Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Passing it on

Passing it on

I was wondering if any of you guys let your sons in on PE, and if so, how did they react and are they doing it now? I have read a lot of posts of hypotheticals, but not on if anyone did or plans on it. It seems to me that if you had a good bond with your son it wouldn’t be any worse than having “the talk” with him, but I’m not a dad yet. I ask this because my buddy does PE and is thinking about it, so I figured I would make a post since it’s been a while since it’s been brought up and we have newer members now.

Mods, if you could move this to the main member forum I would appreciate it.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

I’ve thought about it. Not sure I’d know how to bring it up. I’m just hoping it doesn’t matter to him. He is going to be about 6’ 1" tall or so, where I am 5’ 9". He’s going to have that going for him anyway.

Would you/Are you teaching your son(s) about PE

9/10: BPEL 6.0" / MSEG 5.0" / BEG 5.5"

Now: BPEL 6.75" / MSEG 5.25"

Goal: BPEL 7.5" / MSEG 5.5" ||8===D~·.؁

I’m sorry I didn’t see that in the poll foum. My bad.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

I have a twelve year old son and I want to get him into the pe world. It would help so much with his self confidences which is important to get at an early age. I have a good friend coaching me and pushing me into doing it-passing the knowledge down from dad to son. I’m going to be ready to give my boy the PE talk real soon, I want him to have more than what I did at his age.

Higherone, I’m assuming people can come to this thread and post needed advice or success stories on how other members that have been in the same position managed through? Either way, excellent thread to be put up here on thunders :)

Absolutely Kimish. Advice and success stories are welcome here!

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Pastor, you can always approach it as general health thing with your son, not as a size thing. Just be honest and say you found this site and it has exercises for sexual health, just like lifting and running is for physical health.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by higherone
Pastor, you can always approach it as general health thing with your son, not as a size thing. Just be honest and say you found this site and it has exercises for sexual health, just like lifting and running is for physical health.

Very good points Higherone. Kids are at that age of discovery and all they know to do is play the skin flute. I think if you subtly incorporate mild stretching and jelqing to a young teen as some thing like a work out excercise for your penis the kids may not get as weirded out about it and my be less hesitant of trying it out.

Once I talk with my son about it I will let all of you know how it went. I will describe my approach, what I said, his reactions and his inputs on it. I hope all of us young fathers or fathers of young sons can come back to this thread as an inspiration.

this thread my need a sticky :)

Originally Posted by kimish
Higherone, I’m assuming people can come to this thread and post needed advice or success stories on how other members that have been in the same position managed through? Either way, excellent thread to be put up here on thunders :)

Thanks, kimish! :)

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

I don’t see anything wrong with talking with a son about PE UNLESS the approach is, You need a bigger cock, kid. Kids have enough to deal with at age 12, and to maturity. I’d wait a few years and then reconsider whether this is a good idea.

IMO, the problem is that adults here at Thunders often run into penile health issues because they launch into PE without enough knowledge of what their genitals can take in terms of a routine.

Kids always approach interesting things with even more verve than adults.

How are you going to explain the subtleties of PE, and the dangers, to your son? You better have a real good game plan. Father/Son relationships are difficult enough as it is. :)



Originally Posted by avocet8

Kids always approach interesting things with even more verve than adults.

That’s my thought as well. Kids tend to be enthusiastic and overdo things they develop a keen interest in.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Originally Posted by Tossed Salad
That’s my thought as well. Kids tend to be enthusiastic and overdo things they develop a keen interest in.

I agree. That’s why I think the best way is to approach it as overall penis health, not enlargement. A “less is more” approach would be the best way, such as a 5 to 10 minute routine 2 or 3 days a week. That way if they do overdo it, chances are it won’t be much more than a general PE routine.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

You need to have openness and a complete lack of tension. My poor dad, bless his soul, whenever he tried to talk to me about sex and/or masturbation, he had so much emotional attachment to it that I completely shut down. If he could have been open and laid-back, like, “Hey, Son, this is how it is. No awkwardness at all.” But because he felt awkward about it, I then felt awkward about it - and still work to let go of that tension a decade later.

As someone who did start getting into PE at roughly 11 years old, I would have loved it if I could have shared it with someone - that might have been able to help me and keep me safe! Maybe it’s not possible to do with a father figure, but if I had someone whom I respected, then who knows what sort of gains I could have made, with my body growing so quickly??

We always want the best for our offspring - and like it or not, having a bigger dick is viewed as a very positive attribute in our society.

If I ever have kids, I intend to teach them about PE. When I was a young age, I use to think:
“Wow, wouldn’t be great if there was this family tradition of Penis Enlargement. As in, ‘Son, your father taught this to me when I was your age, as his father has taught it to him - and because of it, we have all ended up as physically extraordinary men. This is something that none of your friends know about - so I suggest trying to keep this quiet around them - and I will make sure that you have private time everyday, where neither your mom or I will disturb you - where you can choose to practice this - or not - in complete safety and privacy. This choice is up to you, wether to do this or not. I have no expectations either way.’ ”

I figured this way it seems less awkward (Hey, his dad did it for him - I’m just part of a tradition!), I have a family secret being entrusted to me (I mean, don’t we ALL wish we had a cool family secret!), it’s put in a kind way to be desecrate so other kids won’t laugh at him, you are giving them the personal space they need right up front so they don’t have to feel guilty or sneak around, and you are making it THEIR choice - you don’t care either way.

I wish someone had said that to me!!

Have been off-again, on-again since my teen years. Began: 7.75" x 4.5"

Current: 9.25 x 8.5"

Goal: Whatever the Good Lord wishes to bequeath me (aka: never stop growing)

Originally Posted by Ganesh10in
You need to have openness and a complete lack of tension. My poor dad, bless his soul, whenever he tried to talk to me about sex and/or masturbation, he had so much emotional attachment to it that I completely shut down. If he could have been open and laid-back, like, “Hey, Son, this is how it is. No awkwardness at all.” But because he felt awkward about it, I then felt awkward about it - and still work to let go of that tension a decade later.

As someone who did start getting into PE at roughly 11 years old, I would have loved it if I could have shared it with someone - that might have been able to help me and keep me safe! Maybe it’s not possible to do with a father figure, but if I had someone whom I respected, then who knows what sort of gains I could have made, with my body growing so quickly??

We always want the best for our offspring - and like it or not, having a bigger dick is viewed as a very positive attribute in our society.

If I ever have kids, I intend to teach them about PE. When I was a young age, I use to think:
“Wow, wouldn’t be great if there was this family tradition of Penis Enlargement. As in, ‘Son, your father taught this to me when I was your age, as his father has taught it to him - and because of it, we have all ended up as physically extraordinary men. This is something that none of your friends know about - so I suggest trying to keep this quiet around them - and I will make sure that you have private time everyday, where neither your mom or I will disturb you - where you can choose to practice this - or not - in complete safety and privacy. This choice is up to you, wether to do this or not. I have no expectations either way.’ ”

I figured this way it seems less awkward (Hey, his dad did it for him - I’m just part of a tradition!), I have a family secret being entrusted to me (I mean, don’t we ALL wish we had a cool family secret!), it’s put in a kind way to be desecrate so other kids won’t laugh at him, you are giving them the personal space they need right up front so they don’t have to feel guilty or sneak around, and you are making it THEIR choice - you don’t care either way.

I wish someone had said that to me!!

Well said, Ganesh10in. We do want what’s best for our kids, and I think the way you would present it to your son gives no expectations but also allows for him to get into it if he chooses. Again, I would emphasize ALL the benefits of PE, not just increased size. I agree that the less awkward you make it the better. Your comparison to “the talk” makes perfect sense. Dads that told their sons masturbation is a normal part of life have a much different outlook on it than guys that were told masturbation is bad and don’t do it. I think she same goes for PE in many regards.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Last edited by higherone : 12-31-2010 at .

I’d like to hear some members ideas of approaching the pe conversation, like how to initiate the conversation and so forth.

I agree with higherone, when that talk does come it should be refered to as penis health exercises. Mayby explain to the child that with age some things don’t work as well, the penis included and if you keep up with your penis exercises your adding “extra life” into your penis. I would also let the kids know that there may be some growth involved, but the important thing is conditioning the unit first and foremost.


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