Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Passing it on

I don’t see myself having kids for a while yet, but if and when I do have a son, I will definitely tell him about PE. I think that there is a huge potential for growth with mild stretching and jelqing if it starts when puberty starts. I don’t think that 12 is too young, but it really depends on the individual child’s level of maturity. I plan to tell him at the same time I give him “the talk” about girls, sex, and masturbation. Girls are told that they have to start changing their lifestyles because of their periods, when not to swim or do sports, the use of pads or tampons, etc. when they are 11 or 12. Why can’t a boy be taught that he can ensure that his ding-dong will grow to its maximum potential with simple exercises? You have to stress that they are indeed exercises and that like in sports, over-exercising can cause injuries. If you tell him he could break his dick if he is over-zealous, I think it will scare him enough not to do it.
I think the most important part is to ensure that he is comfortable enough to come to you with any questions or problems. If there is an injury he must tell you right away so that it doesn’t become permanent.

Can you imagine what 5-6 years of PE along with natural growth would give him by the time he is 17-18?

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Twofister, you gained 2 inches BPEL and 0.6 inches EG in 2 months? Am I reading your sig correctly?

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
I don’t see myself having kids for a while yet, but if and when I do have a son, I will definitely tell him about PE. I think that there is a huge potential for growth with mild stretching and jelqing if it starts when puberty starts. I don’t think that 12 is too young, but it really depends on the individual child’s level of maturity. I plan to tell him at the same time I give him “the talk” about girls, sex, and masturbation. Girls are told that they have to start changing their lifestyles because of their periods, when not to swim or do sports, the use of pads or tampons, etc. when they are 11 or 12. Why can’t a boy be taught that he can ensure that his ding-dong will grow to its maximum potential with simple exercises? You have to stress that they are indeed exercises and that like in sports, over-exercising can cause injuries. If you tell him he could break his dick if he is over-zealous, I think it will scare him enough not to do it.
I think the most important part is to ensure that he is comfortable enough to come to you with any questions or problems. If there is an injury he must tell you right away so that it doesn’t become permanent.

Can you imagine what 5-6 years of PE along with natural growth would give him by the time he is 17-18?

Good point about girls dealing with changes in puberty and, if presented properly, a boy going through male changes could be introduced to PE with minimal impact, and comparing PE to sports/over-exercising when discussing it with your son. Good analogy to help him get the point that it has to be done in moderation. I can only imagine what 5-6 years of PE along with natural growth could do for your son. I think that’s why some of us “first generation” Thunders guys are letting our sons in on PE.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by stuzilla
My point of view is; if you know about PE, and you don’t tell your son before he’s 16, then your an evil bastard.


Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

I had to discover for myself but seeing my dads tool at a young age pushed me to ensure I end up around where he was in length.

Started: NBPEL 5.5 == EG: 5

Current: NBPEL 7.5 == EG: 6

Goal: NBPEL 8 == EG: 6

Originally Posted by stuzilla
My point of view is; if you know about PE, and you don’t tell your son before he’s 16, then your an evil bastard.

Ha ha. Um, yeah - I actually kind of think that is true - sarcasm intended or not.

Have been off-again, on-again since my teen years. Began: 7.75" x 4.5"

Current: 9.25 x 8.5"

Goal: Whatever the Good Lord wishes to bequeath me (aka: never stop growing)

Twofister - My wife and I are very open about things like this. She has been with me as I have gone to Home Depot to buy parts for home made hangers and she gave her blessing for the $90 investment for my Hardcore Bib. Why shouldn’t she be on board? After all, she is the one who reaps all the benefits! And she and I have talked and I am quite certain that her family genetics aren’t overly kind in the size department (don’t ask) and I know mine are average. She knows the gains I have made and also knows the size issue my son has at his age, so she is all for it.

I’m always amazed at how guys are so afraid to let their wives in on the secret. It’s better for me because there’s no need to hide. If I’m hanging my schlong and she comes up, I don’t have to explain why the door is locked or why my pants are down and something is clamped to my dick. I even told the Mrs. I was going to get my son a Bib starter for his 16th birthday. We’ll see if that happens. But it’s close to the time to talk again to my son about his progress so far. I’ll report back.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

Schlong, it sounds like your really know your son. I posted this in another thread, but I think it pertains to this one too. Your emotional maturity is really the question. Successful PE requires both discipline (to achieve results) and restraint (to avoid injury.) It sounds like your son was emotionally mature enough to handle PE. That is a decision each dad has to determine for his son.

In the 60’s and 70’s, guys got “the talk” from their dads, in the 80’s and 90’s condoms and safe sex was added to the talk, now PE is being added by a lot of PE dads to “the talk”. Just a sign of the times!

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by mrlength
I had to discover for myself but seeing my dads tool at a young age pushed me to ensure I end up around where he was in length.

I think that’s one of the reasons some guys on here are letting their sons in on PE, to kind of “keep it in the family” to help ensure their son has the same opportunity to get big as they did from PE.

Guys without sons, would you have wanted your dad to let you in on PE if he knew? If so, how would you have wanted him to do it and why? Any dads besides MrSchlong and TwoFister take the plunge yet and let their sons in on PE, or are getting close to doing so?

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by Mr. Schlong

Twofister - My wife and I are very open about things like this. She has been with me as I have gone to Home Depot to buy parts for home made hangers and she gave her blessing for the $90 investment for my Hardcore Bib. Why shouldn’t she be on board? After all, she is the one who reaps all the benefits! And she and I have talked and I am quite certain that her family genetics aren’t overly kind in the size department (don’t ask) and I know mine are average. She knows the gains I have made and also knows the size issue my son has at his age, so she is all for it.

I’m always amazed at how guys are so afraid to let their wives in on the secret. It’s better for me because there’s no need to hide. If I’m hanging my schlong and she comes up, I don’t have to explain why the door is locked or why my pants are down and something is clamped to my dick. I even told the Mrs. I was going to get my son a Bib starter for his 16th birthday. We’ll see if that happens. But it’s close to the time to talk again to my son about his progress so far. I’ll report back.

In a perfect world, Mr. Schlong, we would all be more open about such things. In the real world we live in, some relationships are more open than others to sharing such things. Clearly there are significant benefits to openness, but there also are numerous threads here about how bad things can turn out as a result of such sharing.

Originally Posted by higherone

Schlong, it sounds like your really know your son. I posted this in another thread, but I think it pertains to this one too. Your emotional maturity is really the question. Successful PE requires both discipline (to achieve results) and restraint (to avoid injury.) It sounds like your son was emotionally mature enough to handle PE. That is a decision each dad has to determine for his son.

In the 60’s and 70’s, guys got “the talk” from their dads, in the 80’s and 90’s condoms and safe sex was added to the talk, now PE is being added by a lot of PE dads to “the talk”. Just a sign of the times!

It is a sign of the times. PE is out there now :google: “penis enlargement” and get four millions links to check out.

That wasn’t the case when I was growing up. The thought that I have had about this is that since the information is out there, better to at least mention the subject briefly so that your son gets safe and reputable information rather than extreme and dangerous information. Keep the information short, simple and safe.

We all know here, for example, that penis enlargement pills are overrated at best, and yet you don’t even have to go to the Internet to find out about those, or even cable. Broadcast TV will gladly play the huckster for Extenze et al.

Dads provide “the talk” to their sons so that they get accurate information rather than inaccurate rumors. It may not be a bad idea to expand the range of “the talk” not because we want to encourage PE, or to give your son some sort of complex about the size of his penis, but because you want him to be safe.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I share my PC with my son and he is now aware of thunders. It was my way of letting him know by leaving thunders browser up. I don’t know though if he has joined.

He is 20 and I had thought of letting him know when he was in his teens but decided 20 would be appropiate

Originally Posted by Lampwick

It is a sign of the times. PE is out there now :google: “penis enlargement” and get four millions links to check out.

That wasn’t the case when I was growing up. The thought that I have had about this is that since the information is out there, better to at least mention the subject briefly so that your son gets safe and reputable information rather than extreme and dangerous information. Keep the information short, simple and safe.

We all know here, for example, that penis enlargement pills are overrated at best, and yet you don’t even have to go to the Internet to find out about those, or even cable. Broadcast TV will gladly play the huckster for Extenze et al.

Dads provide “the talk” to their sons so that they get accurate information rather than inaccurate rumors. It may not be a bad idea to expand the range of “the talk” not because we want to encourage PE, or to give your son some sort of complex about the size of his penis, but because you want him to be safe.

Excellent post, Lampwick!

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Mr Schlong: Gee I thought my reference to your wife’s support was positive.Whereas, my wife’s reaction to PE was not so. Of course I informed her that I was going to give this a go { 90 day trial to see if it works} & explained my reasons why it was important to me. However, she pretty much shook her head stating she didn’t see any need for it .”I quoted” I never complained did I, I think it’s fine just as it is? ( Married over 30 years).

I guess maybe you wife is more in touch with her sexual self than mine..
Again, you are truly a blessed man & so is your son.. So if you don’t mind, I’ll just imagine my wife is thinking the same things yours is expressing with her positive feedback.


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