Originally Posted by Trapezius
Self-measured studies bpel then yeah you can compare your own measured standing bpel. Newest study of this kind got result of 16,78 cm (6,6") average length. Quite different than researcher measured results.https://onlinel ibrary.wiley.co … .1111/and.14053
This is the analysis calcsd reports for the above referenced Di Mauro study. They point out significant flaws with the study.
From calcsd:
Di Mauro et al. 2021
Authors: Marina Di Mauro, Camilla Tonioni, Andrea Cocci, Luis A. Kluth, Giorgio Ivan Russo, Juan Gomez Rivas, Giovanni Cacciamani, Gianmartin Cito, Girolamo Morelli, Gaia Polloni, Fabrizio di Maida, Daniel Giunti
Source: https://doi.org … .1111/and.14053
Country: Italy
Measurements: Self-reported, BP length, Shaft girth
n: 4685
Erect Length: 16.78cm (SD 2.55) - 6.61" (SD 1.00)
Erect Girth: 12.03cm (SD 3.82) - 4.74" (SD 1.50)
Flaccid Length: 9.47cm (SD 2.69) - 3.73" (SD 1.06)
Flaccid Girth: 9.59cm (SD 3.08) - 3.78" (SD 1.21)
The males sampled were gathered from andrological consultations, and included an appreciable proportion of likely undeveloped/underaged males, so it isn’t the most ideal sample, but at least it is one of very few self-reported studies where the researchers tried to standardize measuring methodology. It is quite remarkable how this study is almost identical in design to any of the other clinical studies with only the difference of having self-measurement rather than researcher measurement, and yet the result is such an extreme difference in SDs. The high SDs are easily explained as the addition of inter-measurer variation, rather than a reflection of the actual variability of penis size in a population. In other words, they probably didn’t do a good job of ensuring that people measured correctly. The many unreasonable consequences from the results of self reported studies like this depict a cautionary tale against relying on them for actual information. For example it has around 20% of guys too small and 10% of guys too big for the smallest and largest condoms in the world… probably mostly because of some ill-advised individuals measuring width, though the study’s unreliability from other biases reaches all the measures. Self-reported studies are a reflection of what people claim rather than what people have.
Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG
Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.
Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.