Thunder's Place

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Optimizing PE considering tunica structure

Damn, there are a lot of smart guys contributing ideas on here!

I just need to say, a very humble thank you to all of you who share your concepts!! :)

Started 25/03/04: 6.9x6.3" (17.5x16cm) EBPL

Last time I measured 15/04/08: 8.4x6.5" (21.5x16.5cm) EBPL

Long Time Goal: 9x7" (23x17cm) ENBPL - Long Long Time Goal: 10x8" (25.5x20.5cm) ENBPL

I have been doing only girth type exercise for about 8 months now and have had a small amount of permanent gains. My old routine was 1/2 an hour of high erection level dry jelqs and 440s. Within the last week I started doing 15 minute Manual stretches and only 15 minute of high erection level dry jelqs and I have seen a big difference in my erect girth and a big difference in my flaccid size as well. It has also stayed bigger longer after getting done with my routine. I think that stretching the tunca out length wise really gives the tissue more room for girth expansion.

Stretching would also stretch the diagonal fibres. The reason why the penis girth is reduced during a stretch may be because the diagonal fibres become more angled towards the direction of the penis length. If you think of a right angled triangle, the longest/diagonal side (hypotenuse) is the diagonal fibre, the vertical side is the fibre parallel to the shaft and the base side is the fibre that runs at a right angle to the shaft. When you stretch the vertical side (make it longer) this will also put strain on the diagonal side. The diagonal side will cause the base side (the bottom/horizontal side) to shorten to an extent and this may be why the penis loses width/girth when stretched. Note that the diagonal fibres are the limiting factor in the stretch as for a given length gain in penis length, the vertical fibres won’t have to stretch as much as the diagonal fibres, as e.g. A 2cm gain in length will require a 2cm gain in length of vertical fibres but it may require a 3cm or more gain in diagonal fibres. These diagonal fibres would be the limiting factor in girth gain as well, therefore it is these fibres within the tunica that should be targeted. I’d sat twisting would be great for this, and would result in both length and girth gains as the diagonal fibre length plays a big role in both. Also this would explain why people may find stretching can result in an increase in girth too, do they? I think length exercise would be better than girth exercises for stretching the diagonal fibres as it involves directly stretching the tunica whereas girth exercise relies on pressure to do so, and I’d say that ones arm can supply alot more force than ones blood pressure.

Does anyone have any insight as to whether my thinking (above) has any grounds? I am thinking of integrating flacid twists into my girth routine, before my girth exercises…

Originally Posted by man-of-10
Does anyone have any insight as to whether my thinking (above) has any grounds? I am thinking of integrating flacid twists into my girth routine, before my girth exercises…

Maybe you would have some feed-back if your post was easier to read - clearer, spaces between some group of periods, references to images or articles to understand what you are speaking of - this kind of things. Just an idea :) .

Ok, so supposedly stretching the tunica is good for girth. I feel like a newbie asking this, but when I stretch how do I concentrate force on the tunica rather than the ligs? Upwards stretching? Ya I think that’s it.

Originally Posted by Mick
Ok, so supposedly stretching the tunica is good for girth. I feel like a newbie asking this, but when I stretch how do I concentrate force on the tunica rather than the ligs? Upwards stretching? Ya I think that’s it.

Yes, upward; fulcrum stretches and TOW stretches should help, also.

Originally Posted by diesel220
What about getting a hard on while in the stretcher to to have internal pressure on the tunic and external force from the stretcher. Then allow the penis to go back to flaccid state increase tension then allow the penis to relax into the stretch for about 30 min then repeat process again. I guess we could follow the 10 min time limit as we do on clamping. I haven’t tried it but just a thought.

Good point Diesel. I have tried something similar while hanging and it seemed to work well. If I got an erection while hanging I would do keggels until the penis became tired and the erection went away. It seems intuitive that the extra internal pressure would further contribute to the stretch and could be a part of why people often gain girth from hanging. Has anyone else have similar experiences?

Also, stretching, as far as I am concerned, can never hurt. It should be like heat and be incorporated into every routine. Nothing heavy, just 10 minutes of stretching covering all directions.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Disagree. Erect penis should never be stretched.

“Maybe you would have some feed-back if your post was easier to read - clearer, spaces between some group of periods, references to images or articles to understand what you are speaking of - this kind of things. Just an idea.”

Hey, yeah sorry about that; it was quite a while ago that it was written- I’m much better now :) . Reading over the post, it is actually rather hard to understand, but then the concept IS quite difficult to explain.

I was basing it all on some of the previous posts in this thread. It was mentioned that the tunica fibres are orientated either parallel, perpendicular or at a diagonal to the shaft. Using this knowledge, I was suggesting that it is the DIAGONAL FIBRES that limit both girth and length gains.

If you imagine a right angled triangle: one side is vertical (the fibres running parallel to the shaft), another side is horizontal (the fibres running perpendicular/at a right angle to the shaft) and the other side is diagonal (the fibres that are running at a diagonal to the shaft- the “criss-cross” fibres).

Imagine if one were to grab the vertical side, and stretch is to 2 times its original length. The diagonal side, in order to match the new vertical height of the triangle, would have to stretch further than the vertical fibre did. The same would occur if the horizontal side was stretched to 2 times its original length. These are the fibres that require the greatest length gain, for a given gain in penis length/girth.

Also, I think the above analogy can be used to explain why the shaft becomes so thin during flacid stretches. Let’s say once again, that one stretches the vertical side until it is 2 times its origianl length. If the horizontal line was a fixed length (i.e. could not shorten), then the diagonal line would have to stretch by a great deal more than the vertical line did, in order to accomodate this new vertical line-length….

However, if the horizontal line can shorten, then it will do so- taking ALOT of extra stress off the diagonal line. When the horizontal line shortens (goes slack), the diagonal line will move to a direction in-line with the vertical line, meaning that it will only have to stretch to a similar length to the vertical line. So when we stretch while flaccid, the fibres perpendicular to the shaft go slack, and the diagonal fibres become more vertical.

The opposite happens when one shortens the shaft manually (with a low-level erection), the vertical fibres are made slack, allowing the diagonal fibres to move more in-line with the horizontal fibres (which are being lengthened themselves). Greater than normal girth is temporarily achieved, as the limiting diagonal fibres have been moved in-line with the horizontal fibres. There is a lot to discuss here IMO but this post is already FAR too long, sorry marinera!

Man of 10

With all these innovative thinkers on Thunders, PE will soon be as advanced of a practice as medicine, law, and advanced calculus.

2005: 5.5 EL & 5.6 EG, FL: 4in > Now: 7.5 NBP & 6.1 MEG, 5.8 BG (Goal: MORE !)

Stumpy1's Progress Thread

Everytime I Visit Thunders, I Do 50 Kegels or More

Interesting concept man-of-10, I never thought I’d see trigonometry on TP :)

So basically when targeting length, the girth should be kept to a minimum to get some more diagonal slack (long, thin). And when targeting girth the length should be kept to a minimum (short, thick). This would most effectively target the different fibers. And at the same token, stretching erect (not recommending this) would be optimal for targeting the diagonal fibers. All according to this triangle analogy.

My Measurements | My Favorites

I find my bpfsl is longer after a hang sessions with twists. I just naturally gravitated to twisting while hanging, and stretching. I haven’t cemented any sort of gains as of yet from the twists, but a dull ache throughout my tunica tells me some are on the way. Twisting the fibers is definitely part of the equation. My un-clamped girth has definitely improved as well.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

I’ve done hang sets where its twisting 90 degrees left and 90 degrees right the entire time. I feel it allows some internal slack to release.

Marinera, why should the penis never be stretched when erect? Just curious why exactly.


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