Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE & Your Kids

Jimmy I’ve read many of your post and I’m coming to the conclusion that your a pot stirrer. This is a site based on what? PENIS ENLARGEMENT

No I don’t think most people care about dick size and I hope my son doesn’t have the insecure issues I have and so he won’t care either. But if he does I want to be the one to help him get past it or ANY issues he or any of my kids may have, rather then finding the wrong answers on the street.

If you feel size doesn’t mean anything or if your not here for PE then why are you here? Because again this is a penis enlargement site. Most of us here did or do have an insecurity with our size or we wouldn’t be here.

I agree there many and more important things to teach them first however this is a post asking about how to approach the subject with a child that will eventually be a man and have questions.

So then put your insecurity on your son. Most young guys haven’t really thought of penis size. They just think about getting girls. The minute a respected figure, like a father, inquires about whether his son feel adequate in that department it will put the seed of doubt in their minds.Now if you think that’s a good thing then fine by me.Most people consider genitalia as a private thing and even children deserve that privacy.

Again your taking things different then what I’m saying, maybe things are getting lost in translation thru the screen. Your absolutely right no one should put a seed of doubt or their issues and insecurities on their children. However that’s not what I was saying. If my son comes to me with such an insecurity or issues when he’s an adult I would like to know or think of a way to approach the subject of PE. No I’m not going to sit down and say this is jelqing, this is stretching, this is pumping( only to be done after conditioning) this is clamping(also not to be done until conditioned) and so on, and so on. Does that clear up the PE thing for you Jimmyboy? Btw you never answered the original question on keeping sex a taboo subject and how it can or may affect someone later in life.

Sex as a taboo subject? In the age of the internet? You’re kidding right? They know things at 10 that I didn’t know til 25.

That doesn’t make it a non taboo subject in ones home. So go to the internet is what they should do or the street or wherever just don’t speak of such sin in your home.

See Jimmy I can mince words and pot stir too

With that go ahead and get the last word in like you always feel the need to as I’ve seen you do in other post. I’ve got too much to do for rest of the day to go back and forth like a couple old washmen.

Don’t be a dope; no one said they got to the internet; that’s what they should do. They go whether we want them to or not.Now you always this grumpy? Maybe you need lunch or something.

I have two sons in their 20s and I never discussed PE. Once, I told them about a
thrombophlebitis of my dorsal vein since I freaked out when it happened. The two of them were mortified and didn’t want details. It was almost like Dads should not talk about even having a penis much more than having a problem with it. My younger sons still brings that conversation up and how weird it was.

It’s only recently that my sons and I go to the gym and I get fully undressed in front of them to go to the shower. The first time both of them looked in horror when i did it without giving it a second thought. My response to their shock was, “Wow, Dad actually has a penis… who would have thought” and i pushed my hips forward. Needless to say they found no humor in it.

I figured by 20, they should not have an issue with me or any other male not being dressed in front of them. I grew up with nudity in the boy’s locker room in high school so was never a problem to me.

Looking back, perhaps it is best to talk about it frequently when they are younger.

Current: 7.5 BPEL, 6 BEG, 5.5 MSEG, 5 NBPFL, 5 FG, 8.25 BPFSL

Long term goal: 8 BPEL, 6 BEG, 6 MSEG, 5.5 NBPFL, 5 FG

Last edited by iceman67 : 10-03-2017 at .

Coming at it from another angle; I would have been freaked out if my dad brought up the subject, but I would certainly would have explored the idea afterwards.

Telling my oldest about this site was all I’ve ever done. No conversation at all, merely a link in a text telling the boy to check it out, and he’s never brought it up.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by a-unit
Coming at it from another angle; I would have been freaked out if my dad brought up the subject, but I would certainly would have explored the idea afterwards.

Telling my oldest about this site was all I’ve ever done. No conversation at all, merely a link in a text telling the boy to check it out, and he’s never brought it up.

I wonder if he had the same look on his face as my boys did when I got undressed to take a shower.

Current: 7.5 BPEL, 6 BEG, 5.5 MSEG, 5 NBPFL, 5 FG, 8.25 BPFSL

Long term goal: 8 BPEL, 6 BEG, 6 MSEG, 5.5 NBPFL, 5 FG

In many so-called primitive societies, kids are taught about sex and sexual function from very early in their lives and encouraged to look after, play with and generally love their genitals. Penis enlargement and genital cultivation and enhancement are taken for granted. And this is well before puberty, so when it comes it is no surprise but a wonderful gateway to mature adulthood.

I can recall having erections from when I was 6 or 7 and I wish my father had been man enough then to show me what it was all about.

A boy of 8 or so is quite mature and smart enough to be helped understand how his most important physical asset works and how to make it do so better. (Of course you have to take it slowly and ever so gently, but think how strong and well developed our dicks would be by the time those hormones really hit in).

So tell your boys and encourage them to love their dicks, and let them be prepared. Sex is not just or only an “adult” matter.

Do you really think that telling boys of about 8 about PE exercises would be good thing? You think they’re mature enough at 8 and won’t hurt themselves? We got guys on here much older than that and can’t accomplish not hurting themselves. How to you help an 8 year old with a hard flaccid?

I only have a girl, but I try to keep any knowledge of sex a secret from her. She’s 12 and I don’t even know if she knows the true difference between men and women yet? I refuse to talk of such things. When she was about 8, she was watching a T.V. show and they mentioned “having sex”. She asked me then what “having sex” was. My answer to the question, “I don’t know?”.

I fear her knowing anything about sex. I’m sure she might know more than I think, but she’s never confronted me on it. I like to think she knows nothing. It would be a dream for me if she never found out or decided to become a nun.

I’m sure if I had a son, I’d be the same. I would never talk to him about PE or my sex life.

Start 11/20/16 ====> 5.75" BPEL/ 4.5" EG. 1/19/17====> 6.625" BPEL/ 4.75" EG. 11/24/17====> 6.75" BPEL/ 4.75" EG.

Glad to be here.and making progress! :jelq: Check it out at: This is your life: My cock in pictures.

New Here? This is a great place to start.====>START HERE -----> NEWBIE ROUTINE <----- Important Newbie Info

Originally Posted by kavemonster

It would be rough on a boy to see his father hung like a Tapir, and himself hung normally, or high average. Then question why god fucked him over.

This is actually the whole reason for feeling insecure about my size, and starting PE for the first place. Always saw my dads huge wang growing up. Obviously never saw it erect, but he once told me he was 8.7 inches. The hard part about this shit that you believe when you’re a kid that you will end up with a dick much bigger than everyone elses, but then you grow up and realize that what you’ve got isn’t that impressive.

Although now with the help of PE I’m 7.1 inches BPEL and like 5.2 inches MSEG. Of everything I read on the internet I should be very pleased with my size and according to some statistics I am like the top few percents in the world, but knowing what I could have I feel like I am small.

Yeah no chance. Lifting weights, sports, how to talk to girls etc for sure.

I’m not handing down baseless insecurities voluntarily.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Sex as a taboo subject? In the age of the internet? You’re kidding right? They know things at 10 that I didn’t know til 25.

I learned about sex and intimacy from hard core internet porn. This is sad.

Start: Dec 2016 BPEL: 6.125" MEG: 5.5" (5' - 9" 264 lb)

Curr: Oct 2017 BPEL: 6.75" MEG: 5.625" (5' - 9" 245 lb)

Goal: 7.5" x 6" .......I want to win the dick swinging contest.


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