay the same even though you’re true BPEL length gains were made.

This makes total since to me. I don,t think it’s always the fat pad that is nessicarrly the problem it could be the TN with you’re balls higher up the shaft making it appear like you have a bigger fat pad then you do.


I have done some manual skin stretching in order to reduce/eliminate turkey neck which developed years ago when I did foreskin restoration. I had very little success until I hit upon the idea of applying hair elastics around my scrotum above the testicles. I bought a package of a dozen. At first I only used two of them. Over time I gradually increased the number used until now I apply three behind the scrotum, over the cock. I then place seven around just the scrotum above the testicles. I am able to wear these in this configuration for up to an hour at a time. At first they are hardly noticeable. By the time the hour has passed they are minimally uncomfortable. The testicles never get cool. I have now been using them for two weeks. I have definitely noticed a reduction in the turkey neck.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

Originally Posted by restored91
I have done some manual skin stretching in order to reduce/eliminate turkey neck which developed years ago when I did foreskin restoration. I had very little success until I hit upon the idea of applying hair elastics around my scrotum above the testicles. I bought a package of a dozen. At first I only used two of them. Over time I gradually increased the number used until now I apply three behind the scrotum, over the cock. I then place seven around just the scrotum above the testicles. I am able to wear these in this configuration for up to an hour at a time. At first they are hardly noticeable. By the time the hour has passed they are minimally uncomfortable. The testicles never get cool. I have now been using them for two weeks. I have definitely noticed a reduction in the turkey neck.

Not to sound freaky and all but can you post pics on how they look like?

"Men are gifted with two heads, sadly they do not

have enough blood to run

both at the same time" by anonymous

scrotum stretching

Originally Posted by restored91
I have done some manual skin stretching in order to reduce/eliminate turkey neck which developed years ago when I did foreskin restoration. I had very little success until I hit upon the idea of applying hair elastics around my scrotum above the testicles. I bought a package of a dozen. At first I only used two of them. Over time I gradually increased the number used until now I apply three behind the scrotum, over the cock. I then place seven around just the scrotum above the testicles. I am able to wear these in this configuration for up to an hour at a time. At first they are hardly noticeable. By the time the hour has passed they are minimally uncomfortable. The testicles never get cool. I have now been using them for two weeks. I have definitely noticed a reduction in the turkey neck.

Glad the “hair elastics” worked for you. I have never had turkey neck but did some scrotum stretching to get lower hanging balls partly to get them out of the way while extending or pumping. Also like the swing feeling during sex.

You will find a world of info here He calls your hair elastics ponytailers.

I have mainly used stainless steel scrotum rings which I bought from a hardware shop for about a $1 ea and split weights of various sizes. Have also used leather stretchers and done manual stretches in the shower. I have got most of the swing I want and am not actively scrotum stretching though I often wear a few scrotum rings, and especially during sex. The wife has got used to them. Found scrotum stretching easier than PE in that results come earlier and with less effort. So I see no reason for a turkey neck.

One tip - To fit a scrotum ring put an elastic band around your scrotum fairly tightly and then pull one ball through the ring at a time. Make sure you then remove the elastic band. Otherwise your balls will hurt like mad about half an hour later as the loss of circulation kicks in. Jarod tells you how to work out what size rings to get. I find I need the elastic band to stop my balls ascending as I try to pull them trough the ring.



There is a thread about "low hanging balls" which has things that I used successfully. Through that and foreskin restoration (a long way to go on it) I really have no sign of turkey neck these days.

A Question for Cyberstud25 (re: low balls)

As my ID indicates I restored my foreskin in the early 90s. I have photos posted in my routine thread at about post #45. The process took me a bit over two years. I am pleased with the results.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

I’ll do a recap on exercices that I think will work to PREVENT turkey neck ! Prevention is better than cure.
(Because I’ve a minor Turkey Neck I’m cut and I don’t want to increase my turkey neck with jelqs)

So this post that I think can be useful for people :

- Dymn - Shaft skin - Turkey neck - Foreskin
- Deckker - Shaft skin - Turkey neck - Foreskin
- Whitehart1882 - I’m uncircumcised, jelq problem
- trunksdarklord - Turkey neck…anything?

My experience with 1 weeks approximatively I’ve seen that 3 combinations work well :

(1) : Only Dry jelqing if you want to jelq with 2 hands ! When you wet jelq you can pull skin more easily it’s bad for turkey neck. But also with that I don’t recommend to jelq with 2 hands.
jelq with the method that I’ve found in (2).

(2) : When I jelq (Dry Jelqing) I hold my testicles back and try to keep them from riding up with the traveling hand. So you jelq really with one hand take a hand at the point where your turkey neck begin
and jelq with the others hand. (If you don’t understand I’ll try to put pictures with the techniques), It can be painful at the beggining so you can put some lube ONLY at the base of the penis where turkey neck begins but don’t allow much slide of skin.

Note : Alternate hand left-right. Same time each hand because you don’t want lost balance (curves, etc.

(3) : In my opinion, it’s the exercises that works very well.

Originally Posted by trunksdarklord
Step 1, Get a full erection and make a tight ok grip with your right hand and grip about an inch below the head (depending on how big you are you may want to grip a bit lower, but don’t go any lower than halfway down your shaft as you could potentially just be stretching the webbed and loose skin).
Step 2, Use your other hand to make an ok grip about a quarter inch below your other hand (You can pretty much have the two hands touching but I feel having a slight gap in between your two hands provides a more effective stretch).
Step 3, Pull downwards with your bottom hand while keeping the hand on top firmly in place. Make sure you feel the stretch on all areas of the underside of the shaft. That is, you’re likely to be stretching the skin only on the corpus spongiosum since it protrudes more on the underside of your shaft so adjust your hands and make sure you stretch the skin in between the grooves (Hopefully this makes sense).

Thanks to trunksdarklord !
Note : You need to use different grip : OK grip, V grip etc.

(4) : After a session like that put some cream on your penis to avoid discoloration, irritation

That’s my contribution you can also try lower your balls etc.
I don’t know if that can REPAIR a hard turkey neck so try ! PE is dedication so you need to try yourself !

I have been using the pony tailers now for over 10 months. I am up to using a dozen at a time and wearing them between 3 and 4 hours. I have very little noticeable turkey neck. I am now aiming for lower hanging balls. This is becoming noticeable also.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

Can someone post this in the correct place. Where it will be seen

Hello, I am 24 and I have never had a real PE routine, but would do all different kinds of PE on and off for over 2 years now. Whenever a type of kegel or jelq would help my EQ or fq for a few days I would think my search for a good PE was over, I’ve only to be let down everytime.

I’ve always had terrible posture and slept on my stomach. I this it was bad, but had I known it would change my penis so drastically I would have done it years ago.. Before when I stood, my shoulders drooped forward a bit, my upper back had a curve, and When I sat it got even worse. What I have and many of you probably have is a pelvic tilt which not only prevents the entire penis from showing, it also prevents alot of bloodflow to the penis

I have done yoga stretches and squats with little results, but what you have to actually do is kind of a big change in your life.
STANDING AND WALKING: shoulders back, act like a string is pulling the back of your pelvis up, and the front pelvis down &in.this should buckle your knees straight and stick your chest up, and shoulders back like a bodybuilder does.
WHEN YOUR SITTING: middle of back pulled forward, shoulders back, your chest just like when your standing, and you want to rotate the pelvis so its like you are trying to sit on your penis.
Adjust to not sleep on your stomach as well

(You should be trying to make the “S” in your back spine more pronounced)

When you’re in this position, kegels also have more affect on the penis, as opposed to squeezing your taint.

This may look and feel weird at first but its only because of your terrible posture. Ever since I started this a week ago, my erection went from about 5.5” to 6.5 which doesn’t sound like alot. But its so much fatter now too and is ready to go all the time. Getting and staying 100% hard is simple. Also my flaccid went from like 3” to 4” and is now usually plump like a 24 year old should be. Also, orgasms shoot further and feel better.

After a day or two, your posture will naturally get better. Sounds to good t ok be true, but give it a try and get back with any questions.

Very interesting tullamore!! In actual fact I suffer from bad posture too due to bad habbits in the way I’ve always sat on the sofa!!

I’ve always thought my pelvis is somehow not straight and heres why.. When I measure my BPEL whilst standing its 6.8 and when sitting comfy (with slightly bad posture) it measures 7.2!! This is the absolute truth and I’m gutted that I let myself develop this way and I need to try and correct it but not sure I can now.

So badically my pelvis is either tilted forward or back, and I quite a strong curve in my lower back which gives me the appearance of a j-lo booty pmsl!

I regret to inform you that it was a false alarm and only lasted about a week just like every other time I think I’ve found the secret to a loose plump flaccid hang. Very disappointing

so which stretches have people actually had results with?

Turkey neck as well

Hi all, this is my first post as I felt compelled to add my 2 cents to the discussion.
I have the dreaded turkey neck as well, although it only exposes itself after a good hang session or when I am very warm. When its there though, I feel it could catch a draft and fly away!
Anyway, I think that the two handed OK tug-of-war stretch is our best bet at reducing our turkey necks. I have been doing this stretch daily for a week now, but it is too early to see if I have gained any good shaft skin. I took a measurement before I started my stretching and I have about 1.75” of good shaft skin measuring from termination of my turkey neck to the center of my frenulum. After I do my stretch, and throughout the day I apply stretch mark cream ( the stuff for pregnant women) to the stretched area.

I am circumcised and I believe I was not left with enough good shaft skin to cover my length, hence the sack skin riding up the shaft. Being cut, in addition with jelqing early in my PE career have both contributed to my turkey neck in my opinion. In my case, the skin on the underside of my shaft seems tighter than the skin on the sides and on top. An indicator of my lack of enough good shaft skin is I have about 1.25” of hair that rides up the base of my shaft (about 2.5” on the underside actually), that has been there as long as I can remember.

For any of you that have attempted this stretch, do you think I should only focus on the skin on the underside of my shaft? Or do you think only stretching the underside skin would cause some kind of weird imbalance between the skin underneath and the skin on top?

I open to any comments or suggestions.


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