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Optimizing PE considering tunica structure

Optimizing PE considering tunica structure

My understanding of the tunica structure is that of a network, as shown in the scheme. That specific structure with fibres oriented in more or less perpendicular layers quite likely has a peculiar way to react to deformations, as shown in the scheme in the appendix.

I think that this presumed behavior of the tunica in response to stress should be considered in order to optimize our pe-efforts.


I will continue the thread as soon as the moderators have accepted the little drawing.

Later - ttt

In the scheme you see a drawing of the collagen layers in the unextended state (1), stretched (length-wise) (2), and during girth-work (3).

If you interpret the drawings the way I would suggest it means that the collagen elements are not stretched very much becase they can react to stress in length- or circumference-direction simply by reorienting themselves / changing the angle which described their orientation with respect to each other.

(The orientation of the fibers is a little different in reality but the governing principles apply).

Later - ttt

Schematic presentation of the fibers (simplified, for the purpose of making the idea as clear as possible.

(5.1 KB, 1217 views)

Later - ttt

The scheme shows quite clearly that length OR girth work are quite ineffective.

To overcome this problem there are basically two possibilities:

1. Length work OR girth work with relatively high load.

2. Simultaneous length AND girth work with much lower load and therefore less potential to harm your dick.

Later - ttt

Is this schema based on real tunica structure? I mean, are you semplifying what you have seen in medical literature or is an idea?

The anatomy of the tunica is well known and has been published in the scientific literature and has been discussed in other threads in this forum. There is consensus that there are usually at least 2 layers of collagen fibers running more or less in perpendicular orientation, one in parallel to the shaft and one at right angles. However, if you closely examine the fine structure of these fibers they are running like a mesh-work, not as regular as drawn in a geometry lesson.

In my drawing I only show those fibers which are compatible with my idea of reorientation under stress. Other fibers of the mesh-work are running along with the shaft (exactly parallel) are much easier affected by conventional length-work, and the circumferential fibers are easily affected by conventional girth work.

The fibers shown in my drawing resist to conventional length work AND girth work because they are never really stressed (lengthened) because they reorient under the influence of conventional pe-stress.

Later - ttt

Thank you for explication, ttt.

Intuitevely, those fibers are better hitted with fulcrum-type stretches, like V-stretch, seem to me.

We should make a model of penis with an inner bicycle chamber (inflated at various degree) covered with an elastic network, like those used for basket-ball.

Thanks for posting it ttt. Very interesting info.
To me it seems, that disregarding parallel and perpendicular fibers, it would seem that there is no difference between girth and length work(for example stretching and clamping). So the difference is only noticable on the parallel and perpendicular fibers, right?The fibers from the picture seem to generally limit volume of the penis(without much shaping of the penis), while fibers parallel to the shaft limit length and fibers perpendicular to the shaft limit girth. This structure of tunice makes sense, since it would both explain girth gains form stretching(hanging etc.) and length gains from girth work.

So for length one would actually want to:
a) increase the volume of the penis stretching the fibers from the picture(jelqing,clamping?)
b) stretch the fibers parallel to the shaft shaping the new volume into length gains(stretching, hanging, etc)

While for girth gains only work necessary are girth excersises.

Do I understand it right?

My idea was that it might be necessary to do simultaneous girth and length work.

I am not very much into manual pe but I think that jelqing - if done correctly - might best do the trick.

For pe with tools it might be simultaneous clamping and hanging.

Later - ttt

Yes, jelq should work fine. Stretching on a flat or spehrical surface (like memento’s stretch) might do the work, also.


I think the structure remains orthogonal; it does not devolve into a helix when stretched. Check out the armadillo’s tunica for reference.

From the fist page of Armadillo.pdf,


Like other hydrostats (Wainwright et al., 1976, 1978; Neville, 1993), the wall of the corpus cavernosum is reinforced against aneurysms by a highly organized array of inextensible fibers. But the arrangement of the tunica albuginea’s fiber array is unusual for a biological hydrostat. Instead of being arranged in left- and right-handed helices around the long axis of the structure, collagen fibers are arranged in an axial orthogonal array with fibers at 0 ° and 90 ° to the long axis of the corpus cavernosum (Hanyu, 1988; Hsu et al., 1994a,b; Kelly, 1997).

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan

I think the structure remains orthogonal; it does not devolve into a helix when stretched. Check out the armadillo’s tunica for reference.

From the fist page of Armadillo.pdf,


You are right, but this is an oversimplistic way of putting things for educational purposes (to teach medical students, for example). As usually, natur is quite a bit more complex :) .


Histologic image shows the irregularities of the fibers’ orientation I was talking about quite well.

Later - ttt

I have broken plateau’s with v hanging

and do a jelq/ stretch/ horse exercise at sixty percent with an auto-extender

I tried hanging/ clamping but was a little worried about it. It could work though

I think this post is right on. I might only do minimal BTC hanging for now on and just do V hanging even though it is less comfortable.

I thought the septum was what was holding most of us back in this area is that not true?

I thought about it a bit yesterday, and I came to a few conclusions Ticktickticker. The structure you drew has two interesting characteristics:

1st - it can either get longer but thiner or shorter but girthier. What does this mean? It definitely can get longer when you’re flaccid meaning if you have shorter BPSFL then BPEL it’s NOT this mesh that limits your flaccid. It must be the parallel to the shaft fibers, and they should be easily stretched.

2nd - such structures are veeery difficult to stretch in the manner we do stretches. It’s much more efficient to stretch them in all directions at once from the inside(jelqs, clamping, etc).

Imagine this situation:

A person has BPFSL of 7”, BPEL of 6,5” and EGMS of 5”. Since his BPFSL is longer then BPEL parallel fibers aren’t limiting his lenght. It’s the mesh fibers. Since perpendicular fibers are limiting his girth, and parallel fibers are not limiting his length, jelqing will induce gains directed towards length(direction of the lowest resistance). While the difference between BPFSL and BPEL lowers, more and more of the gains will go towards girth.

The funny thing is that the conclusions are the same as in Remek’s TGC theory - Longer BPFSL? Do jelqs. Longer BPEL? Stretch.

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