Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE & Your Kids

Well here are my thoughts on this subject…

-Sex shouldn’t be taboo in family! You should teach your kids about it, how to be safe and etc etc etc. Time is different, even tho I am only 25yo I can clearly see that kids these days are somewhere else than where I was in their age.
Every day I see and hear kids talking about sex, showing things on mobile phones to each others and etc and these kids are like 10-11yo damn! You don’t want your kid to be parent at 15, so talk about sex with them.

-PE is different on the other hand. I don’t think I would talk about it until my son would hit 20… A man is still growing up to like 20-22yo so it is somehow pointless to do PE in those time since you don’t know how big you will end up.
Next point is that in younger age (less than 20) guys are mostly in puberty, being irresponsible, light-minded, rushing things up, so it could be dangerous for them by my point of view.
Also for some reason I agree that it could make them feel they are small and they could be insecure about it later on.
So it is all referring back to talking about PE when your son will grow up and have “head on his neck” as I like to say.

-And you guys are forgetting one important thing, PE is not only for gains but it is also for having healthy manhood! It is just another way how to take care about your body. It seems, at least for me, illogical to eat healthy, hit the gym but completely forgetting one important part of your body, and some peoples also forgetting to take care about their brain sadly…
So again, it is not just a way to increase your size but having healthy body overall, don’t forget it.

Anyway, I believe I discovered porn world around 12-13 maybe? Didn’t care about dick size in those times. It all happens after 15 when I went from elementary school to middle school and saw other naked guys in showers and noticed those size differences. Others did as well because they were having talks about it and often compare them in shower lol. And it also connected to porn in that time and I noticed how “big” porn actors are. And “voila” here I started to care about size.
And as you know, if you don’t talk about sex in your family, your kid will have to learn about it alone, from internet, so it means he will watch a lot of porn and he will see these “big” guys too and here we are back to the start. He then could start feel as being small :)
I can’t tell how this is going in these times but I suppose it is even worse and kids starting with these things much sooner then we did, from what I see every day on streets.

So I think it is not that bad idea to talk about it to your son, but you have to find a right time ( not too soon ) and right way…

"If you desire one thing for so long, it is a given that you will miss other things along the way. That is how it is... that is life."

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
If you’re going to tell a young boy, 17 or under, who should not be doing PE at all for many reasons about penis enlargement why shouldn’t mothers tell their girls that when you’re older you should consider breast implants? Yes grown women talk about breast enhancements and liposuction but those are women and not young girls. But if we tell young boys then let’s be equal.

How the fuck is surgery comparable to stretching a penis with your hands. My God with your ideology I’m not sure why you’re on this site. Maybe PE has failed for you and your just a troll.

September 1, 2016 - BPEL: 6.675in MSEG 4.75in EL: 5.5in FG 3.75in FL 3.5in

November 28, 2023 - BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 5.75 EL: 8.5in FG 5.0in FL 5.25in

PE Goal - (set 9-1-2016) BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 6.5in EL: 8.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in | NEW PE Goal - (set 11-28-23) BPEL 9.25in MSEG 6.5in EL 9.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in

Originally Posted by Deepwrath31
How the fuck is surgery comparable to stretching a penis with your hands. My God with your ideology I’m not sure why you’re on this site. Maybe PE has failed for you and your just a troll.

Okay so maybe concepts are a bit hard for you so I’ll try. We here, because we want to, we choose to, searched for a way to enlarge ourselves. No one guided us or told us did they. We here seem to feel that we want a larger penis. Most of mankind doesn’t give a shit or else they would have done the same search we have done and put in the same time and commitment and this place would be very crowded. Now if we as fathers feel that a bigger dick is what we want then to transfer what we want to our sons is wrong because it should be their choice , not ours. If they want a bigger penis then they will find places like this as we did. If they are too stupid to google how to get a bigger penis then they don’t deserve one

Now you can’t jelq a breast can you? The only way to get them bigger is to either get fat or surgery. Well since girls love big dicks so our dads should tell us to go PE well guys like big tits and we don’t really like fat women so therefore mothers should encourage their girls to make their boobs bigger and that means surgery.

In other word son the whole question is stupid.

Don’t try to belittle with me lol. You’re just making yourself look like a fool because what you’re talking about is an idea not a concept.

Mankind certainly gives a shit, but just like most people are too lazy to learn how to build wealth, increase their muscle mass in the gym, or learn a new skill; people aren’t willing to put in the time because they’d rather be entertained to death in 1st world countries, or are too busy scrounging for pennies to feed their families in 3rd world countries. However, FATHERS in ancient tribes HAVE been known to teach their children PE.

Women can pump for breast size. “GOOGLE it.” And please don’t give me the “Oh that won’t work because people said and continue to say the same thing about PE.”

September 1, 2016 - BPEL: 6.675in MSEG 4.75in EL: 5.5in FG 3.75in FL 3.5in

November 28, 2023 - BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 5.75 EL: 8.5in FG 5.0in FL 5.25in

PE Goal - (set 9-1-2016) BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 6.5in EL: 8.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in | NEW PE Goal - (set 11-28-23) BPEL 9.25in MSEG 6.5in EL 9.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Okay so maybe concepts are a bit hard for you so I’ll try. We here, because we want to, we choose to, searched for a way to enlarge ourselves. No one guided us or told us did they. We here seem to feel that we want a larger penis. Most of mankind doesn’t give a shit or else they would have done the same search we have done and put in the same time and commitment and this place would be very crowded. Now if we as fathers feel that a bigger dick is what we want then to transfer what we want to our sons is wrong because it should be their choice , not ours. If they want a bigger penis then they will find places like this as we did. If they are too stupid to google how to get a bigger penis then they don’t deserve one

Now you can’t jelq a breast can you? The only way to get them bigger is to either get fat or surgery. Well since girls love big dicks so our dads should tell us to go PE well guys like big tits and we don’t really like fat women so therefore mothers should encourage their girls to make their boobs bigger and that means surgery.

In other word son the whole question is stupid.

http://www.brea … Found this by doing a search here on TP’s. Even found a few older posts / threads of men who spoke to their wives, daughters, etc. about the possibility of enlarging their breasts. Seemed quite interesting from the bit of lurking I did! It might be as quiet and hidden from the mainstream as this forum is! Feel free to lurk around that forum and see if any of the ladies there have told their daughters / friends. It might be enlightening!

I wonder Jimmybob55, are there other topics or ideas you would not talk to your child about? Not to derail this thread from its main conversation! Perhaps your wording has me hung up, but I think there are many things that were inherited to me from my father without my choice. There are many things that we should transfer to our offspring even if they do not make it their own choice. I understand your apprehension to sharing the topic of PE; namely that it carries with it some insecurity ( worrying about size ). If that was not what you were saying, then please try to be clear for me. If I have stated what you said correctly, in my own words, then I think a discussion on where and how an insecurity forms in the mind of an individual is pertinent.

I guess you like to nitpick; seems that’s a popular thing to do nowadays. Well I don’t tell my 10 year old my net worth, where my wife hides her jewelry, if I’m going to screw her later or just settle for a nice blowjob.

I have taught my children what’s important; morality, the value of a good education, what it means to make a living, how to treat others as you yourself want to be treated. I have talked to them the importance and respect concerning sex.

Now if you can show me anywhere that having a bigger dick will get your son a better job, a better car, a better house, a better education or better life just let me know where to find it.
Now if you want to tell me that having a bigger dick will get him a better girls or a better wife well if that’s what their relationship is built on well that would be sad.

It sounds like you have a good thing going for yourself and family. Congratulations on the kids and well done!

Perhaps it would not be fair for me to take this point, but this website is one of a few places where upon learning and then obtaining a bigger dick leads to a better life for many men.

In the conversations you had about sex, was it different depending on the sex of your child? What concerns were raised by the child? Did you initiate the conversations or did they? Were the conversations one on one or did you have your wife there as well?

I ask only because I do not want to assume! Any moment can be a teaching moment.

It does seem to me, that within a good education would be the knowledge of how to properly care for the body. This would include the healthy ways to eat and diet. The proper ways to strengthen the body, gain flexibility, and cardio endurance. The needs and wants of touch, along with the desires and lusts of intimacy. Within this framework of knowledge I place sexuality and its expression.

A large part of a relationship is sex. Maybe you do not agree with me? It has been expressed on this forum by many others that a woman would choose a mate who has higher status, more wealth, perhaps a greater intellect over a man with a bigger dick. I concede to you those choices. To which I agree a relationship built on one of those would be sad. It would be ultimately infuriating to be in a relationship where there was no love reciprocated between partners.

On the subject of having a fulfilling relationship, industries full of gurus, magazines with sex tips, and etc., are widespread within the markets. I am unsure that with all the exposure to sex, that some insecurity about it would never form in the minds of young boys and girls. I feel the importance of engaging in the conversation with young boys in particular about PE, is in affect a way to combat the external pressures of society’s current sexual inclination. There are countless jokes made at the expense of men with small penises and women with large vaginas, and vice versa. A multitude of advertisement impressions trying to shape the design of beauty, sexuality, strength, importance of status, the list goes on.

To end, I ask once again. Where, when, and how do you think an insecurity can form in the mind?

Well we’re straying from the topic, but my oldest is 9 and he knows our net worth, monthly income, understands our budget and how we grow our income yearly through real-estate investments. If you don’t feel like discussing it with him great. Weightlifting isn’t “important” in life either, but it’s something that improves peoples’ image of themselves, and is healthy; so I teach him just like about financials, education, the difference between being an employee and the owner/investor, etc etc. So we all teach our children different things. PE will be one my son learns too so he can be young, educated, wealthy, athletic, and hung to boot.

If we could get back, for those who have more input, on ways you would talk about it with your kids IF you choose to or have would be great…

Eloquently said Patientlygrowin
I’ve already attained education (Bachelors Science in Business Admin Major Marketing), Wealth (Retired at 24 to the Philippines been here 3 years now), and I’m a decent looking guy with a powerful body. I get plenty of looks and girls talking to me, but despite having the nice car, education, wealth, looks, etc I was on the verge of paying for penis enhancement surgery until I found this website. I’ve grown about 1”BPEL x 0.5MSEG and I’ll tell you what it’s done more for my confidence then all the money and education I’ve ever attained. Maybe I’m just petty. hahaha

September 1, 2016 - BPEL: 6.675in MSEG 4.75in EL: 5.5in FG 3.75in FL 3.5in

November 28, 2023 - BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 5.75 EL: 8.5in FG 5.0in FL 5.25in

PE Goal - (set 9-1-2016) BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 6.5in EL: 8.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in | NEW PE Goal - (set 11-28-23) BPEL 9.25in MSEG 6.5in EL 9.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in

It has been said on here and on many forums just like this; if you’re not a man before PE you won’t be one after PE.

Well done with the life you are making for yourself and family! Congratulations on the gains! Right you are Deepwrath back to the topic!

I figure if my dad would have told me when I was maybe 18 that he had been PE’ing and bought me a pump it would have saved me a lot of torment and anxiety. I’d probably have already passed the 8x6dream. I’m pretty sure my father attained all his goals from merely pumping.

I actually HAVEN’T pumped yet. But when I remembered finding my dads and lead me to writing this thread I gained interest in it finally because I know it worked for him. I’ve been thinking about going with a bathmate to add into my shower.

September 1, 2016 - BPEL: 6.675in MSEG 4.75in EL: 5.5in FG 3.75in FL 3.5in

November 28, 2023 - BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 5.75 EL: 8.5in FG 5.0in FL 5.25in

PE Goal - (set 9-1-2016) BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 6.5in EL: 8.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in | NEW PE Goal - (set 11-28-23) BPEL 9.25in MSEG 6.5in EL 9.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in


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