Thunder's Place

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Penimaster ..... ouch and discoloration

Penimaster ..... ouch and discoloration

I’m unsure as to where to include my questions concerning the Penismaster; so, I hope this is all right to place the thread here since it is about pe. For those of you who have and use the Penimaster, I have some related questions that I hope someone can help me with.

First, does anyone have a problem w/ the Penimaster pinching the skin when tightening up? Ouch…. it hurts like crap to get the skin pulled in as your tightening. Is there anything that can be done so that won’t happen, beyond that of just stopping?

Even when I can get past the point of pinching, the next thing is that I have to tighten so tight to keep it from sliding off the glans that it gets discolor and cold. Has anyone run into that problem and how did you correct that? That’s definitely not good so I’ve quit until a solution can be reached.

Goingstrongat forty

Just got a penimaster too…
Best is to wrap some bandage just below the head and ensure the skin is pulled right back. Its a bit more comfortable and helps stops the pinching.

Try also attaching the collar slightly down and on the shaft, but not too low

As for the coldness and discolouring - try taking the device off every hour and get the circulation moving again.

The joys of PE :-)


Use a is the best solution ever!

Originally Posted by goingstrongat forty
I’m unsure as to where to include my questions concerning the Penismaster; so, I hope this is all right to place the thread here since it is about pe. For those of you who have and use the Penimaster, I have some related questions that I hope someone can help me with.

First, does anyone have a problem w/ the Penimaster pinching the skin when tightening up? Ouch…. it hurts like crap to get the skin pulled in as your tightening. Is there anything that can be done so that won’t happen, beyond that of just stopping?

Even when I can get past the point of pinching, the next thing is that I have to tighten so tight to keep it from sliding off the glans that it gets discolor and cold. Has anyone run into that problem and how did you correct that? That’s definitely not good so I’ve quit until a solution can be reached.

Goingstrongat forty

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Hey goingstrong,

Have you read this thread??


Or how about this one?

ADS wearing/wrapping tips

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Can someone supply the Penimaster site so I can go check it out?

Originally Posted by creative1
Can someone supply the Penimaster site so I can go check it out?

So pinching, discoloration, coldness and pain appeal to you?


For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.


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