It would appear we are reaching a consensus. Member reports and the various studies cited all seem to point 2-3 months as the optimal deconditioning break.
Constructing a Model—Cybernetic vs. Fixed Schedule
Cybernetic. With this method, you follow Shiver’s approach of taking frequent measurements (every workout or at least weekly). As soon the gains either stop or dramatically slow, you immediately proceed to a 2-3 month deconditioning break.
Fixed schedule. With this method, you PE for a fixed period of time and then take a 2-3 month deconditioning break. The question here is how long to make the training phase. Opinions seem to range from 2-12 weeks, with the consensus being roughly 4-8 weeks.
Having read and researched and thought about all of this until the proverbial cows are ready to come home, here is what I have decided to do:
January—February 15, Train
February 15—April 15, Deconditioning Break
April 15—May, Train
June—August, Deconditioning Break
September—October15, Train
October 15—December, Deconditioning Break
The program is designed for long-term sustainability. You get the summer and holidays season off. You can plan for and around it. Lifestyle-wise and psychologically, it seems very doable for me.
Between now and June 1st, I’m going to finish two short-term experiments with my routine. Then I’ll take the summer off and begin anew in September.
Any comments or questions are more than welcome.
In closing, I’d like to acknowledge and thank everyone who has contributed to this thread. There is some heavy-duty brain-power at wok here at Thunder’s.
Thank you all,
Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?
Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher