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Please help with a good length routine.

Please help with a good length routine.

I’ve been doing PE for a month and a half now, and have seen some girth gain and a minor length gain. I was looking for something to do particularly for length. Right now my length part of workout is something like this:

30 sec left
30 sec up
30 sec right
30 sec down
30 sec left
30 sec up
30 sec right
30 sec down
20 sec v-stretch
20 sec inverted v-stretch
20 sec v-stretch
20 sec inverted v-stretch
35 sec clockwise stretch
35 sec counter-clockwise stretch
30 sec squat stretch

Depending on the day and what I am doing, I also do from 150-350 wet jelqs and a one girth exercise.

What else is good for length? Thanks.

Anybody? Anything?

Length gains were always the toughest for me as well; girth came quickly. But I’ve learned that the 2 must be approached different. Girth must be “allowed” to happen, whereas length usually needs to be “forced.” But that I mean that you want full recovery for girth, but you don’t want the tissues to fully recover for length.

Since you’re girth is proportionately better than your length, try this:

250 wet jelqs & your current stretching routine (gradually pull harder over time).

2 15-minute stretch sessions (A.M. & P.M.) After each session do about 10 dry jelqs, just as a restorative for circulation.

So, girth 3x per week; length, everyday.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
Length gains were always the toughest for me as well; girth came quickly. But I’ve learned that the 2 must be approached different. Girth must be “allowed” to happen, whereas length usually needs to be “forced.” But that I mean that you want full recovery for girth, but you don’t want the tissues to fully recover for length.

Since you’re girth is proportionately better than your length, try this:

250 wet jelqs & your current stretching routine (gradually pull harder over time).

2 15-minute stretch sessions (A.M. & P.M.) After each session do about 10 dry jelqs, just as a restorative for circulation.

So, girth 3x per week; length, everyday.

How did that work out for you? Did you see nice gains and if so, how long did it take?

How long have you been doing your current routine.

I’ve been doing these stretches for around a month or so now.

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