Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Progress after a year or longer off?

I just took almost a month off which is not a long time off but for me it is. I just wanted to add to this thread that I think maybe people are over training that aren’t getting gains. Since I started back I have doing clamping and squeezes and jelqing maybe I’m at 4 days a week, I’m still trying to feel out the right amount of time for me. But let me tell you guys this after my time off my dick has felt bigger and fatter I did measure the length and it was still 8.5bp but it was an easy 8.5 with a regular hard on I usually needed a level 4 hard on to get my 8.5. So I’m thinking less is better I’m not sure as of yet. I also have been having excellent flaccid hangs the biggest ever I really thing my cock was way over worked and stressed out. Right now I’m itching to do a clamping routine but I’m not going to I’m taking the night off. I’m hoping that less will be more with me and I start irking out some gains again because I have been stuck for a long time. And it’s funny most of my gains came from a time when I did less and than I got caught in the trap thinking more must be better.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

On average, how much did you guys lose in lenght and girth in a 3-4 month break?


Starting, Feb. 04' BPEL 5.5, EG 4.5, Feb 06' BEPEL 6.00, EG 5.0

Summer goal- 6.25 BPEL, 5.25 EG, HELP ME GET IT!

Originally Posted by hobby
To those who have taken long breaks (a year or more) and then resumed PE, how well did you gain after the break compared to before? Did the rest help, hurt or make no difference?

I’d say my break was around 2 years if we’re talking consistency, I did workouts here and there but can’t have been more than one or two a month max. Got consistent again about 7 weeks ago and started with the newbie routine, gained 1/4” easily. And that’s not regaining lost size, it puts me at my biggest size ever.

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

I did pe for about 1.5 yrs. with the ol’ 2 days on 1 day off, or 3 on 1 off.

Although I wasnt very consistant, I was enough to achieve gains.

Trouble was I didnt get any. So as discouraged as I was, and I only did manual exercises, I then gave up.

Now 2 years and 1 girlfriend later, I have been on the ball.

Practically everyday,except a day off here and there.

(Kindof like the boot camp concept of do it till you cant, then do it some more)

I also switched from all manual exercises to no manual exercises at all.

I did jelq and squeeze for a couple months, but that was so I wouldnt hurt myself. Kindof a reconditioning before the big task ahead.

Now I only pump,clamp,and power jelq, and I am seeing results.

Especially right after a work out.

I was just under 6”x 4.75” during manual exercises, after a year and a half I was just under 6” x 4.75”.

Then 2 years off.

Now after a reconditioning, I consider my start date Feb. 1 2006.

And with only the items mentioned above.

After a good workout I am 6 1/2” x 5.5” all pumped and ready to go.

Even my girlfriend cant stop playing with my dick.

Granted I am sure those gains arent cemented yet, but if I am getting there, then they will eventually hold as I get bigger.

So was it the 2 year break or a different method or both. who knows, who cares as long as it is working.

Oh and today is March 30 2006. So there is your time period for my results.

Fuck yeah I’m happy!

I do off and on routines but I stretch daily. I almost think that my dick’s circumference was steady growing but my length gain were stunted. If anyone could comment tat would give me some direction. Thanks

The Plumber Starting @ 6.5x5 bpe 12/20/03 Now 7.0"x5-1/8" bpel 1/20/04 Goal @ 8.5x6.5 bpe

Update: Final round of PE completed. Gains of 0.125” BPEL and 0.25” EG.

Special thanks and acknowledgement to Shiver, Modesto, Xeno, Hobby and Thunder.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

Well, for me it has been interesting. Several years off with only slight JAI thrown into the mix every 6-8 months or so. Best to just say pretty much nothing.

I lost about 1/2” length in the process - I since understand the importance of properly cementing gains with a lengthy, low-intensity program for a long time afterwards. For me that will be shower jelqing for a short time every day.

Anyhow, after one month back with jelqing and JAI, I have gained a 1/4” back in length. The last remaining 1/4” might take some hanging, since that is how I got it initially (jelqing and manual stretching had stagnated for me at the time).

RE: deconditioning - my input, or more my current thinking is that I will give it a 2-month rest after I hit a plateau. I feel the deconditioning is great for not only the connective tissue (for future pliability), but also for erection quality - something I’ve been keen about as I hit midage and also the results of jelqing. There’s always a price.

I do think there is a point of diminishing returns on deconditioning. We just need to find a general approximation of that time period and work either way from that to find parameters.

One final thing - I have become a big advocate of low-medium intensity stuff in the hanging department and elsewhere. I will not do extreme, but rather more frequent and low intensity. I feel like I need to coax my connective tissues into growth, not blast them. I believe the body’s responses to this in other areas (ie., bodybuilding) supports this.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Should be mandatory reading for all new members I’m such a knuckle head I wouldn’t have listened anyway . I’m giving my penis a break.

Roger that!

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

A-unit where their any changes during your break and after you started back?

I have been looking on this site for a few weeks now for before and after pictures.
I mean clear side by side pictures at the same penis angle using the same ruler
I have been restoring my foreskin for some time now and on a different forum it shows tons of before and after foreskin side be side pictures
It is clear that foreskin restoration works

Now I would love to gain a inch or 2 to my penis (but does it work with other tissues other then skin tissue?)

Are there real clear picture on here that show real growth?
It there is I am having a hard time finding them.

Last edited by Al101 : 07-27-2013 at .

We have nothing like the photo logs I’v been told exist on some foreskin restoration sites. We do have some good before and afters but nothing that couldn’t be faked by someone with the knowhow and desire to do so. PE does work; it actually makes your dong bigger. But it takes a long term commitment and few indeed gain 2 inches.

START HERE ——-> NEWBIE ROUTINE <——- Important Newbie Info

Running a Massive Co-Front.

MX is definitely an interesting member, he made tremendous gains with minimal effort.
In his later career he did PE one day on one/two days off (3 days a week), for 6 weeks or so and then took 2-3 months off.

He clamped 1-3 x 10 mn (maximum expansion = strain, minimum force = clamp only as tight as needed MX - Gaining girth using IPR protocol , MX - Idea to prevent clamping discoloration) , and dry jelqed.

He increased his size everytime he came back to the routine, first he would recover lost gains then add some more ( MX - Successful clampers, I need a realistic girth goal).

Links to threads on breaks : MX - Systematic decon theories and opinions

A few scientific articles he mentioned MX - The Holy Grail of PE is found!!!.

Food for thought.

Originally Posted by Dino9X7

I just took almost a month off which is not a long time off but for me it is. I just wanted to add to this thread that I think maybe people are over training that aren’t getting gains. Since I started back I have doing clamping and squeezes and jelqing maybe I’m at 4 days a week, I’m still trying to feel out the right amount of time for me. But let me tell you guys this after my time off my dick has felt bigger and fatter I did measure the length and it was still 8.5bp but it was an easy 8.5 with a regular hard on I usually needed a level 4 hard on to get my 8.5. So I’m thinking less is better I’m not sure as of yet. I also have been having excellent flaccid hangs the biggest ever I really thing my cock was way over worked and stressed out. Right now I’m itching to do a clamping routine but I’m not going to I’m taking the night off. I’m hoping that less will be more with me and I start irking out some gains again because I have been stuck for a long time. And it’s funny most of my gains came from a time when I did less and than I got caught in the trap thinking more must be better.

I know this old but lately i been doing 1day on 2day off n 1 on 3day off.. when i come back from 1day on 3day off the penis feels really fatter and heavier right away when i start the jelqing part before clamping for the day!

8-2015 Started- Rock hard 6.5bpel" /6"nbpel x4.25 MEG". Current- 7.25-7.5bpel" x 4.6 base/ shaft girth!!! GOAL- 7.5bpel x 5" MEG/ 5.25"BEG


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