Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Passing it on

I think it definitely has to be NOT focused on size. It should be overall penis health. Also, it can’t be a “one and done” thing. Just like sex, drugs, and other life issues, teenage boys need guidance from their fathers.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

I think 12 years old is too young to even hint at PE. At that age their mind is too open it may skew their outlook, they could become obsessed. Personally, I would just drop the hint at about 15/16. They will think you’re joking anyway, so just mention thundersplace and let them learn for themselves.

If you wish to debate this issue, here is a thread for that.

Would you/Are you teaching your son(s) about PE

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by t0rr3nts
I think 12 years old is too young to even hint at PE. At that age their mind is too open it may skew their outlook, they could become obsessed. Personally, I would just drop the hint at about 15/16. They will think you’re joking anyway, so just mention thundersplace and let them learn for themselves.

I believe it’s all in the approach. With the internet kids these days are exposed to a lot more than we think at age 12. In the United States kids get the “changes” talk in school at that age. And from experience I can tell you I was masturbating at age 12. :) A light routine, with an emphasis on penis health, not size, shouldn’t make him obsessed. He’ll probably want to masturbate more than he does PE. By 15/16 I think the boy is old enough to know that PE is also about size.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by t0rr3nts
I think 12 years old is too young to even hint at PE. At that age their mind is too open it may skew their outlook, they could become obsessed. Personally, I would just drop the hint at about 15/16. They will think you’re joking anyway, so just mention thundersplace and let them learn for themselves.

I agree with your train of thought. 12 may be too young, 15/16 seems more appropriate but it all comes down to the childs maturity and the approach the parent takes on passing on the knowledge. I would never let my son know (at first anyways) that pe is for making a bigger penis. Like Higherone said, I would concentrate on the penis health issues. The age of puberty is when boys bodies start to change and they start working out and what not. In essence they are taking care of their body so why not introduce something to them that exercises and makes a part of the body healthier that you can only find on a great site like this . Now a days mens T levels start to plummet in their late 20’s/ early 30’s so why not get a head start on the penis? I’m all for it, given the child in question is of the right maturity level and the person passing on the knowledge has the right approach. Approach is very important in this matter as it is in many things in life.

this has me wondering actually. My younger brother is 10~ years younger than me and that puts him at about the age yall say you would tell your son.

I honestly think I should just stay away from this.

My name is sarcastic.

I think a father telling his son about PE has a totally different dynamic than a brother telling a younger brother. My relationship with my dad is much different than my relationship with my brothers. It’s a maturity level thing too, not just age. There are some 13 year olds more mature than some 17 year olds. This definitely isn’t a one size fits all conversation. Kimish brings up the point that he wants what’s best for his son, and the approach my dad would take with me would be a LOT different than the approach my brothers would take with me.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Don’t tell you son- just give him hormone therapy. Mwah!


Originally Posted by matutinal_euphony
Don’t tell you son- just give him hormone therapy. Mwah!

Good one! :)

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

When I have a son, I’ll definitely describe jelqing to him at about age 15. I think at that age, just doing about 5 minutes of stretching and jelqing in the shower every morning could be very beneficial. And, as they get a little older, just increase the time a bit. As long as they keep it light and short, it can’t possibly hurt.

Anyone have sons and want to let them in on PE besides Kimish and Pastor Sirveks? Anyone already do it? If so, how did it go? Any advice for these guys on how to go about it?

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

I have a pretty open relationship with my son. When he was about 13 I just went in his room and said, “Look, I know you’re worried about your weiner size.” Naturally he looked at me like “WTH???” Then I said - “Look, I know how you feel about yours because I always felt the same about mine. I always felt like mine was too small. But guess what - you can do something about it.” It helped that my wife came in and said, “Listen to your dad because he knows what he’s talking bout.” From there I gave him simple instructions. Told him to do it in the shower with light pulling, 10 seconds each direction. I haven’t asked him lately if he’s still doing it because lately he’s too cool for dad.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

Mr Schlong & higherone & others:
Interesting topic.fact is this is how I came to Thunders ( age 59).last October.
My son, 20 at the time, had made several comments over a couple of weeks time.Such as.”all the girls from school, he knows are dating the black guys”, so I recommended Asians’ to him for several other family life style choices.etc.Then another time.. That I had short changed him “genes.aka “joint size” & another time he attempted to hurt my ego by making a derogatory comment “that I had a small dick”, which the wife of over 30 yrs piped up.”It’s big enough to get the job done” & I never heard another word from him.
So maybe I misinterpreted those comments ( by assuming 2 + 2 = 4), but anyways, it set me off searching websites about Penis size & female sites to see what they are saying.Although I always believed, I had a less than average fact a small penis ( 5.5 BPEL by 4.5 EG inches)(it may have been a bit larger 30 years ago ) I never knew what the average male size was or what female tastes were etc.I guess you’d say I was always self concerned but pretty much stuck with my “lot” in life, so to speak. I found out what the average was, it made me feel better. I found the euphemized version of woman’s preference chart that didn’t & of course THUNDERS. Where the composites of several studies were displayed.. Finding Thunders, I lurked a week or two & decided I would give it try. “If it worked I would pass this on to my son.{I thought what did I have to lose at my age.I may not have much time left with sex anyway so give it a go “). If it works, he could stop using me as an excuse for a small penis. And he wouldn’t need to live his adult life thinking he had a small “joint” with nothing he could do about it!! Like me!!

So on his 21st birthday, I sent him a Happy Birthday email { “age of texting”) with the Thunders link,& a few others ( mentioned above), I quoted a UCLA study that stated 48% of all men are concerned about their penis length.with a few other comments in the similar tone of the way MR Schlong posted above. I recommended he spend lots of time studying and reading Thunders.BUT be careful not to hurt himself.( MR Schlong, your wife was pretty cool about that, I must say. “Congratz”!) turns out however my wife got involved too, when my son spoke to her about my email. His comment to her was, “what does dad, a 60 year old with 3 grown kids at my age need to be surfing websites to grow his Joint.” I really never got more detail than that, however, she knew about my PE.& how & why I first got involved.”due to his comments to me (from my son) my desire to have a larger flaccid penis..

So that is my story that fits this thread like a “T”.not sure I handled it appropriately with my son.. But my son as an example pretty much thought he knew everything by the time he was 15 years old & we (his parents were just Neanderthal dummies except when I still beat him in chess.).{ I suppose it’ s payback from my youth?}
Either way he has the info.& can decide for himself what to do with job is done, my conscience is cleared..

Other than “my story” I thought, I would share my fatherly opinion about a few comments about sharing this with your sons.. Or one day when you have one.. 1) 12 yrs old is way to young. I’d wait at leas until he needs to shave or date girls.9th grade maybe?. 2) The penis health point of view (Although factual is just damn lame.& I’d guess your son /s ( will be pretty savvy as mine was / is) I would recommend a more straight forward approach.the health thing, well, I can hear my son telling his buddies how lame I was when I came to him about growing his dick. 3) I wish, I had read the “family tradition post / concept.I might have been more comfortable passing weaving that into what I had shared with my son..

Thanks guys & gals, I have learned a “lot” reading these threads, hope my post can be helpful too..

Start 10/19/10 5.5 BPEL x 4.5 EG inches
Current 12/31.10 7.5 BPEL x 5.125 EG
Goal 7.7 x 5.5

Originally Posted by Mr. Schlong
I have a pretty open relationship with my son. When he was about 13 I just went in his room and said, “Look, I know you’re worried about your weiner size.” Naturally he looked at me like “WTH???” Then I said - “Look, I know how you feel about yours because I always felt the same about mine. I always felt like mine was too small. But guess what - you can do something about it.” It helped that my wife came in and said, “Listen to your dad because he knows what he’s talking bout.” From there I gave him simple instructions. Told him to do it in the shower with light pulling, 10 seconds each direction. I haven’t asked him lately if he’s still doing it because lately he’s too cool for dad.

Wow man, just went the straight to the point. I think having that pretty open relationship makes letting your son in on PE a bit easier. That’s great that your wife was on board and supportive of letting your son in on PE! Keep talking to him. When teens act like they’re too cool for dad, that’s when they need your guidance and bond most.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by Twofister
Mr Schlong & higherone & others:
Interesting topic.fact is this is how I came to Thunders ( age 59).last October.
My son, 20 at the time, had made several comments over a couple of weeks time.Such as.”all the girls from school, he knows are dating the black guys”, so I recommended Asians’ to him for several other family life style choices.etc.Then another time.. That I had short changed him “genes.aka “joint size” & another time he attempted to hurt my ego by making a derogatory comment “that I had a small dick”, which the wife of over 30 yrs piped up.”It’s big enough to get the job done” & I never heard another word from him.
So maybe I misinterpreted those comments ( by assuming 2 + 2 = 4), but anyways, it set me off searching websites about Penis size & female sites to see what they are saying.Although I always believed, I had a less than average fact a small penis ( 5.5 BPEL by 4.5 EG inches)(it may have been a bit larger 30 years ago ) I never knew what the average male size was or what female tastes were etc.I guess you’d say I was always self concerned but pretty much stuck with my “lot” in life, so to speak. I found out what the average was, it made me feel better. I found the euphemized version of woman’s preference chart that didn’t & of course THUNDERS. Where the composites of several studies were displayed.. Finding Thunders, I lurked a week or two & decided I would give it try. “If it worked I would pass this on to my son.{I thought what did I have to lose at my age.I may not have much time left with sex anyway so give it a go “). If it works, he could stop using me as an excuse for a small penis. And he wouldn’t need to live his adult life thinking he had a small “joint” with nothing he could do about it!! Like me!!

So on his 21st birthday, I sent him a Happy Birthday email { “age of texting”) with the Thunders link,& a few others ( mentioned above), I quoted a UCLA study that stated 48% of all men are concerned about their penis length.with a few other comments in the similar tone of the way MR Schlong posted above. I recommended he spend lots of time studying and reading Thunders.BUT be careful not to hurt himself.( MR Schlong, your wife was pretty cool about that, I must say. “Congratz”!) turns out however my wife got involved too, when my son spoke to her about my email. His comment to her was, “what does dad, a 60 year old with 3 grown kids at my age need to be surfing websites to grow his Joint.” I really never got more detail than that, however, she knew about my PE.& how & why I first got involved.”due to his comments to me (from my son) my desire to have a larger flaccid penis..

So that is my story that fits this thread like a “T”.not sure I handled it appropriately with my son.. But my son as an example pretty much thought he knew everything by the time he was 15 years old & we (his parents were just Neanderthal dummies except when I still beat him in chess.).{ I suppose it’ s payback from my youth?}
Either way he has the info.& can decide for himself what to do with job is done, my conscience is cleared..

Other than “my story” I thought, I would share my fatherly opinion about a few comments about sharing this with your sons.. Or one day when you have one.. 1) 12 yrs old is way to young. I’d wait at leas until he needs to shave or date girls.9th grade maybe?. 2) The penis health point of view (Although factual is just damn lame.& I’d guess your son /s ( will be pretty savvy as mine was / is) I would recommend a more straight forward approach.the health thing, well, I can hear my son telling his buddies how lame I was when I came to him about growing his dick. 3) I wish, I had read the “family tradition post / concept.I might have been more comfortable passing weaving that into what I had shared with my son..

Thanks guys & gals, I have learned a “lot” reading these threads, hope my post can be helpful too..

Start 10/19/10 5.5 BPEL x 4.5 EG inches
Current 12/31.10 7.5 BPEL x 5.125 EG
Goal 7.7 x 5.5

Thank you for sharing your story with us on Thunders, Twofister! Interesting that your son led you to find PE and that you in turn shared that information with him. Interesting too that you texted the information to him. Good point that kids today would rather be told real talk than a whitewashed reason for doing PE, within the appropriateness of his age. We want whats best for our sons, and sometimes we try to protect them from reality when they can handle it.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!


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