Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Physiologic Indicators (PIs) part II

Physiologic Indicators (PIs) part II

This was previously titled “Change your Attitude and Grow”. This is an updated version, and after a discussion with Remek, I agree that PIs part II is probably the proper title, because it is really an extension of the Physiologic approach.

Proper Attitudes to Help Growth

I think that it is important to get your attitude right, to increase your chances of success.

I think it is best to put GROWTH aside from your mind and go for a HEALTHY dick! [By doing that, you have a much greater chance of growing a big dick too!]

That is to say, go for easier, harder more frequent erections [Erectile Quality or EQ], along with a heavy flaccid…I might add, a constant slight hornyness too.

I say that because, almost universally, if you have your routine “in the zone” you will experience that.

If you are in “the zone” that gives you the BEST chance of growth.

Once you have the above PIs…gradually increase time/force while MAINTAINING those positive PIs.

This will allow you to find your ideal time/force, while avoiding excessive time/force that stops growth and can actually result in shrinkage.

If you begin to see diminution of those positive PIs…either stop the progression of your routine (time/force) or BETTER YET, take an extra day off and go back to the last productive parameter you were using.

It may be slow at first, but you will experience the benefit of more powerful dick, which in itself is great and great for better sex.

This alone is a wonderful immediate benefit, while working on the longer term benefit of a bigger dick.

By using a scientific progression of time/force, you are almost guaranteed to find a productive routine, and be able to stay in it far better and longer.

By rushing into your best guess, and constantly changing…it could be YEARS to find a productive routine…IF EVER!!!

Also, I advise guys to separate PE from entertainment.

That is to say, develop a scientific basic plan and SLOWLY increase time/force while maintaining positive PIs.

If you get carried away with your time/force because it feels good ( and God knows that it can), you can totally blow your routine and progress.

Further, I advise guys to stay away from chemical/vitamin enhancers (cialis, viagra, arginine etc) UNTIL they get a read on what their routine is doing as far as their PIs.

If you artificially enhance your erection, you will have no idea if you are overtraining…it will be masked by the chemical.

I truly believe that a healthy dick will grow much faster, better and safer than a beat to shit one.

I think any method of applied force to the penis can be productive if you understand what you are trying to do…and how to go about it in a scientific manor.

I just want to add one more thing…NEVER change a routine that IS resulting in progress!!!!!!

Wait until progress slows greatly or stops, then incrementally increase it until progress starts again.

The other alternative is to take a one or two week break and resume the routine that stopped working.

The time off is probably the wisest option to try first.

If during the break you make some gains…it reinforces the idea that you will benefit from occasional breaks more than increased time/force.

It is also an possible indicator of overtraining.

If you find you lose some progress during the break…shrinkage…it is a good indicator that you need to increase your time/force.

Its also best to try to break a growth plateau with increased time first, before trying increased force.

In the long run, the less force we use to achieve growth, the less likely to induce a fibrotic/toughening response that eventually will mandate a long deconditioning break.

Great post :thumbs:

These are nice ideas, but how do you know any of this is true?

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Empirical evidence based on my personal experience, questioning of and mentoring of others.

That would be anecdotal.


That’s not to say I don’t believe in the concepts driving PI theory, however.

Nice post Sparky. There ain’t much we do know to be true around these forums, but positive indictors is just another of the improvable theories I put a lot of faith on, and like a lot of theories on these forums, it has indeed proven itself, and me, well over the months. There is but one gripe I have with your entire post, and that is the BBC News style one sentence paragraphs. ;)

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Originally Posted by doubles
That would be anecdotal.


That’s not to say I don’t believe in the concepts driving PI theory, however.

em·pir·i·cal (ĕm-pîr’ĭ-kəl) pronunciation

a. Relying on or derived from observation or experiment: empirical results that supported the hypothesis.
b. Verifiable or provable by means of observation or experiment: empirical laws.
2. Guided by practical experience and not theory, especially in medicine.

How about “anecdotal” empirical evidence based on my personal experience, questioning of and mentoring of others…. ;)

Originally Posted by sparkyx
em·pir·i·cal (ĕm-pîr’ĭ-kəl) pronunciation

a. Relying on or derived from observation or experiment: empirical results that supported the hypothesis.
b. Verifiable or provable by means of observation or experiment: empirical laws.
2. Guided by practical experience and not theory, especially in medicine.

How about “anecdotal” empirical evidence based on my personal experience, questioning of and mentoring of others…. ;)

Hardcore! Finally someone is doing a scientific experiment to prove/disprove the theories of PE! This is exciting! How many were involved in the study? Where did it take place? How large was the control group? Is the study going to be published in a medical journal? If the study is published in a medical journal, will it be published in the annoying one-sentence-paragraph-BBC-News format?

Enquiring minds want to know!


Originally Posted by GlandMaster
Hardcore! Finally someone is doing a scientific experiment to prove/disprove the theories of PE! This is exciting! How many were involved in the study? Where did it take place? How large was the control group? Is the study going to be published in a medical journal? If the study is published in a medical journal, will it be published in the annoying one-sentence-paragraph-BBC-News format?

Enquiring minds want to know!


I’m curious GM…why the sarcasm?

I was asked what this was based on, I replied my experiences, what I have discussed with others and in mentoring others.

I don’t recall making claims of any studies, groups or publishing…did I miss something here?

I don’t see or recall making claims of proving or disproving the “theories of PE!” I am merely giving my observations and opinions based on my observations, conversations and personal experiments.

Is this outside of Thunders guidelines? You, as a Mod…tell me. Perhaps I missed something on my “annoying one-sentence-paragraph-BBC-News format in the guidelines?

Is this a forum for sharing ideas,theories and personal experiences…or did I miss something here also?

Was there some conclusion I’ve come to based on the above that you find offensive?

You are a Moderator…and obviously you also have some obligations here, so… if I am out of line…tell me straight up so I can correct my error.

Last edited by sparkyx : 05-23-2006 at .

Hi sparkyx,

I like your posts and I think you add a lot to the forum. However, I feel that your wording is too strong here. I honestly don’t think we are that far along in knowing what does and doesn’t work. That and although I don’t think you mean it to, it sounds a little guru-ish.



I have no problem with what you just wrote…and you are correct, no guru-ism was intended.

However, I don’t think the sarcastic comments by GM was either appropriate from a Moderator nor deserved.

My record here at Thunders speaks for itself, and I am more than happy to hear constructive criticism, as well as give it.

I think if we discuss with mutual respect, we all can benefit…sniping from the sidelines is uncalled for and unnecessary.

So to clarify this thread, these are my current findings, and working hypothesis based on my personal experiences, discussion with others and experiences of those I have mentored.

PE still an experimental art and this is what I currently wish to share for others to try or not… and judge for themselves.

Discussion is, as always a welcome part of this thread.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Huh? ;)

You know what I mean. ;)

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Originally Posted by sparkyx
Further, I advise guys to stay away from chemical/vitamin enhancers (cialis, viagra, arginine etc) UNTIL they get a read on what their routine is doing as far as their PIs.

If you artificially enhance your erection, you will have no idea if you are overtraining…it will be masked by the chemical.

I just want to add one more thing…NEVER change a routine that IS resulting in progress!!!!!!

Those points in particular really hit home with me. I had never considered that using Cialis (which I planned to do, up until now) might mask negative PI’s, but you’re exactly right. I’ve used Cialis and on a young guy like me, just 5mg of Cialis would give me an 11/10 erection just by thinking of Martha Stuart naked on a cold day. So I could see how using Cialis early in the PE process could be problematic. Later on down the road, however, once I’ve found a routine that doesn’t injure me and gives me gains (hopefully), then Cialis will most definitely be a part of my girth gaining quest. I find that my erections are at their very thickest measurements (at least 1/8th of an inch) thicker when I’m on just a low dose (5mg) of Cialis every other day or so. This could be beneficial in my planned pumping/edging regime, but again, only after I’ve found the routine that gives me healthy PI’s.

I know this thread is old, but thanks for this Sparyx!

Sparkyx the best. Thanks so much!

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