Thunder's Place

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PE night or morning What is better

PE night or morning What is better

That’s the question. I know it could be both cases, but in general what work for you, better? I guess it help us all to know.

Starting measures (1/1/2008): BPFL 4.50'', FG 4.50'', BPEL 6.25'', EG 5.25'' and so on .. :)

```````````````` 01/27/2009 : BPFL 5.70'', FG 5.10'', BPEL 6.90'', EG 5.60''

Depends on your schedule, when you have the most time.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Morning is best IMO as you have the rest of the day to recover, especially if you’re planning sex in the evening. Treat it like one of those daily morning chores; shower, brush teeth, PE etc - you’re more likely to stay consistent that way.

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Ok.but good gain it could be on the sleep after a session of PE.

I plan sex in days PE break :D , but it a good idea to change PE session to the morning.

Please write each of you, who read, when you do PE session. For statistical purpose. I guess is helpful for all, that. And with an add like “I gained x inch in length and y in girth, in z months, till now”, could be in touch with time in day when PE session is done :) .


Starting measures (1/1/2008): BPFL 4.50'', FG 4.50'', BPEL 6.25'', EG 5.25'' and so on .. :)

```````````````` 01/27/2009 : BPFL 5.70'', FG 5.10'', BPEL 6.90'', EG 5.60''

Originally Posted by Mgus
Depends on your schedule, when you have the most time.

Originally Posted by drilla9
Morning is best IMO as you have the rest of the day to recover, especially if you’re planning sex in the evening. Treat it like one of those daily morning chores; shower, brush teeth, PE etc - you’re more likely to stay consistent that way.

Mgus and Drilla9 makes a very good point. The first priority is to find a time when you can do PE, and then do it consistently. Doing PE consistently is more important than a hypothetical optimal time that doesn’t consistently work in your schedule.

I think that PE just before bedtime is a good idea. I think that the natural cycle of erections during the night reinforces the stretching and expansion of PE.

I think PE in the morning right after you get up is a good idea. Your penis is warm and has been getting some stretching already through your nocturnal erections, so you are starting with the advantage of a well-warmed up unit.

But the most important thing is to do it, and do it consistently.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

From my experience, it doesn’t make much of a difference if you PE in the morning or at night. I wear an ADS, so my PE times extend throughout the morning, afternoon and evening. I don’t wear the ADS at night while sleeping, since I get nocturnal woods and the circulation gets cut off in the head of the penis.

Then I continue night PE :) . And add a little pump in the morning . Thanks

Starting measures (1/1/2008): BPFL 4.50'', FG 4.50'', BPEL 6.25'', EG 5.25'' and so on .. :)

```````````````` 01/27/2009 : BPFL 5.70'', FG 5.10'', BPEL 6.90'', EG 5.60''

Hello Bicious, I do my pe at night before I go to bed, this is because, although my main focus of pe is to gain length, I also focus on my eq. PEing at night not only improves eq but the more erect/extended your penis is post pe the greater the gains. Just my 2 cents worth.


It’s someone who do his PE in morning and what is his status of gain?

Starting measures (1/1/2008): BPFL 4.50'', FG 4.50'', BPEL 6.25'', EG 5.25'' and so on .. :)

```````````````` 01/27/2009 : BPFL 5.70'', FG 5.10'', BPEL 6.90'', EG 5.60''

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