Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Passing it on

Tone is always something misunderstood in text. I hope I haven’t communicated something that came off as negative, Twofister. I definitely took your reference to my wife’s support as something positive. I’m also very glad to have her support because it really has made a world of difference. I suppose you could say she is in touch with her sexual side. We are both very open about our sexuality with each other and for that I am glad, because she definitely didn’t come from that kind of upbringing!

>>Again, you are truly a blessed man & so is your son..
Try telling HIM he’s blessed!

>>So if you don’t mind, I’ll just imagine my wife is thinking the same things yours is expressing with her positive feedback.
I wouldn’t be so sure she isn’t really thinking this Twofister. Women are funny. My wife used to tell me I was goofy for wanting a bigger schlong… until I got one.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

Originally Posted by robbie7au
I share my PC with my son and he is now aware of thunders. It was my way of letting him know by leaving thunders browser up. I don’t know though if he has joined.

He is 20 and I had thought of letting him know when he was in his teens but decided 20 would be appropiate

Are you going to ask him if he’s joined or talk to him in person about it?

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

My spouse and I did tell our sons, however, I want to stress that one was an adult and the other was on the edge of adult hood. It wasn’t necessarily planned, the younger one walked in on his dad when he was doing some of the exercises. We discussed the importance of penile health and that was what is important.

I do believe that young men, mid school age to early teens , have enough on their platter without adding issues about penis size. Dads, that is your hang up, don’t pass that on to your children.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I don’t think my sons have much of an issue about the size subject (they certainly have plenty of girlfriends). I would not want to get them thinking about it. I might tell them about it if one of them asked me if such a thing as NPE were possible, etc.

I’d also have the concern that helping them to gratuitously increase their size might turn them into even bigger whores. :( (wanting to show it off, etc., being excited about new size.)

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
My spouse and I did tell our sons, however, I want to stress that one was an adult and the other was on the edge of adult hood. It wasn’t necessarily planned, the younger one walked in on his dad when he was doing some of the exercises. We discussed the importance of penile health and that was what is important.

I do believe that young men, mid school age to early teens , have enough on their platter without adding issues about penis size. Dads, that is your hang up, don’t pass that on to your children.

Sunshinekid, did your sons end up getting into PE when you and your husband let them in on it?

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by wadzilla
I don’t think my sons have much of an issue about the size subject (they certainly have plenty of girlfriends). I would not want to get them thinking about it. I might tell them about it if one of them asked me if such a thing as NPE were possible, etc.

I’d also have the concern that helping them to gratuitously increase their size might turn them into even bigger whores. :( (wanting to show it off, etc., being excited about new size.)

You should tell them about your big gainer friend ;)

Originally Posted by wadzilla
I don’t think my sons have much of an issue about the size subject (they certainly have plenty of girlfriends). I would not want to get them thinking about it. I might tell them about it if one of them asked me if such a thing as NPE were possible, etc.

I’d also have the concern that helping them to gratuitously increase their size might turn them into even bigger whores. :( (wanting to show it off, etc., being excited about new size.)

Interesting post, wad. I think that’s a real possibility for your son to get a huge head (no pun intended) from doing PE. I think that guys who do let their sons in on PE have a responsibility to also raise their sons to not be too cocky. You should want to raise your son that way regardless if you let your son in on PE or not. To me, it’s not so much that you want your son to do PE as much as it is letting them know you do it, it works, and it’s out there. Why would they ask you in NPE was possible if they don’t even know it exists? If they choose to do PE after letting them know it’s out there and it works is their choice.

I loved the last line where you called your sons whores! hahahaha That’s hilarious! Glad they’re getting their fair share of pussy!

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by UFGator
You should tell them about your big gainer friend ;)

There you go! I have this friend…. :)

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by higherone
Sunshinekid, did your sons end up getting into PE when you and your husband let them in on it?

They both joined more for the conversation aspect, I don’t believe either one of them did the exercises, they were happy with their sizes. I don’t think either have been here in several years.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Cool! I’m glad you gave them the information and the space to make the choice to make up their own minds. I think that’s key, that if you’re going to let your son(s) in on PE that you do it delicately so that they don’t feel the need it or have to do it. I think you do that by taking into account your sons age and maturity as to how much about PE you let him in on initially. From there, you give him the information, why you did it, and that it works. He can take it from there and decide if he wants to do PE. If he does, then by all means be supportive and give him the guidance he needs. If he doesn’t, then by all means be just as supportive!

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Good thread higherone this is a big question that I have been asking myself lately. Seeing as I am only 19 now though, just starting my PE journey, and have no children I will of course have to wait on this one to see what the final answer will be. I do believe I will tell my kids about it simply because just reading the information gathered here is a stress relief of some sorts and being able to talk about it is even more of one. I really don’t want my kids to be all sensitive about being naked and their bodies ( pray for boys then right? Girls too much trouble? ) Well don’t have more to say for now but thanks again this is very interesting to read from all of you fellas here at Thunders.

Thanks PatientlyGrowin! I think as more of us guys on Thunders have sons grow into their teens and twenties we will see more guys consider letting their sons in on PE.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

I would have loved in my dad had let me in on PE when I was in my teens (I’m 22). For a variety of reasons I learned a lot about sex very early in life (13) and lead a pretty active sex life from about 14-15. I was aware I was small, and I took those desires for a big dick and focused more on developing oral skills believing there was no way to get bigger. As previously mentioned with internet use as prevalent as it is, my belief is chances are your sons and mine will find out about it one way or another, might as well serve as a source of information so they don’t end up breaking their dicks.

I told my dad about PE, it was really awkward and that was that. I have told him about some gains here and there but mostly its a sore topic as he thinks any time not studying is a horrible waste of my time.

I told my older brother, whom I knew already was pretty big, he got into it for a bit. I don’t know if he joined or not, but he started something like 7x5ish and got himself to 7.625x5 maybe 7.75 doing jelqing and stretching. when he was into it i directed him towards some threads including my own progress thread, and we talked a bit about “the right feeling” that so many members post about when asked how to perform an exercise. He never really went hard at it, but he got great results having a good knowledge base and someone to talk to.

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

Progress Log

Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

I don’t have any kids, but I’ve wondered about this topic myself. There’s a couple things to take into account, of course. For one, general knowledge of statistics like normal sizes and ranges can actually be pretty comforting by itself. I remember in high school, all the kids bragging about having 8 inches or 9 inches, and then when I was in the shower, I’d be one of the smallest. At the same time, I didn’t realize that I had an unusually high flaccid:erect ratio (something like 1:3). Of course teenagers brag and add inches, but I didn’t know that, so learning the true statistics (something I learned here) was important.

Also, if it was something that bothered me when I was 14-15, enough that I started looking on the internet, would it be something that bothered my sons when they reached that age? Would I have to start worrying about them looking on the internet and trying to find this information out for themselves? And to that end, would I have to worry about them being immature in the way of approaching it and overdoing it, possibly injuring themselves? I know I overdid it when I first started PE and didn’t really grow up in how I handled it (pun intended) for several years. Would it be better to be upfront and warn them about the possible dangers of it, or is that opening a can of worms that you can’t close back up?

Ultimately, though, the most important lesson they would need to learn is that as nice as it is, having a big dick won’t make you happy & solve your problems by itself. Being self-confident, compassionate, and a loving and caring person/lover are infinitely more important. Instead of trying to give them information on PE, should I be focusing on their own personal image? It seems like if you teach someone to be conscious of how they see themselves and teach them properly how to improve themselves, if penis size comes up, they’ll approach it from a much healthier place.

11/2/05 5'8; 180 lbs, 35 waist BPEL-7.2, NBPEL- 6.0 EG- 5.0-midshaft There is the man I am, and the man I can be. Someday, they'll meet.

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
I do believe that young men, mid school age to early teens , have enough on their platter without adding issues about penis size. Dads, that is your hang up, don’t pass that on to your children.

Agree with sunny here.

I’ve posted this before. I have 21 and 24 year old sons. My oldest son told me awhile back that he will always appreciate that I wasn’t like other dads that try and live my life though him. I get this vibe about these threads about telling your sons.

Let your kids find their own path in life and be there if they ask for help.

Originally Posted by Twofister
So maybe I misinterpreted those comments ( by assuming 2 + 2 = 4), but anyways, it set me off searching websites about Penis size & female sites to see what they are saying.

So on his 21st birthday, I sent him a Happy Birthday email { “age of texting”) with the Thunders link,& a few others ( mentioned above)

Either way he has the info.& can decide for himself what to do with job is done, my conscience is cleared..

Other than “my story” I thought, I would share my fatherly opinion about a few comments about sharing this with your sons.. Or one day when you have one.. 1) 12 yrs old is way to young. I’d wait at leas until he needs to shave or date girls.9th grade maybe?. 2) The penis health point of view (Although factual is just damn lame.& I’d guess your son /s ( will be pretty savvy as mine was / is) I would recommend a more straight forward approach.the health thing, well, I can hear my son telling his buddies how lame I was when I came to him about growing his dick. 3) I wish, I had read the “family tradition post / concept.I might have been more comfortable passing weaving that into what I had shared with my son..

You saw the smoke, figured out the fire, jumped to help and ultimately it was your son’s decision. IMO this is a great example of being a good father/parent. :up:

Originally Posted by stuzilla
My point of view is; if you know about PE, and you don’t tell your son before he’s 16, then your an evil bastard.

Parenting is very personal thing. My point of view is passing penis insecurities to your sons makes you a bad father. I’d rather be an evil bastard than take the chance of being a bad father any-day.


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