Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE & Your Kids

I don’t see the point. It’ll needlessly add insecurity and they might not do it right with the maturity. Imagine telling your kid this and he breaks his dick permanently. That’ll be on you.

Besides its not like someone will go from average to big. Most you can usually is going from average to slightly above to higher end of average (0.75”x0.25”) based on PE statistics.

Tangential recovering-catholic rant here. I don’t have kids but just wanted to comment that the widespread custom in the “developed world” of parents acting like sex and penises don’t even exist is a terrible puritanical tradition. Of course it would be difficult to bring up PE when your kid hits puberty if you’ve been staging this asexual charade for 15 years straight. Niccolo hit the nail on the head. You think any other mammal species’ children don’t know about or even watch adults having sex before they reach adolescence? Nope, we’re the only ones, subjecting our culture to outdated religious strictures. Why are parents castrating themselves the minute their kids are born? What is worse for a child, seeing their parents as sexual beings from a young age, or growing up with a mother and father who are putting on an act like they have no genitals and have never heard of sex? And seeing straight through the pathetic act plain as day soon as they hit puberty? And then learning about sex from internet porn?

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

I have a 8yo son and he has a significant curvature to the left, I took him to the doctor and he said it’s nothing physical only that once he’s used to leave it to the left when he get an erection his penis bended like that.

Anyhow, for that reason i taught him the basic stretches and a very light jelq routine, only 10 strokes a day and 5 seconds stretches all directions.

He just started this week so didn’t see any straightening yet.

Start 30/06/2016 - BPEL 13cm MSEG 11,50cm

Now - BPEL 16,20cm MSEG 12,00cm BPFSL 18,00cm BPELIT 18,00cm Clamped BPEL 17,50cm

DREAM! 19cm BPEL 17cm NBPEL 14cm MSEG

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon

Tangential recovering-catholic rant here. I don’t have kids but just wanted to comment that the widespread custom in the “developed world” of parents acting like sex and penises don’t even exist is a terrible puritanical tradition. Of course it would be difficult to bring up PE when your kid hits puberty if you’ve been staging this asexual charade for 15 years straight. Niccolo hit the nail on the head. You think any other mammal species’ children don’t know about or even watch adults having sex before they reach adolescence? Nope, we’re the only ones, subjecting our culture to outdated religious strictures. Why are parents castrating themselves the minute their kids are born? What is worse for a child, seeing their parents as sexual beings from a young age, or growing up with a mother and father who are putting on an act like they have no genitals and have never heard of sex? And seeing straight through the pathetic act plain as day soon as they hit puberty? And then learning about sex from internet porn?

BD you put this much more eloquent then I did so thank you.

Originally Posted by kavemonster

I learned about sex and intimacy from hard core internet porn. This is sad.


Originally Posted by kavemonster

I learned about sex and intimacy from hard core internet porn. This is sad.

At what age?

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Tangential recovering-catholic rant here. I don’t have kids but just wanted to comment that the widespread custom in the “developed world” of parents acting like sex and penises don’t even exist is a terrible puritanical tradition. Of course it would be difficult to bring up PE when your kid hits puberty if you’ve been staging this asexual charade for 15 years straight. Niccolo hit the nail on the head. You think any other mammal species’ children don’t know about or even watch adults having sex before they reach adolescence? Nope, we’re the only ones, subjecting our culture to outdated religious strictures. Why are parents castrating themselves the minute their kids are born? What is worse for a child, seeing their parents as sexual beings from a young age, or growing up with a mother and father who are putting on an act like they have no genitals and have never heard of sex? And seeing straight through the pathetic act plain as day soon as they hit puberty? And then learning about sex from internet porn?

I think that If I’m ever lucky enough to have kids I’ll say around them “daddy needs to spend time with mommy” when they are really young. Keep that lingo consistent then use it to tell them what was actually happening when they hit puberty. “yea son, your mom and I fuck regularly to stay healthy and happy”

Start: Dec 2016 BPEL: 6.125" MEG: 5.5" (5' - 9" 264 lb)

Curr: Oct 2017 BPEL: 6.75" MEG: 5.625" (5' - 9" 245 lb)

Goal: 7.5" x 6" .......I want to win the dick swinging contest.


No offence but I’m completely unable to understand how is possible to reconciling this:

Originally Posted by kingscounty
It’s funny this was finally brought up here because I have 6 kids

with this:

Originally Posted by kingscounty
This is my old mixed routine and I’m somewhat back on

Warm wrap 5 mins (always before each set)

Clamp 5-10 mins (not too much pressure)

20 mins hanging x 3 sets

Clamp 5-10

20 mins hanging x 3 sets

warm down with the bathmate

Every other day light air pump routine of 10-15 mins (don’t think I could’ve done this at heavier weights 12+lbs)

Probably we live in two really different reality, because a lot, really a lot of free time is required to do this. I repeat, no offence.

What is doing PE right? Getting the proper stimulation to recovery ratio. The other critical factor is: if you get vastly improved EQ, your chances of growth are far better! (cit. sparkyx) Warning! If you haven't gotten improved erections:

Some good responses, some I also do not agree with. I give props to DCDCK for trying to help your son straighten his curvature young.

For the people who brought up insecurity issues maybe they’re speaking from their own experience. “Do most guys think about the size of their penis” Umm a whopping YES, the hell they do. I’d say 95% of men give some thought to penis size and would like an increase. Not telling him because you think you’ll make him feel insecure if stupid. It’s the way you approach it. Telling him if he wants bigger biceps he can go do curls at the gym, would that make him insecure? NO. It gives him a little bit of knowledge that lets him know HEY if I do this I can have an advantage over the average person. I will approach disclosing PE the same way. Not with a quick text of a link. If he’s 17 I’ll probably sit him down on the back porch have a beer and tell him guy to guy man to man.

September 1, 2016 - BPEL: 6.675in MSEG 4.75in EL: 5.5in FG 3.75in FL 3.5in

November 28, 2023 - BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 5.75 EL: 8.5in FG 5.0in FL 5.25in

PE Goal - (set 9-1-2016) BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 6.5in EL: 8.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in | NEW PE Goal - (set 11-28-23) BPEL 9.25in MSEG 6.5in EL 9.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in

So how would that conversation go? Hey son just for your information if you’d like to make your dick bigger you can. So what’s the boy think? Well he thinks he’s old man is spying on him and his dick and well my dad must think I’m not up to snuff or he wouldn’t say anything about it. Biceps are seen and are not as personal or hidden as your penis.

Yes MEN think of dick size; I really don’t think teenage boys do.
Now if a parent doesn’t want to talk to thier kids about sex like in the old days well every school has these health/family life courses so they learn.

Originally Posted by Ypsilon


No offence but I’m completely unable to understand how is possible to reconciling this:

with this:

Probably we live in two really different reality, because a lot, really a lot of free time is required to do this. I repeat, no offence.

Yes I’d imagine we do live very different lives. 4 of my children are in school. I’m home most of the day which how I have the time to do PE. I’m not going to get into details, no offense taken.

Also if you read further I no longer have the time for that routine that was posted in the hanging section.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
So how would that conversation go? Hey son just for your information if you’d like to make your dick bigger you can. So what’s the boy think? Well he thinks he’s old man is spying on him and his dick and well my dad must think I’m not up to snuff or he wouldn’t say anything about it. Biceps are seen and are not as personal or hidden as your penis.

Yes MEN think of dick size; I really don’t think teenage boys do.
Now if a parent doesn’t want to talk to thier kids about sex like in the old days well every school has these health/family life courses so they learn.

Hey son some people care about penis size. I wanted to be bigger so I took it up as a hobby. I started out a normal and now I’m really big. PE has been really empowering for me, why wouldnt I want to teach a son?

Start: Dec 2016 BPEL: 6.125" MEG: 5.5" (5' - 9" 264 lb)

Curr: Oct 2017 BPEL: 6.75" MEG: 5.625" (5' - 9" 245 lb)

Goal: 7.5" x 6" .......I want to win the dick swinging contest.

Did you really care about dick size when you were 17?

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Did you really care about dick size when you were 17?

Yes 100% Thats when I first started expressing interest in PE. Though I was a bit warped. I thought there were actually guys with ‘footlongs’ 12” dicks walking around everywhere. I was very impatient too. And Ignorant on how PE actually works. I would’ve done well if I had some mature guidance on the matter. What I got was lots of snake oil salesmen who wanted my money and delivered no results and porn to cement my beliefs that monster cocks are standard.

Start: Dec 2016 BPEL: 6.125" MEG: 5.5" (5' - 9" 264 lb)

Curr: Oct 2017 BPEL: 6.75" MEG: 5.625" (5' - 9" 245 lb)

Goal: 7.5" x 6" .......I want to win the dick swinging contest.

I will my son to discover OR if he needed it



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