Possible deformation from hanging?
Weird question. After hanging for several months (did it for six) I noticed after my sets a small area just under the tip of head, just under the hole that you pee from, was a raised up and kind of bunched up skin. I did notice after each times I hung, the pressure in this area, must have been becasue my head was pretty full of blood and really expaned, was raised up. I was up to 23 lbs of pressure. I never noticed this until a few months of hanging. I haven’t hung for months, and it is still there, about the size of half a pencil eraser. No pain or anything like that. Have you ever read of this happening to others? I thought I may have created a permenant adhesion or something. I really don’t want to go to the doc and reveal what I was doing etc…, but I am a little concerned. I just jelq now, haven’t lost any gains.
Thanks for info!