Thunder's Place

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PE Question(s) ... Not Problem

PE Question(s) ... Not Problem

I know I’ve been a newbie about things in my last post, but now I just have a regular question for all of your experts. I’m approaching my first month of PE completion (Feb. 11), which I plan to measure then and after two months to see if I should continue. But, for right now I was just curious if anyone else has had the following problem:

When I have an erection, the bottom of my dick doesn’t bulge (pardon my lack of medical terms, but the tube that runs along the bottom of your shaft that usually bulges out when full of blood). It used to, not much, but after I started PE’ing, it hasn’t bulged at all … actually, the bottom of my penis is completely flat (level as level can be). Has anyone else experienced this, or could this be a potentially serious problem? Just curious.

Also … Does anyone out there know of a good thread that has advice on dealing with the psychological effects of thinking you package is small. I made some off colored comment about my penis being small, and my girlfriend flipped out, saying that I don’t care when she says it satisfies her, blah blah. Advice or direction?

For all of your guys who like this information:

Routine >>

5-10 Min —- Warm up!
10-15 Min —- Manual Stretching (I stopped my V and A stretchs)
150-250 Strokes —- Wet Jelqs (Shower)
10 —- Stretching, Warm down!

I do this at last once a day, sometimes twice.
I take Friday, Saturday, and Tuesday off.

Starting Stats >>

ENBPL: 6.0”
EG: 4.4”
FL: 3.5”

Need anymore info, let me know!

Originally Posted by hopesfall

When I have an erection, the bottom of my dick doesn’t bulge (pardon my lack of medical terms, but the tube that runs along the bottom of your shaft that usually bulges out when full of blood). It used to, not much, but after I started PE’ing, it hasn’t bulged at all … actually, the bottom of my penis is completely flat (level as level can be). Has anyone else experienced this, or could this be a potentially serious problem? Just curious.

Your routine looks good. Since you’ve worked for a month already you may want to add new exercises.

As to your erection, are your glans soft during the erection? The “tube” you are talking about is CS and it becomes glans.

It’s very likely that your dick is tired from exercising and your CS refuses to cooperate sometimes. Take 3 days off, no kegels, and see you your dick comes back to 100%.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

When I have an erection it is actually very nice. Even after I have an orgasm, I keep my erection for up to 5 minutes (somewhat surprising …). Anyhow, my dick is rock hard and my glans are soft to the touch, but still firm. By no means am I complaining about anything; I just am trying to figure out if this is normal. I’m thinking I’ll take the next couple days off, but I am not sure if that will help with my CS being “empty”.

Sparky: Any recommendations on exercises? I am looking to gain girth from the base to the glans (no specific area). Right now I am 4.4” on girth, and I am looking to gain about .8” in the end. Length would be nice, but I don’t think I want more than .5” to 1” in length.

For the record, my goal is this: 6.2 (or above) x 5.2

Thanks for the response!

horse440, erect jelqs - grab as far down the shaft as possible, do them between jelqs. And easy on the horses in the beginning.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now


Please stop bugging your GF about your dick hangups. You’re only creating problems for yourself. She obviously likes you or she wouldn’t be with you.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.


I also have a problem with my girth + I appear to have a non-existent cs like yourself.

A senior member called ‘base’ (a very helpful chap) gave me some advice to enlarge the cs and it does appear to be working. He said to use an overhand jelq method (wet or dry) but run the tips of your fingers along the cs (so you are forcing blood up the cs). Appropriate force should be applied around the penis as if you we’re jelqing normally. You will see your glan enlarge as you reach the tip.

Currently I have achieved about 1cm in length (with manual stretching), but nothing in girth. With using this technique however, I have recently noticed that my cs does appear to look and feel fatter along the first inch from the base of the shaft. I have been doing it for 2 weeks, about 3 sessions a week for 20 mins.

Has anyone else had success with this method?


Bpfl: 11.2 Cm / 4.4" X Fg: 9.5 Cm / 3.75"

Bpel: 17 Cm / 6.69" X Eg: 11.3 Cm / 4.44"

Originally Posted by hopesfall

I know I’ve been a newbie about things in my last post, but now I just have a regular question for all of your experts. I’m approaching my first month of PE completion (Feb. 11), which I plan to measure then and after two months to see if I should continue.

Alright, I am going to comment on something no one has picked up on yet. Don’t quit after only two months with no gains. It may take longer than that to produce gains due to your physical makeup or the fact that you need to get into the “right” routine. Please stick it out longer than 2 months before coming to conclusions about its effectivness.


Roid, you described my cs :P an idea that hit me, it seems like the other two chambers have grown larger, making the skin tighter, pushing my obviously not equally strong cs to be undersized. I’ve had a pretty soft head all my life and jelqing made it harder and my EQ is improved, still i would like the cs to be bigger, because i know i should be :P

i believe in the overhand grip, focusing on the cs plus lots of kegels. thank for the tip! i will check it out and comment if it improves.

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